2022-10-20 14:49:49 +09:00
# utilityProcess
`utilityProcess` creates a child process with
Node.js and Message ports enabled. It provides the equivalent of [`child_process.fork` ][] API from Node.js
but instead uses [Services API][] from Chromium to launch the child process.
Process: [Main ](../glossary.md#main-process )< br />
## Methods
### `utilityProcess.fork(modulePath[, args][, options])`
* `modulePath` string - Path to the script that should run as entrypoint in the child process.
* `args` string[] (optional) - List of string arguments that will be available as `process.argv`
in the child process.
* `options` Object (optional)
* `env` Object (optional) - Environment key-value pairs. Default is `process.env` .
* `execArgv` string[] (optional) - List of string arguments passed to the executable.
* `cwd` string (optional) - Current working directory of the child process.
* `stdio` (string[] | string) (optional) - Allows configuring the mode for `stdout` and `stderr`
of the child process. Default is `inherit` .
String value can be one of `pipe` , `ignore` , `inherit` , for more details on these values you can refer to
[stdio][] documentation from Node.js. Currently this option only supports configuring `stdout` and
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`stderr` to either `pipe` , `inherit` or `ignore` . Configuring `stdin` to any property other than `ignore` is not supported and will result in an error.
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For example, the supported values will be processed as following:
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* `pipe` : equivalent to \['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe']
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* `ignore` : equivalent to \['ignore', 'ignore', 'ignore']
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* `inherit` : equivalent to \['ignore', 'inherit', 'inherit'] (the default)
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* `serviceName` string (optional) - Name of the process that will appear in `name` property of
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[`ProcessMetric` ](structures/process-metric.md ) returned by [`app.getAppMetrics` ](app.md#appgetappmetrics )
and [`child-process-gone` event of `app` ](app.md#event-child-process-gone ).
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Default is `Node Utility Process` .
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* `allowLoadingUnsignedLibraries` boolean (optional) _macOS_ - With this flag, the utility process will be
launched via the `Electron Helper (Plugin).app` helper executable on macOS, which can be
codesigned with `com.apple.security.cs.disable-library-validation` and
`com.apple.security.cs.allow-unsigned-executable-memory` entitlements. This will allow the utility process
to load unsigned libraries. Unless you specifically need this capability, it is best to leave this disabled.
Default is `false` .
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* `respondToAuthRequestsFromMainProcess` boolean (optional) - With this flag, all HTTP 401 and 407 network
requests created via the [net module ](net.md ) will allow responding to them via the [`app#login` ](app.md#event-login ) event in the main process instead of the default [`login` ](client-request.md#event-login ) event on the [`ClientRequest` ](client-request.md ) object.
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Returns [`UtilityProcess` ](utility-process.md#class-utilityprocess )
## Class: UtilityProcess
> Instances of the `UtilityProcess` represent the Chromium spawned child process
> with Node.js integration.
`UtilityProcess` is an [EventEmitter][event-emitter].
### Instance Methods
#### `child.postMessage(message, [transfer])`
* `message` any
* `transfer` MessagePortMain[] (optional)
Send a message to the child process, optionally transferring ownership of
zero or more [`MessagePortMain` ][] objects.
For example:
// Main process
const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannelMain()
const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'test.js'))
child.postMessage({ message: 'hello' }, [port1])
// Child process
process.parentPort.once('message', (e) => {
const [port] = e.ports
// ...
#### `child.kill()`
Returns `boolean`
Terminates the process gracefully. On POSIX, it uses SIGTERM
but will ensure the process is reaped on exit. This function returns
true if the kill is successful, and false otherwise.
### Instance Properties
#### `child.pid`
A `Integer | undefined` representing the process identifier (PID) of the child process.
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Until the child process has spawned successfully, the value is `undefined` . When
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the child process exits, then the value is `undefined` after the `exit` event is emitted.
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const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'test.js'))
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console.log(child.pid) // undefined
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child.on('spawn', () => {
console.log(child.pid) // Integer
child.on('exit', () => {
console.log(child.pid) // undefined
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**Note:** You can use the `pid` to determine if the process is currently running.
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#### `child.stdout`
A `NodeJS.ReadableStream | null` that represents the child process's stdout.
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If the child was spawned with options.stdio\[1] set to anything other than 'pipe', then this will be `null` .
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When the child process exits, then the value is `null` after the `exit` event is emitted.
// Main process
const { port1, port2 } = new MessageChannelMain()
const child = utilityProcess.fork(path.join(__dirname, 'test.js'))
child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
console.log(`Received chunk ${data}` )
#### `child.stderr`
A `NodeJS.ReadableStream | null` that represents the child process's stderr.
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If the child was spawned with options.stdio\[2] set to anything other than 'pipe', then this will be `null` .
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When the child process exits, then the value is `null` after the `exit` event is emitted.
### Instance Events
#### Event: 'spawn'
Emitted once the child process has spawned successfully.
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#### Event: 'error' _Experimental_
* `type` string - Type of error. One of the following values:
* `FatalError`
* `location` string - Source location from where the error originated.
* `report` string - [`Node.js diagnostic report` ][].
Emitted when the child process needs to terminate due to non continuable error from V8.
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No matter if you listen to the `error` event, the `exit` event will be emitted after the
child process terminates.
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#### Event: 'exit'
* `code` number - Contains the exit code for
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the process obtained from waitpid on POSIX, or GetExitCodeProcess on Windows.
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Emitted after the child process ends.
#### Event: 'message'
* `message` any
Emitted when the child process sends a message using [`process.parentPort.postMessage()` ](process.md#processparentport ).
[`child_process.fork` ]: https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v16.x/docs/api/child_process.html#child_processforkmodulepath -args-options
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[Services API]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/docs/mojo_and_services.md
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[stdio]: https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/docs/api/child_process.html#optionsstdio
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[event-emitter]: https://nodejs.org/api/events.html#events_class_eventemitter
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[`MessagePortMain` ]: message-port-main.md
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[`Node.js diagnostic report` ]: https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/report.html#diagnostic -report