600 lines
17 KiB
600 lines
17 KiB
![]() |
#!/usr/bin/env node
const childProcess = require('child_process')
const fs = require('fs')
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')
const { GitProcess } = require('dugite')
const GitHub = require('github')
const semver = require('semver')
const CACHE_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '.cache')
const NO_NOTES = 'No notes'
const FOLLOW_REPOS = [ 'electron/electron', 'electron/libchromiumcontent', 'electron/node' ]
const github = new GitHub()
const gitDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..')
github.authenticate({ type: 'token', token: process.env.ELECTRON_GITHUB_TOKEN })
const breakTypes = new Set(['breaking-change'])
const docTypes = new Set(['doc', 'docs'])
const featTypes = new Set(['feat', 'feature'])
const fixTypes = new Set(['fix'])
const otherTypes = new Set(['spec', 'build', 'test', 'chore', 'deps', 'refactor', 'tools', 'vendor', 'perf', 'style', 'ci'])
const knownTypes = new Set([...breakTypes.keys(), ...docTypes.keys(), ...featTypes.keys(), ...fixTypes.keys(), ...otherTypes.keys()])
const semanticMap = new Map()
for (const line of fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'legacy-pr-semantic-map.csv'), 'utf8').split('\n')) {
if (!line) {
const bits = line.split(',')
if (bits.length !== 2) {
semanticMap.set(bits[0], bits[1])
const runGit = async (dir, args) => {
const response = await GitProcess.exec(args, dir)
if (response.exitCode !== 0) {
throw new Error(response.stderr.trim())
return response.stdout.trim()
const getCommonAncestor = async (dir, point1, point2) => {
return runGit(dir, ['merge-base', point1, point2])
const setPullRequest = (commit, owner, repo, number) => {
if (!owner || !repo || !number) {
throw new Error(JSON.stringify({ owner, repo, number }, null, 2))
if (!commit.originalPr) {
commit.originalPr = commit.pr
commit.pr = { owner, repo, number }
if (!commit.originalPr) {
commit.originalPr = commit.pr
const getNoteFromBody = body => {
if (!body) {
return null
const NOTE_PREFIX = 'Notes: '
let note = body
.split(/\r?\n\r?\n/) // split into paragraphs
.map(paragraph => paragraph.trim())
.find(paragraph => paragraph.startsWith(NOTE_PREFIX))
if (note) {
const placeholder = '<!-- One-line Change Summary Here-->'
note = note
.replace(placeholder, '')
.replace(/\r?\n/, ' ') // remove newlines
if (note) {
if (note.match(/^[Nn]o[ _-][Nn]otes\.?$/)) {
return NO_NOTES
if (note.match(/^[Nn]one\.?$/)) {
return NO_NOTES
return note
* Looks for our project's conventions in the commit message:
* 'semantic: some description' -- sets type, subject
* 'some description (#99999)' -- sets subject, pr
* 'Fixes #3333' -- sets issueNumber
* 'Merge pull request #99999 from ${branchname}' -- sets pr
* 'This reverts commit ${sha}' -- sets revertHash
* line starting with 'BREAKING CHANGE' in body -- sets breakingChange
* 'Backport of #99999' -- sets pr
const parseCommitMessage = (commitMessage, owner, repo, commit = {}) => {
// split commitMessage into subject & body
let subject = commitMessage
let body = ''
const pos = subject.indexOf('\n')
if (pos !== -1) {
body = subject.slice(pos).trim()
subject = subject.slice(0, pos).trim()
if (!commit.originalSubject) {
commit.originalSubject = subject
if (body) {
commit.body = body
const note = getNoteFromBody(body)
if (note) { commit.note = note }
// if the subject ends in ' (#dddd)', treat it as a pull request id
let match
if ((match = subject.match(/^(.*)\s\(#(\d+)\)$/))) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, parseInt(match[2]))
subject = match[1]
// if the subject begins with 'word:', treat it as a semantic commit
if ((match = subject.match(/^(\w+):\s(.*)$/))) {
commit.type = match[1].toLocaleLowerCase()
subject = match[2]
// Check for GitHub commit message that indicates a PR
if ((match = subject.match(/^Merge pull request #(\d+) from (.*)$/))) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, parseInt(match[1]))
commit.pr.branch = match[2].trim()
// Check for a trop comment that indicates a PR
if ((match = commitMessage.match(/\bBackport of #(\d+)\b/))) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, parseInt(match[1]))
// https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-using-keywords/
if ((match = subject.match(/\b(?:close|closes|closed|fix|fixes|fixed|resolve|resolves|resolved|for)\s#(\d+)\b/))) {
commit.issueNumber = parseInt(match[1])
if (!commit.type) {
commit.type = 'fix'
// look for 'fixes' in markdown; e.g. 'Fixes [#8952](https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/8952)'
if (!commit.issueNumber && ((match = commitMessage.match(/Fixes \[#(\d+)\]\(https:\/\/github.com\/(\w+)\/(\w+)\/issues\/(\d+)\)/)))) {
commit.issueNumber = parseInt(match[1])
if (commit.pr && commit.pr.number === commit.issueNumber) {
commit.pr = null
if (commit.originalPr && commit.originalPr.number === commit.issueNumber) {
commit.originalPr = null
if (!commit.type) {
commit.type = 'fix'
// https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en
if (commitMessage
.split(/\r?\n\r?\n/) // split into paragraphs
.map(paragraph => paragraph.trim())
.some(paragraph => paragraph.startsWith('BREAKING CHANGE'))) {
commit.type = 'breaking-change'
// Check for a reversion commit
if ((match = body.match(/This reverts commit ([a-f0-9]{40})\./))) {
commit.revertHash = match[1]
// Edge case: manual backport where commit has `owner/repo#pull` notation
if (commitMessage.toLowerCase().includes('backport') &&
((match = commitMessage.match(/\b(\w+)\/(\w+)#(\d+)\b/)))) {
const [ , owner, repo, number ] = match
if (FOLLOW_REPOS.includes(`${owner}/${repo}`)) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, number)
// Edge case: manual backport where commit has a link to the backport PR
if (commitMessage.includes('ackport') &&
((match = commitMessage.match(/https:\/\/github\.com\/(\w+)\/(\w+)\/pull\/(\d+)/)))) {
const [ , owner, repo, number ] = match
if (FOLLOW_REPOS.includes(`${owner}/${repo}`)) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, number)
// Legacy commits: pre-semantic commits
if (!commit.type || commit.type === 'chore') {
const commitMessageLC = commitMessage.toLocaleLowerCase()
if ((match = commitMessageLC.match(/\bchore\((\w+)\):/))) {
// example: 'Chore(docs): description'
commit.type = knownTypes.has(match[1]) ? match[1] : 'chore'
} else if (commitMessageLC.match(/\b(?:fix|fixes|fixed)/)) {
// example: 'fix a bug'
commit.type = 'fix'
} else if (commitMessageLC.match(/\[(?:docs|doc)\]/)) {
// example: '[docs]
commit.type = 'doc'
commit.subject = subject.trim()
return commit
const getLocalCommitHashes = async (dir, ref) => {
const args = ['log', '-z', `--format=%H`, ref]
return (await runGit(dir, args)).split(`\0`).map(hash => hash.trim())
* possible properties:
* breakingChange, email, hash, issueNumber, originalSubject, parentHashes,
* pr { owner, repo, number, branch }, revertHash, subject, type
const getLocalCommitDetails = async (module, point1, point2) => {
const { owner, repo, dir } = module
const fieldSep = '||'
const format = ['%H', '%P', '%aE', '%B'].join(fieldSep)
const args = ['log', '-z', '--cherry-pick', '--right-only', '--first-parent', `--format=${format}`, `${point1}..${point2}`]
const commits = (await runGit(dir, args)).split(`\0`).map(field => field.trim())
const details = []
for (const commit of commits) {
if (!commit) {
const [ hash, parentHashes, email, commitMessage ] = commit.split(fieldSep, 4).map(field => field.trim())
details.push(parseCommitMessage(commitMessage, owner, repo, {
parentHashes: parentHashes.split()
return details
const checkCache = async (name, operation) => {
const filename = path.resolve(CACHE_DIR, name)
if (fs.existsSync(filename)) {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'))
const response = await operation()
if (response) {
fs.writeFileSync(filename, JSON.stringify(response))
return response
const getPullRequest = async (number, owner, repo) => {
const name = `${owner}-${repo}-pull-${number}`
return checkCache(name, async () => {
try {
return await github.pullRequests.get({ number, owner, repo })
} catch (error) {
// Silently eat 404s.
// We can get a bad pull number if someone manually lists
// an issue number in PR number notation, e.g. 'fix: foo (#123)'
if (error.code !== 404) {
throw error
const addRepoToPool = async (pool, repo, from, to) => {
const commonAncestor = await getCommonAncestor(repo.dir, from, to)
const oldHashes = await getLocalCommitHashes(repo.dir, from)
oldHashes.forEach(hash => { pool.processedHashes.add(hash) })
const commits = await getLocalCommitDetails(repo, commonAncestor, to)
**** Other Repos
// other repos - gyp
const getGypSubmoduleRef = async (dir, point) => {
// example: '160000 commit 028b0af83076cec898f4ebce208b7fadb715656e libchromiumcontent'
const response = await runGit(
['ls-tree', '-t', point, path.basename(dir)]
const line = response.split('\n').filter(line => line.startsWith('160000')).shift()
const tokens = line ? line.split(/\s/).map(token => token.trim()) : null
const ref = tokens && tokens.length >= 3 ? tokens[2] : null
return ref
const getDependencyCommitsGyp = async (pool, fromRef, toRef) => {
const commits = []
const repos = [{
owner: 'electron',
repo: 'libchromiumcontent',
dir: path.resolve(gitDir, 'vendor', 'libchromiumcontent')
}, {
owner: 'electron',
repo: 'node',
dir: path.resolve(gitDir, 'vendor', 'node')
for (const repo of repos) {
const from = await getGypSubmoduleRef(repo.dir, fromRef)
const to = await getGypSubmoduleRef(repo.dir, toRef)
await addRepoToPool(pool, repo, from, to)
return commits
// other repos - gn
const getDepsVariable = async (ref, key) => {
// get a copy of that reference point's DEPS file
const deps = await runGit(gitDir, ['show', `${ref}:DEPS`])
const filename = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), 'DEPS')
fs.writeFileSync(filename, deps)
// query the DEPS file
const response = childProcess.spawnSync(
['getdep', '--deps-file', filename, '--var', key],
{ encoding: 'utf8' }
// cleanup
return response.stdout.trim()
const getDependencyCommitsGN = async (pool, fromRef, toRef) => {
const repos = [{ // just node
owner: 'electron',
repo: 'node',
dir: path.resolve(gitDir, '..', 'third_party', 'electron_node'),
deps_variable_name: 'node_version'
for (const repo of repos) {
// the 'DEPS' file holds the dependency reference point
const key = repo.deps_variable_name
const from = await getDepsVariable(fromRef, key)
const to = await getDepsVariable(toRef, key)
await addRepoToPool(pool, repo, from, to)
// other repos - controller
const getDependencyCommits = async (pool, from, to) => {
const filename = path.resolve(gitDir, 'vendor', 'libchromiumcontent')
const useGyp = fs.existsSync(filename)
return useGyp
? getDependencyCommitsGyp(pool, from, to)
: getDependencyCommitsGN(pool, from, to)
**** Main
const getNotes = async (fromRef, toRef) => {
if (!fs.existsSync(CACHE_DIR)) {
const pool = {
processedHashes: new Set(),
commits: []
// get the electron/electron commits
const electron = { owner: 'electron', repo: 'electron', dir: gitDir }
await addRepoToPool(pool, electron, fromRef, toRef)
// Don't include submodules if comparing across major versions;
// there's just too much churn otherwise.
const includeDeps = semver.valid(fromRef) &&
semver.valid(toRef) &&
semver.major(fromRef) === semver.major(toRef)
if (includeDeps) {
await getDependencyCommits(pool, fromRef, toRef)
// remove any old commits
pool.commits = pool.commits.filter(commit => !pool.processedHashes.has(commit.hash))
// if a commmit _and_ revert occurred in the unprocessed set, skip them both
for (const commit of pool.commits) {
const revertHash = commit.revertHash
if (!revertHash) {
const revert = pool.commits.find(commit => commit.hash === revertHash)
if (!revert) {
commit.note = NO_NOTES
revert.note = NO_NOTES
// scrape PRs for release note 'Notes:' comments
for (const commit of pool.commits) {
let pr = commit.pr
while (pr && !commit.note) {
const prData = await getPullRequest(pr.number, pr.owner, pr.repo)
if (!prData || !prData.data) {
// try to pull a release note from the pull comment
commit.note = getNoteFromBody(prData.data.body)
if (commit.note) {
// if the PR references another PR, maybe follow it
parseCommitMessage(`${prData.data.title}\n\n${prData.data.body}`, pr.owner, pr.repo, commit)
pr = pr.number !== commit.pr.number ? commit.pr : null
// remove uninteresting commits
pool.commits = pool.commits
.filter(commit => commit.note !== NO_NOTES)
.filter(commit => !((commit.note || commit.subject).match(/^[Bb]ump v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)))
const notes = {
breaks: [],
docs: [],
feat: [],
fix: [],
other: [],
unknown: [],
ref: toRef
pool.commits.forEach(commit => {
const str = commit.type
if (!str) {
} else if (breakTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (docTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (featTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (fixTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (otherTypes.has(str)) {
} else {
return notes
**** Render
const renderCommit = commit => {
// clean up the note
let note = commit.note || commit.subject
note = note.trim()
if (note.length !== 0) {
note = note[0].toUpperCase() + note.substr(1)
if (!note.endsWith('.')) {
note = note + '.'
const commonVerbs = {
'Added': [ 'Add' ],
'Backported': [ 'Backport' ],
'Cleaned': [ 'Clean' ],
'Disabled': [ 'Disable' ],
'Ensured': [ 'Ensure' ],
'Exported': [ 'Export' ],
'Fixed': [ 'Fix', 'Fixes' ],
'Handled': [ 'Handle' ],
'Improved': [ 'Improve' ],
'Made': [ 'Make' ],
'Removed': [ 'Remove' ],
'Repaired': [ 'Repair' ],
'Reverted': [ 'Revert' ],
'Stopped': [ 'Stop' ],
'Updated': [ 'Update' ],
'Upgraded': [ 'Upgrade' ]
for (const [key, values] of Object.entries(commonVerbs)) {
for (const value of values) {
const start = `${value} `
if (note.startsWith(start)) {
note = `${key} ${note.slice(start.length)}`
// make a GH-markdown-friendly link
let link
const pr = commit.originalPr
if (!pr) {
link = `https://github.com/${commit.owner}/${commit.repo}/commit/${commit.hash}`
} else if (pr.owner === 'electron' && pr.repo === 'electron') {
link = `#${pr.number}`
} else {
link = `[${pr.owner}/${pr.repo}:${pr.number}](https://github.com/${pr.owner}/${pr.repo}/pull/${pr.number})`
return { note, link }
const renderNotes = notes => {
const rendered = [ `# Release Notes for ${notes.ref}\n\n` ]
const renderSection = (title, commits) => {
if (commits.length === 0) {
const notes = new Map()
for (const note of commits.map(commit => renderCommit(commit))) {
if (!notes.has(note.note)) {
notes.set(note.note, [note.link])
} else {
rendered.push(`## ${title}\n\n`)
const lines = []
notes.forEach((links, key) => lines.push(` * ${key} ${links.map(link => link.toString()).sort().join(', ')}\n`))
rendered.push(...lines.sort(), '\n')
renderSection('Breaking Changes', notes.breaks)
renderSection('Features', notes.feat)
renderSection('Fixes', notes.fix)
renderSection('Other Changes', notes.other)
if (notes.docs.length) {
const docs = notes.docs.map(commit => {
return commit.pr && commit.pr.number
? `#${commit.pr.number}`
: `https://github.com/electron/electron/commit/${commit.hash}`
rendered.push('## Documentation\n\n', ` * Documentation changes: ${docs.join(', ')}\n`, '\n')
renderSection('Unknown', notes.unknown)
return rendered.join('')
**** Module
module.exports = {
get: getNotes,
render: renderNotes