2019-04-01 18:28:11 -07:00
import * as chai from 'chai'
import * as chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised'
import * as path from 'path'
import { BrowserWindow, webContents } from 'electron'
import { emittedOnce } from './events-helpers';
import { closeWindow } from './window-helpers';
const { expect } = chai
2019-05-29 13:38:14 -07:00
const fixturesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'spec', 'fixtures')
2019-04-01 18:28:11 -07:00
describe('webContents module', () => {
let w: BrowserWindow = (null as unknown as BrowserWindow)
beforeEach(() => {
w = new BrowserWindow({
show: false,
width: 400,
height: 400,
webPreferences: {
backgroundThrottling: false,
nodeIntegration: true,
webviewTag: true
afterEach(async () => {
await closeWindow(w)
w = (null as unknown as BrowserWindow)
describe('getAllWebContents() API', () => {
it('returns an array of web contents', async () => {
w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'pages', 'webview-zoom-factor.html'))
await emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'did-attach-webview')
await emittedOnce(w.webContents, 'devtools-opened')
const all = webContents.getAllWebContents().sort((a, b) => {
return a.id - b.id
expect(all[all.length - 2].getType()).to.equal('webview')
expect(all[all.length - 1].getType()).to.equal('remote')
2019-05-29 13:38:14 -07:00
describe('will-prevent-unload event', () => {
it('does not emit if beforeunload returns undefined', (done) => {
w.once('closed', () => done())
w.webContents.once('will-prevent-unload', (e) => {
expect.fail('should not have fired')
w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'api', 'close-beforeunload-undefined.html'))
it('emits if beforeunload returns false', (done) => {
w.webContents.once('will-prevent-unload', () => done())
w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'api', 'close-beforeunload-false.html'))
it('supports calling preventDefault on will-prevent-unload events', (done) => {
w.webContents.once('will-prevent-unload', event => event.preventDefault())
w.once('closed', () => done())
w.loadFile(path.join(fixturesPath, 'api', 'close-beforeunload-false.html'))
2019-04-01 18:28:11 -07:00