2016-04-28 21:14:45 -05:00

399 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.DotNet.ProjectModel.Utilities;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using NuGet.Frameworks;
using NuGet.Packaging.Core;
using NuGet.Versioning;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.ProjectModel.Graph
public class LockFileReader
private readonly LockFileSymbolTable _symbols;
public LockFileReader() : this(new LockFileSymbolTable()) { }
public LockFileReader(LockFileSymbolTable symbols)
_symbols = symbols;
public static LockFile Read(string lockFilePath, bool designTime)
using (var stream = ResilientFileStreamOpener.OpenFile(lockFilePath))
return new LockFileReader().ReadLockFile(lockFilePath, stream, designTime);
catch (FileFormatException ex)
throw ex.WithFilePath(lockFilePath);
catch (Exception ex)
throw FileFormatException.Create(ex, lockFilePath);
public LockFile ReadLockFile(string lockFilePath, Stream stream, bool designTime)
var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
var jobject = JObject.Load(new JsonTextReader(reader));
if (jobject == null)
throw new InvalidDataException();
var lockFile = ReadLockFile(lockFilePath, jobject);
if (!designTime)
var patcher = new LockFilePatcher(lockFile, this);
return lockFile;
catch (LockFilePatchingException)
// Ran into parsing errors, mark it as unlocked and out-of-date
return new LockFile(lockFilePath)
Version = int.MinValue
public ExportFile ReadExportFile(string fragmentLockFilePath)
using (var stream = ResilientFileStreamOpener.OpenFile(fragmentLockFilePath))
var rootJObject = JObject.ReadFrom(new JsonTextReader(new StreamReader(stream))) as JObject;
if (rootJObject == null)
throw new InvalidDataException();
var version = ReadInt(rootJObject, "version", defaultValue: int.MinValue);
var exports = ReadObject(rootJObject.Value<JObject>("exports"), ReadTargetLibrary);
return new ExportFile(fragmentLockFilePath, version, exports);
catch (FileFormatException ex)
throw ex.WithFilePath(fragmentLockFilePath);
catch (Exception ex)
throw FileFormatException.Create(ex, fragmentLockFilePath);
private LockFile ReadLockFile(string lockFilePath, JObject cursor)
var lockFile = new LockFile(lockFilePath);
lockFile.Version = ReadInt(cursor, "version", defaultValue: int.MinValue);
lockFile.Targets = ReadObject(cursor.Value<JObject>("targets"), ReadTarget);
lockFile.ProjectFileDependencyGroups = ReadObject(cursor.Value<JObject>("projectFileDependencyGroups"), ReadProjectFileDependencyGroup);
ReadLibrary(cursor.Value<JObject>("libraries"), lockFile);
return lockFile;
private void ReadLibrary(JObject json, LockFile lockFile)
if (json == null)
foreach (var child in json)
var key = child.Key;
var value = json.Value<JObject>(key);
if (value == null)
throw FileFormatException.Create("The value type is not object.", json[key]);
var parts = key.Split(new[] { '/' }, 2);
var name = parts[0];
var version = parts.Length == 2 ? _symbols.GetVersion(parts[1]) : null;
var type = _symbols.GetString(value.Value<string>("type"));
if (type == null || string.Equals(type, "package", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
lockFile.PackageLibraries.Add(new LockFilePackageLibrary
Name = name,
Version = version,
IsServiceable = ReadBool(value, "serviceable", defaultValue: false),
Sha512 = ReadString(value["sha512"]),
Files = ReadPathArray(value["files"], ReadString)
else if (type == "project")
var projectLibrary = new LockFileProjectLibrary
Name = name,
Version = version
var pathValue = value["path"];
projectLibrary.Path = pathValue == null ? null : ReadString(pathValue);
var buildTimeDependencyValue = value["msbuildProject"];
projectLibrary.MSBuildProject = buildTimeDependencyValue == null ? null : ReadString(buildTimeDependencyValue);
private LockFileTarget ReadTarget(string property, JToken json)
var jobject = json as JObject;
if (jobject == null)
throw FileFormatException.Create("The value type is not an object.", json);
var target = new LockFileTarget();
var parts = property.Split(new[] { '/' }, 2);
target.TargetFramework = _symbols.GetFramework(parts[0]);
if (parts.Length == 2)
target.RuntimeIdentifier = _symbols.GetString(parts[1]);
target.Libraries = ReadObject(jobject, ReadTargetLibrary);
return target;
private LockFileTargetLibrary ReadTargetLibrary(string property, JToken json)
var jobject = json as JObject;
if (jobject == null)
throw FileFormatException.Create("The value type is not an object.", json);
var library = new LockFileTargetLibrary();
var parts = property.Split(new[] { '/' }, 2);
library.Name = _symbols.GetString(parts[0]);
if (parts.Length == 2)
library.Version = _symbols.GetVersion(parts[1]);
library.Type = _symbols.GetString(jobject.Value<string>("type"));
var framework = jobject.Value<string>("framework");
if (framework != null)
library.TargetFramework = _symbols.GetFramework(framework);
library.Dependencies = ReadObject(jobject.Value<JObject>("dependencies"), ReadPackageDependency);
library.FrameworkAssemblies = new HashSet<string>(ReadArray(jobject["frameworkAssemblies"], ReadFrameworkAssemblyReference), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
library.RuntimeAssemblies = ReadObject(jobject.Value<JObject>("runtime"), ReadFileItem);
library.CompileTimeAssemblies = ReadObject(jobject.Value<JObject>("compile"), ReadFileItem);
library.ResourceAssemblies = ReadObject(jobject.Value<JObject>("resource"), ReadFileItem);
library.NativeLibraries = ReadObject(jobject.Value<JObject>("native"), ReadFileItem);
library.ContentFiles = ReadObject(jobject.Value<JObject>("contentFiles"), ReadContentFile);
library.RuntimeTargets = ReadObject(jobject.Value<JObject>("runtimeTargets"), ReadRuntimeTarget);
return library;
private LockFileRuntimeTarget ReadRuntimeTarget(string property, JToken json)
var jsonObject = json as JObject;
if (jsonObject == null)
throw FileFormatException.Create("The value type is not an object.", json);
return new LockFileRuntimeTarget(
path: _symbols.GetString(property),
runtime: _symbols.GetString(jsonObject.Value<string>("rid")),
assetType: _symbols.GetString(jsonObject.Value<string>("assetType"))
private LockFileContentFile ReadContentFile(string property, JToken json)
var contentFile = new LockFileContentFile()
Path = property
var jsonObject = json as JObject;
if (jsonObject != null)
BuildAction action;
BuildAction.TryParse(jsonObject.Value<string>("buildAction"), out action);
contentFile.BuildAction = action;
var codeLanguage = _symbols.GetString(jsonObject.Value<string>("codeLanguage"));
if (codeLanguage == "any")
codeLanguage = null;
contentFile.CodeLanguage = codeLanguage;
contentFile.OutputPath = jsonObject.Value<string>("outputPath");
contentFile.PPOutputPath = jsonObject.Value<string>("ppOutputPath");
contentFile.CopyToOutput = ReadBool(jsonObject, "copyToOutput", false);
return contentFile;
private ProjectFileDependencyGroup ReadProjectFileDependencyGroup(string property, JToken json)
return new ProjectFileDependencyGroup(
string.IsNullOrEmpty(property) ? null : NuGetFramework.Parse(property),
ReadArray(json, ReadString));
private PackageDependency ReadPackageDependency(string property, JToken json)
var versionStr = ReadString(json);
return new PackageDependency(
versionStr == null ? null : _symbols.GetVersionRange(versionStr));
private LockFileItem ReadFileItem(string property, JToken json)
var item = new LockFileItem { Path = _symbols.GetString(PathUtility.GetPathWithDirectorySeparator(property)) };
var jobject = json as JObject;
if (jobject != null)
foreach (var child in jobject)
item.Properties[_symbols.GetString(child.Key)] = jobject.Value<string>(child.Key);
return item;
private string ReadFrameworkAssemblyReference(JToken json)
return ReadString(json);
private static IList<TItem> ReadArray<TItem>(JToken json, Func<JToken, TItem> readItem)
if (json == null)
return new List<TItem>();
var jarray = json as JArray;
if (jarray == null)
throw FileFormatException.Create("The value type is not array.", json);
var items = new List<TItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < jarray.Count; ++i)
return items;
private IList<string> ReadPathArray(JToken json, Func<JToken, string> readItem)
return ReadArray(json, readItem).Select(f => _symbols.GetString(PathUtility.GetPathWithDirectorySeparator(f))).ToList();
private static IList<TItem> ReadObject<TItem>(JObject json, Func<string, JToken, TItem> readItem)
if (json == null)
return new List<TItem>();
var items = new List<TItem>();
foreach (var child in json)
items.Add(readItem(child.Key, json[child.Key]));
return items;
private static bool ReadBool(JObject cursor, string property, bool defaultValue)
var valueToken = cursor[property] as JValue;
if (valueToken == null || valueToken.Type != JTokenType.Boolean)
return defaultValue;
return (bool)valueToken.Value;
private static int ReadInt(JObject cursor, string property, int defaultValue)
var number = cursor[property] as JValue;
if (number == null || number.Type != JTokenType.Integer)
return defaultValue;
var resultInInt = Convert.ToInt32(number.Value);
return resultInInt;
catch (Exception ex)
// FormatException or OverflowException
throw FileFormatException.Create(ex, cursor);
private string ReadString(JToken json)
if (json.Type == JTokenType.String)
return _symbols.GetString(json.ToString());
else if (json.Type == JTokenType.Null)
return null;
throw FileFormatException.Create("The value type is not string.", json);