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var app, electron, extensionInfoMap, fs, getExtensionInfoFromPath, getHostForPath, getPathForHost, hostPathMap, hostPathMapNextKey, loadedExtensions, loadedExtensionsPath, path, url;
electron = require('electron');
fs = require('fs');
path = require('path');
url = require('url');
/* Mapping between hostname and file path. */
hostPathMap = {};
hostPathMapNextKey = 0;
getHostForPath = function(path) {
var key;
key = "extension-" + (++hostPathMapNextKey);
hostPathMap[key] = path;
return key;
getPathForHost = function(host) {
return hostPathMap[host];
/* Cache extensionInfo. */
extensionInfoMap = {};
getExtensionInfoFromPath = function(srcDirectory) {
var manifest, page;
manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(srcDirectory, 'manifest.json')));
if (extensionInfoMap[manifest.name] == null) {
We can not use 'file://' directly because all resources in the extension
will be treated as relative to the root in Chrome.
page = url.format({
protocol: 'chrome-extension',
slashes: true,
hostname: getHostForPath(srcDirectory),
pathname: manifest.devtools_page
extensionInfoMap[manifest.name] = {
startPage: page,
name: manifest.name,
srcDirectory: srcDirectory,
exposeExperimentalAPIs: true
return extensionInfoMap[manifest.name];
/* The loaded extensions cache and its persistent path. */
loadedExtensions = null;
loadedExtensionsPath = null;
/* Persistent loaded extensions. */
app = electron.app;
app.on('will-quit', function() {
var e, error1, error2;
try {
loadedExtensions = Object.keys(extensionInfoMap).map(function(key) {
return extensionInfoMap[key].srcDirectory;
try {
} catch (error1) {
e = error1;
return fs.writeFileSync(loadedExtensionsPath, JSON.stringify(loadedExtensions));
} catch (error2) {
e = error2;
/* We can not use protocol or BrowserWindow until app is ready. */
app.once('ready', function() {
var BrowserWindow, chromeExtensionHandler, e, error1, i, init, len, protocol, srcDirectory;
protocol = electron.protocol, BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow;
/* Load persistented extensions. */
loadedExtensionsPath = path.join(app.getPath('userData'), 'DevTools Extensions');
try {
loadedExtensions = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(loadedExtensionsPath));
if (!Array.isArray(loadedExtensions)) {
loadedExtensions = [];
/* Preheat the extensionInfo cache. */
for (i = 0, len = loadedExtensions.length; i < len; i++) {
srcDirectory = loadedExtensions[i];
} catch (error1) {
e = error1;
/* The chrome-extension: can map a extension URL request to real file path. */
chromeExtensionHandler = function(request, callback) {
var directory, parsed;
parsed = url.parse(request.url);
if (!(parsed.hostname && (parsed.path != null))) {
return callback();
if (!/extension-\d+/.test(parsed.hostname)) {
return callback();
directory = getPathForHost(parsed.hostname);
if (directory == null) {
return callback();
return callback(path.join(directory, parsed.path));
protocol.registerFileProtocol('chrome-extension', chromeExtensionHandler, function(error) {
if (error) {
return console.error('Unable to register chrome-extension protocol');
BrowserWindow.prototype._loadDevToolsExtensions = function(extensionInfoArray) {
var ref;
return (ref = this.devToolsWebContents) != null ? ref.executeJavaScript("DevToolsAPI.addExtensions(" + (JSON.stringify(extensionInfoArray)) + ");") : void 0;
BrowserWindow.addDevToolsExtension = function(srcDirectory) {
var extensionInfo, j, len1, ref, window;
extensionInfo = getExtensionInfoFromPath(srcDirectory);
if (extensionInfo) {
ref = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows();
for (j = 0, len1 = ref.length; j < len1; j++) {
window = ref[j];
return extensionInfo.name;
BrowserWindow.removeDevToolsExtension = function(name) {
return delete extensionInfoMap[name];
/* Load persistented extensions when devtools is opened. */
init = BrowserWindow.prototype._init;
return BrowserWindow.prototype._init = function() {
return this.on('devtools-opened', function() {
return this._loadDevToolsExtensions(Object.keys(extensionInfoMap).map(function(key) {
return extensionInfoMap[key];