To write automated tests for your Electron app, you will need a way to "drive" your application. [Spectron]( is a commonly-used solution which lets you emulate user actions via [WebDriver]( However, it's also possible to write your own custom driver using node's builtin IPC-over-STDIO. The benefit of a custom driver is that it tends to require less overhead than Spectron, and lets you expose custom methods to your test suite.
To create a custom driver, we'll use nodejs' [child_process]( API. The test suite will spawn the Electron process, then establish a simple messaging protocol:
var childProcess = require('child_process')
var electronPath = require('electron')
// spawn the process
var env = { /* ... */ }
var stdio = ['inherit', 'inherit', 'inherit', 'ipc']
We can now communicate from the test suite to the Electron app using the `appProcess` object.
For convenience, you may want to wrap `appProcess` in a driver object that provides more high-level functions. Here is an example of how you can do this: