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# pushNotifications
Process: [Main ](../glossary.md#main-process )
> Register for and receive notifications from remote push notification services
For example, when registering for push notifications via Apple push notification services (APNS):
const { pushNotifications, Notification } = require('electron')
pushNotifications.registerForAPNSNotifications().then((token) => {
// forward token to your remote notification server
pushNotifications.on('received-apns-notification', (event, userInfo) => {
// generate a new Notification object with the relevant userInfo fields
## Events
The `pushNotification` module emits the following events:
#### Event: 'received-apns-notification' _macOS_
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* `event` Event
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* `userInfo` Record< String , any >
Emitted when the app receives a remote notification while running.
See: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsapplicationdelegate/1428430-application?language=objc
## Methods
The `pushNotification` module has the following methods:
### `pushNotifications.registerForAPNSNotifications()` _macOS_
Returns `Promise<string>`
Registers the app with Apple Push Notification service (APNS) to receive [Badge, Sound, and Alert ](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/sremotenotificationtype?language=objc ) notifications. If registration is successful, the promise will be resolved with the APNS device token. Otherwise, the promise will be rejected with an error message.
See: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsapplication/1428476-registerforremotenotificat iontyp?language=objc
### `pushNotifications.unregisterForAPNSNotifications()` _macOS_
Unregisters the app from notifications received from APNS.
See: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsapplication/1428747-unregisterforremotenotifications?language=objc