2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
const { GitProcess } = require('dugite')
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const fs = require('fs')
const GitHub = require('github')
const path = require('path')
const semver = require('semver')
const CACHE_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '.cache')
// Fill this with tags to ignore if you are generating release notes for older
// versions
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
// E.g. ['v3.0.0-beta.1'] to generate the release notes for 3.0.0-beta.1 :) from
// the current 3-0-x branch
const EXCLUDE_TAGS = []
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
const entities = new Entities()
const github = new GitHub()
const gitDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..')
github.authenticate({ type: 'token', token: process.env.ELECTRON_GITHUB_TOKEN })
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
let currentBranch
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
const semanticMap = new Map()
for (const line of fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'legacy-pr-semantic-map.csv'), 'utf8').split('\n')) {
if (!line) continue
const bits = line.split(',')
if (bits.length !== 2) continue
semanticMap.set(bits[0], bits[1])
const getCurrentBranch = async () => {
if (currentBranch) return currentBranch
const gitArgs = ['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']
const branchDetails = await GitProcess.exec(gitArgs, gitDir)
if (branchDetails.exitCode === 0) {
currentBranch = branchDetails.stdout.trim()
return currentBranch
throw GitProcess.parseError(branchDetails.stderr)
const getBranchOffPoint = async (branchName) => {
const gitArgs = ['merge-base', branchName, 'master']
const commitDetails = await GitProcess.exec(gitArgs, gitDir)
if (commitDetails.exitCode === 0) {
return commitDetails.stdout.trim()
throw GitProcess.parseError(commitDetails.stderr)
const getTagsOnBranch = async (branchName) => {
const gitArgs = ['tag', '--merged', branchName]
const tagDetails = await GitProcess.exec(gitArgs, gitDir)
if (tagDetails.exitCode === 0) {
return tagDetails.stdout.trim().split('\n').filter(tag => !EXCLUDE_TAGS.includes(tag))
throw GitProcess.parseError(tagDetails.stderr)
const memLastKnownRelease = new Map()
const getLastKnownReleaseOnBranch = async (branchName) => {
if (memLastKnownRelease.has(branchName)) {
return memLastKnownRelease.get(branchName)
const tags = await getTagsOnBranch(branchName)
if (!tags.length) {
throw new Error(`Branch ${branchName} has no tags, we have no idea what the last release was`)
const branchOffPointTags = await getTagsOnBranch(await getBranchOffPoint(branchName))
if (branchOffPointTags.length >= tags.length) {
// No release on this branch
return null
memLastKnownRelease.set(branchName, tags[tags.length - 1])
// Latest tag is the latest release
return tags[tags.length - 1]
const getBranches = async () => {
const gitArgs = ['branch', '--remote']
const branchDetails = await GitProcess.exec(gitArgs, gitDir)
if (branchDetails.exitCode === 0) {
return branchDetails.stdout.trim().split('\n').map(b => b.trim()).filter(branch => branch !== 'origin/HEAD -> origin/master')
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
throw GitProcess.parseError(branchDetails.stderr)
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
const semverify = (v) => v.replace(/^origin\//, '').replace('x', '0').replace(/-/g, '.')
const getLastReleaseBranch = async () => {
const current = await getCurrentBranch()
const allBranches = await getBranches()
const releaseBranches = allBranches
.filter(branch => /^origin\/[0-9]+-[0-9]+-x$/.test(branch))
.filter(branch => branch !== current && branch !== `origin/${current}`)
let latest = null
for (const b of releaseBranches) {
if (latest === null) latest = b
if (semver.gt(semverify(b), semverify(latest))) {
latest = b
return latest
const commitBeforeTag = async (commit, tag) => {
const gitArgs = ['tag', '--contains', commit]
const tagDetails = await GitProcess.exec(gitArgs, gitDir)
if (tagDetails.exitCode === 0) {
return tagDetails.stdout.split('\n').includes(tag)
throw GitProcess.parseError(tagDetails.stderr)
const getCommitsMergedIntoCurrentBranchSincePoint = async (point) => {
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
return getCommitsBetween(point, 'HEAD')
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
const getCommitsBetween = async (point1, point2) => {
const gitArgs = ['rev-list', `${point1}..${point2}`]
const commitsDetails = await GitProcess.exec(gitArgs, gitDir)
if (commitsDetails.exitCode !== 0) {
throw GitProcess.parseError(commitsDetails.stderr)
return commitsDetails.stdout.trim().split('\n')
const TITLE_PREFIX = 'Merged Pull Request: '
const getCommitDetails = async (commitHash) => {
const commitInfo = await (await fetch(`https://github.com/electron/electron/branch_commits/${commitHash}`)).text()
const bits = commitInfo.split('</a>)')[0].split('>')
const prIdent = bits[bits.length - 1].trim()
if (!prIdent || commitInfo.indexOf('href="/electron/electron/pull') === -1) {
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
console.warn(`WARNING: Could not track commit "${commitHash}" to a pull request, it may have been committed directly to the branch`)
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
return null
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
const title = commitInfo.split('title="')[1].split('"')[0]
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
if (!title.startsWith(TITLE_PREFIX)) {
console.warn(`WARNING: Unknown PR title for commit "${commitHash}" in PR "${prIdent}"`)
return null
return {
mergedFrom: prIdent,
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
prTitle: entities.decode(title.substr(TITLE_PREFIX.length))
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
const doWork = async (items, fn, concurrent = 5) => {
const results = []
const toUse = [].concat(items)
let i = 1
const doBit = async () => {
if (toUse.length === 0) return
console.log(`Running ${i}/${items.length}`)
i += 1
const item = toUse.pop()
const index = toUse.length
results[index] = await fn(item)
await doBit()
const bits = []
for (let i = 0; i < concurrent; i += 1) {
await Promise.all(bits)
return results
const notes = new Map()
const NoteType = {
FIX: 'fix',
FEATURE: 'feature',
BREAKING_CHANGE: 'breaking-change',
OTHER: 'other',
UNKNOWN: 'unknown'
class Note {
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
constructor (trueTitle, prNumber, ignoreIfInVersion) {
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
// Self bindings
this.guessType = this.guessType.bind(this)
this.fetchPrInfo = this.fetchPrInfo.bind(this)
this._getPr = this._getPr.bind(this)
if (!trueTitle.trim()) console.error(prNumber)
this._ignoreIfInVersion = ignoreIfInVersion
this.reverted = false
if (notes.has(trueTitle)) {
console.warn(`Duplicate PR trueTitle: "${trueTitle}", "${prNumber}" this might cause weird reversions (this would be RARE)`)
// Memoize
notes.set(trueTitle, this)
this.originalTitle = trueTitle
this.title = trueTitle
this.prNumber = prNumber
this.stripColon = true
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
if (this.guessType() !== NoteType.UNKNOWN && this.stripColon) {
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
this.title = trueTitle.split(':').slice(1).join(':').trim()
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
guessType () {
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
if (this.originalTitle.startsWith('fix:') ||
this.originalTitle.startsWith('Fix:')) return NoteType.FIX
if (this.originalTitle.startsWith('feat:')) return NoteType.FEATURE
if (this.originalTitle.startsWith('spec:') ||
this.originalTitle.startsWith('build:') ||
this.originalTitle.startsWith('test:') ||
this.originalTitle.startsWith('chore:') ||
this.originalTitle.startsWith('deps:') ||
this.originalTitle.startsWith('refactor:') ||
this.originalTitle.startsWith('tools:') ||
2018-06-22 00:10:19 +10:00
this.originalTitle.startsWith('vendor:') ||
this.originalTitle.startsWith('perf:') ||
this.originalTitle.startsWith('style:') ||
this.originalTitle.startsWith('ci')) return NoteType.OTHER
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
if (this.originalTitle.startsWith('doc:') ||
this.originalTitle.startsWith('docs:')) return NoteType.DOCUMENTATION
this.stripColon = false
if (this.pr && this.pr.data.labels.find(label => label.name === 'semver/breaking-change')) {
// FIXME: Backported features will not be picked up by this
if (this.pr && this.pr.data.labels.find(label => label.name === 'semver/nonbreaking-feature')) {
return NoteType.FEATURE
const n = this.prNumber.replace('#', '')
if (semanticMap.has(n)) {
switch (semanticMap.get(n)) {
case 'feat':
return NoteType.FEATURE
case 'fix':
return NoteType.FIX
case 'breaking-change':
case 'doc':
case 'build':
case 'vendor':
case 'refactor':
case 'spec':
return NoteType.OTHER
throw new Error(`Unknown semantic mapping: ${semanticMap.get(n)}`)
return NoteType.UNKNOWN
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
async _getPr (n) {
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
const cachePath = path.resolve(CACHE_DIR, n)
if (fs.existsSync(cachePath)) {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(cachePath, 'utf8'))
} else {
try {
const pr = await github.pullRequests.get({
number: n,
owner: 'electron',
repo: 'electron'
fs.writeFileSync(cachePath, JSON.stringify({ data: pr.data }))
return pr
} catch (err) {
console.info('#### FAILED:', `#${n}`)
throw err
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
async fetchPrInfo () {
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
if (this.pr) return
const n = this.prNumber.replace('#', '')
this.pr = await this._getPr(n)
if (this.pr.data.labels.find(label => label.name === `merged/${this._ignoreIfInVersion.replace('origin/', '')}`)) {
// This means we probably backported this PR, let's try figure out what
// the corresponding backport PR would be by searching through comments
// for trop
let comments
const cacheCommentsPath = path.resolve(CACHE_DIR, `${n}-comments`)
if (fs.existsSync(cacheCommentsPath)) {
comments = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(cacheCommentsPath, 'utf8'))
} else {
comments = await github.issues.getComments({
number: n,
owner: 'electron',
repo: 'electron',
per_page: 100
fs.writeFileSync(cacheCommentsPath, JSON.stringify({ data: comments.data }))
const tropComment = comments.data.find(
c => (
new RegExp(`We have automatically backported this PR to "${this._ignoreIfInVersion.replace('origin/', '')}", please check out #[0-9]+`)
if (tropComment) {
const commentBits = tropComment.body.split('#')
const tropPrNumber = commentBits[commentBits.length - 1]
const tropPr = await this._getPr(tropPrNumber)
if (tropPr.data.merged && tropPr.data.merge_commit_sha) {
if (await commitBeforeTag(tropPr.data.merge_commit_sha, await getLastKnownReleaseOnBranch(this._ignoreIfInVersion))) {
this.reverted = true
console.log('PR', this.prNumber, 'was backported to a previous version, ignoring from notes')
Note.findByTrueTitle = (trueTitle) => notes.get(trueTitle)
class ReleaseNotes {
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
constructor (ignoreIfInVersion) {
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
this._ignoreIfInVersion = ignoreIfInVersion
this._handledPrs = new Set()
this._revertedPrs = new Set()
this.other = []
this.docs = []
this.fixes = []
this.features = []
this.breakingChanges = []
this.unknown = []
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
async parseCommits (commitHashes) {
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
await doWork(commitHashes, async (commit) => {
const info = await getCommitDetails(commit)
if (!info) return
// Only handle each PR once
if (this._handledPrs.has(info.mergedFrom)) return
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
// Strip the trop backport prefix
const trueTitle = info.prTitle.replace(/^Backport \([0-9]+-[0-9]+-x\) - /, '')
if (this._revertedPrs.has(trueTitle)) return
// Handle PRs that revert other PRs
if (trueTitle.startsWith('Revert "')) {
const revertedTrueTitle = trueTitle.substr(8, trueTitle.length - 9)
const existingNote = Note.findByTrueTitle(revertedTrueTitle)
if (existingNote) {
existingNote.reverted = true
// Add a note for this PR
const note = new Note(trueTitle, info.mergedFrom, this._ignoreIfInVersion)
try {
await note.fetchPrInfo()
} catch (err) {
console.error(commit, info)
throw err
switch (note.guessType()) {
case NoteType.FIX:
case NoteType.FEATURE:
case NoteType.OTHER:
case NoteType.UNKNOWN:
}, 20)
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
list (notes) {
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
if (notes.length === 0) {
return '_There are no items in this section this release_'
return notes
.filter(note => !note.reverted)
.sort((a, b) => a.title.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.title.toLowerCase()))
.map((note) => `* ${note.title.trim()} ${note.prNumber}`).join('\n')
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
render () {
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
return `
# Release Notes
## Breaking Changes
## Features
## Fixes
## Other Changes (E.g. Internal refactors or build system updates)
## Documentation Updates
Some documentation updates, fixes and reworks: ${
this.docs.length === 0
? '_None in this release_'
: this.docs.sort((a, b) => a.prNumber.localeCompare(b.prNumber)).map(note => note.prNumber).join(', ')
${this.unknown.filter(n => !n.reverted).length > 0
? `## Unknown (fix these before publishing release)
` : ''}`
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
async function main () {
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
if (!fs.existsSync(CACHE_DIR)) {
const lastReleaseBranch = await getLastReleaseBranch()
const notes = new ReleaseNotes(lastReleaseBranch)
const lastKnownReleaseInCurrentStream = await getLastKnownReleaseOnBranch(await getCurrentBranch())
const currentBranchOff = await getBranchOffPoint(await getCurrentBranch())
const commits = await getCommitsMergedIntoCurrentBranchSincePoint(
2018-06-21 18:13:19 +10:00
lastKnownReleaseInCurrentStream || currentBranchOff
2018-06-21 18:06:23 +10:00
if (!lastKnownReleaseInCurrentStream) {
// This means we are the first release in our stream
// FIXME: This will not work for minor releases!!!!
const lastReleaseBranch = await getLastReleaseBranch()
const lastBranchOff = await getBranchOffPoint(lastReleaseBranch)
commits.push(...await getCommitsBetween(lastBranchOff, currentBranchOff))
await notes.parseCommits(commits)
const badNotes = notes.unknown.filter(n => !n.reverted).length
if (badNotes > 0) {
throw new Error(`You have ${badNotes.length} unknown release notes, please fix them before releasing`)
if (process.mainModule === module) {
main().catch((err) => {
console.error('Error Occurred:', err)