In this next step, we will create our `BrowserWindow` and tell our application how to handle an event in which an external protocol is clicked.
This code will be different in WindowsOS compared to MacOS and Linux. This is due to Windows requiring additional code in order to open the contents of the protocol link within the same electron instance. Read more about this [here](
This feature will only work on macOS when your app is packaged. It will not work when you're launching it in development from the command-line. When you package your app you'll need to make sure the macOS `plist` for the app is updated to include the new protocol handler. If you're using [`electron-packager`]( then you
can add the flag `--extend-info` with a path to the `plist` you've created. The one for this app is below:
After you start your electron app, you can now enter in a URL in your browser that contains the custom protocol, for example `"electron-fiddle://open"` and observe that the application will respond and show an error dialog box.
Because Electron examples usually require multiple files (HTML, CSS, JS
for the main and renderer process, etc.), we use this custom code block
for Fiddle (
Please modify any of the files in the referenced folder to fit your
The content in this codeblock will not be rendered in the website so you