description: "There are several ways to update an Electron application. The easiest and officially supported one is taking advantage of the built-in Squirrel framework and Electron's autoUpdater module."
slug: tutorial-publishing-updating
hide_title: false
:::info Follow along the tutorial
This is **part 6** of the Electron tutorial.
1. [Prerequisites][prerequisites]
1. [Building your First App][building your first app]
1. [Using Preload Scripts][preload]
1. [Adding Features][features]
1. [Packaging Your Application][packaging]
1.**[Publishing and Updating][updates]**
## Learning goals
If you've been following along, this is the last step of the tutorial! In this part,
you will publish your app to GitHub releases and integrate automatic updates
into your app code.
## Using
The Electron maintainers provide a free auto-updating service for open-source apps
at Its requirements are:
- Your app runs on macOS or Windows
- Your app has a public GitHub repository
- Builds are published to [GitHub releases]
- Builds are [code signed][code-signed]
At this point, we'll assume that you have already pushed all your
code to a public GitHub repository.
:::info Alternative update services
If you're using an alternate repository host (e.g. GitLab or Bitbucket) or if
you need to keep your code repository private, please refer to our
[step-by-step guide][update-server] on hosting your own Electron update server.
## Publishing a GitHub release
Electron Forge has [Publisher] plugins that can automate the distribution
of your packaged application to various sources. In this tutorial, we will
be using the GitHub Publisher, which will allow us to publish
our code to GitHub releases.
### Generating a personal access token
Forge cannot publish to any repository on GitHub without permission. You
need to pass in an authenticated token that gives Forge access to
your GitHub releases. The easiest way to do this is to
[create a new personal access token (PAT)][new-pat]
with the `public_repo` scope, which gives write access to your public repositories.
**Make sure to keep this token a secret.**
### Setting up the GitHub Publisher
#### Installing the module
Forge's [GitHub Publisher] is a plugin that
needs to be installed in your project's `devDependencies`: