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### This job source-builds https://github.com/dotnet/dotnet with given parameters
### If run in a PR, new changes are applied to a local copy of the VMR, then it is source-built and tested
- name: isBuiltFromVmr
displayName: True when build is running from dotnet/dotnet directly
type: boolean
- name: vmrPath
type: string
default: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)/vmr
- name: vmrBranch
displayName: dotnet/dotnet branch to use
type: string
default: $(Build.SourceBranch)
- name: buildName
type: string
- name: architecture
type: string
- name: container
type: string
- name: pool
type: object
# Allow downloading artifacts from the internet during the build
- name: runOnline
type: boolean
# Skip running the SDK content smoke-tests
- name: excludeSdkContentTests
type: boolean
default: false
# Name of a previous job (from the same template as this) whose output will be used to build this job
# The SDK from its artifacts is copied to vmr/.dotnet
- name: reuseBuildArtifactsFrom
type: string
default: ''
- name: excludeOmniSharpTests
type: boolean
- name: enablePoison
type: boolean
# Instead of building the VMR directly, exports the sources into a tarball and builds from that
- name: buildFromArchive
type: boolean
# Some distros like CentOS Stream 9 use OpenSSL 3.0 which disables SHA1 signing.
# This option overrides that default configuration and enables it. See https://github.com/dotnet/installer/pull/15289
- name: overrideDistroDisablingSha1
type: boolean
default: false
- job: ${{ parameters.buildName }}_${{ parameters.architecture }}
timeoutInMinutes: 150
pool: ${{ parameters.pool }}
${{ if ne(parameters.reuseBuildArtifactsFrom, '') }}:
# Always attempt to run the bootstrap leg (e.g. even when stage 1 tests fail) in order to get a complete accessment of the build status.
# The build shortcuts when stage 1 build fails and doesn't produce the SDK.
condition: succeededOrFailed()
dependsOn: ${{ parameters.reuseBuildArtifactsFrom }}_${{ parameters.architecture }}
- template: /eng/common/templates/variables/pool-providers.yml
- ${{ if eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'internal') }}:
- group: AzureDevOps-Artifact-Feeds-Pats
- ${{ if and(not(parameters.isBuiltFromVmr), eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'internal'), not(startswith(parameters.vmrBranch, 'internal/release/'))) }}:
- group: DotNetBot-GitHub
- ${{ else }}:
- name: BotAccount-dotnet-bot-repo-PAT
value: N/A
- ${{ if eq(parameters.reuseBuildArtifactsFrom, '') }}:
- name: additionalBuildArgs
value: ''
- ${{ else }}:
- name: additionalBuildArgs
value: ' --with-sdk /vmr/.dotnet'
# Location of the VMR sources
# We either build the repo directly, or we extract them outside (which is what partners do)
- ${{ if parameters.buildFromArchive }}:
- name: sourcesPath
value: $(Build.StagingDirectory)/dotnet-sources/
- ${{ else }}:
- name: sourcesPath
value: ${{ parameters.vmrPath }}
- template: ../steps/vmr-prepare.yml
vmrBranch: ${{ parameters.vmrBranch }}
isBuiltFromVmr: ${{ parameters.isBuiltFromVmr }}
skipComponentGovernanceDetection: true
# Synchronize new content in the VMR during PRs (we expect this to come
- ${{ if and(not(parameters.isBuiltFromVmr), eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
- template: ../steps/vmr-pull-updates.yml
vmrPath: ${{ parameters.vmrPath }}
vmrBranch: ${{ parameters.vmrBranch }}
targetRef: $(Build.SourceVersion) # Synchronize the current installer commit
- ${{ if parameters.buildFromArchive }}:
- script: |
set -ex
"${{ parameters.vmrPath }}/eng/pack-sources.sh" -o "$(Build.StagingDirectory)/dotnet-sources.tar.gz"
tar -xf dotnet-sources.tar.gz
mv "dotnet-$(Build.SourceVersion)" "$(sourcesPath)"
displayName: Export VMR sources
workingDirectory: $(Build.StagingDirectory)
- ${{ if ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public') }}:
- script: cp "$(sourcesPath)/src/installer/NuGet.config" "$(sourcesPath)/test/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.SmokeTests/assets/online.NuGet.Config"
displayName: Copy Test NuGet Config
- task: Bash@3
displayName: Setup Private Feeds Credentials
filePath: $(sourcesPath)/src/installer/eng/common/SetupNugetSources.sh
arguments: $(sourcesPath)/test/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.SmokeTests/assets/online.NuGet.Config $Token
Token: $(dn-bot-dnceng-artifact-feeds-rw)
- ${{ if ne(parameters.excludeSdkContentTests, 'true') }}:
- download: current
artifact: BlobArtifacts
patterns: '**/dotnet-sdk-+([0-9]).+([0-9]).+([0-9])?(-@(alpha|preview|rc|rtm)*)-linux-${{ parameters.architecture }}.tar.gz'
displayName: Download MSFT SDK
- ${{ if ne(parameters.reuseBuildArtifactsFrom, '') }}:
- download: current
artifact: ${{ parameters.reuseBuildArtifactsFrom }}_${{ parameters.architecture }}_Artifacts
patterns: '*.tar.gz'
displayName: Download Previous Build
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: Copy Previous Build
SourceFolder: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/${{ parameters.reuseBuildArtifactsFrom }}_${{ parameters.architecture }}_Artifacts
Contents: '*.tar.gz'
TargetFolder: ${{ variables.sourcesPath }}/prereqs/packages/archive/
- script: |
set -x
if [[ -z '${{ parameters.reuseBuildArtifactsFrom }}' ]]; then
docker run --rm -v "$(sourcesPath):/vmr" -w /vmr ${{ parameters.container }} ./prep.sh
mkdir $(sourcesPath)/.dotnet
eval tar -ozxf "$previousSdkPath" -C "$(sourcesPath)/.dotnet"
eval rm -f "$previousSdkPath"
displayName: Prep the Build
- script: |
set -x
df -h
# Allows Arcade to have access to the commit for the build
if [[ '${{ parameters.runOnline }}' == 'True' ]]; then
customRunArgs="$customRunArgs --network none"
# See https://github.com/dotnet/source-build/issues/3202
if [[ '${{ parameters.overrideDistroDisablingSha1 }}' == 'True' ]]; then
customRunArgs="$customRunArgs -e OPENSSL_ENABLE_SHA1_SIGNATURES=1"
if [[ '${{ parameters.enablePoison }}' == 'True' ]]; then
customBuildArgs="$customBuildArgs --poison"
docker run --rm -v "$(sourcesPath):/vmr" -w /vmr ${customRunArgs} ${{ parameters.container }} ./build.sh --clean-while-building $(additionalBuildArgs) ${customBuildArgs}
displayName: Build
- script: |
set -x
dockerVolumeArgs="-v $(sourcesPath):/vmr"
dockerEnvArgs="-e SMOKE_TESTS_EXCLUDE_OMNISHARP=${{ parameters.excludeOmniSharpTests }} -e SMOKE_TESTS_WARN_SDK_CONTENT_DIFFS=true -e SMOKE_TESTS_RUNNING_IN_CI=true"
if [[ '${{ parameters.excludeSdkContentTests }}' != 'True' ]]; then
dockerVolumeArgs+=" -v $(Pipeline.Workspace)/BlobArtifacts/:/BlobArtifacts"
msftSdkTarballName=$(find "$(Pipeline.Workspace)/BlobArtifacts/" -name "dotnet-sdk-*-linux-${{ parameters.architecture }}.tar.gz" -exec basename {} \;)
dockerEnvArgs+=" -e SMOKE_TESTS_MSFT_SDK_TARBALL_PATH=/BlobArtifacts/$msftSdkTarballName"
if [[ '${{ parameters.enablePoison }}' == 'True' ]]; then
dockerEnvArgs+=" -e SMOKE_TESTS_WARN_POISON_DIFFS=true"
docker run --rm $dockerVolumeArgs -w /vmr $dockerEnvArgs ${{ parameters.container }} ./build.sh $poisonArg --run-smoke-test $(additionalBuildArgs) -- -p:SmokeTestConsoleVerbosity=detailed
displayName: Run Tests
# Don't use CopyFiles@2 as it encounters permissions issues because it indexes all files in the source directory graph.
- script: |
set -x
mkdir -p ${targetFolder}
cd "$(sourcesPath)"
find artifacts/ -type f -name "*.binlog" -exec cp {} --parents -t ${targetFolder} \;
find artifacts/ -type f -name "*.log" -exec cp {} --parents -t ${targetFolder} \;
find artifacts/prebuilt-report/ -exec cp {} --parents -t ${targetFolder} \;
find src/ -type f -name "*.binlog" -exec cp {} --parents -t ${targetFolder} \;
find src/ -type f -name "*.log" -exec cp {} --parents -t ${targetFolder} \;
find test/ -type f -name "*.binlog" -exec cp {} --parents -t ${targetFolder} \;
find test/ -type f -name "Updated*.diff" -exec cp {} --parents -t ${targetFolder} \;
find test/ -type f -name "Updated*.txt" -exec cp {} --parents -t ${targetFolder} \;
displayName: Prepare BuildLogs staging directory
continueOnError: true
condition: succeededOrFailed()
- publish: '$(Build.StagingDirectory)/BuildLogs'
artifact: $(Agent.JobName)_BuildLogs_Attempt$(System.JobAttempt)
displayName: Publish BuildLogs
continueOnError: true
condition: succeededOrFailed()
- task: PublishTestResults@2
displayName: Publish Test Results
condition: succeededOrFailed()
continueOnError: true
testRunner: vSTest
testResultsFiles: 'test/**/*.trx'
searchFolder: ${{ variables.sourcesPath }}
mergeTestResults: true
publishRunAttachments: true
testRunTitle: SourceBuild_SmokeTests_$(Agent.JobName)
- publish: '${{ variables.sourcesPath }}/artifacts/${{ parameters.architecture }}/Release/'
artifact: $(Agent.JobName)_Artifacts
displayName: Publish Artifacts
condition: succeededOrFailed()
continueOnError: true