Reference from https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/tree/master/src/pkg/packaging/rpm The goal is to have parity with Debian, but does not publish to the feed When run the script with rhel, it will produce rpm file in the package step and publish rpm to the blob storage
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// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
/// <summary>
/// This task prepares the command line parameters for running a RPM build using FPM tool and also updates the copyright and changelog file tokens.
/// If parses various values from the config json by first reading it into a model and then builds the required string for parameters and passes it back.
/// </summary>
public class BuildFPMToolPreReqs : Task
public string InputDir { get; set; }
public string OutputDir { get; set; }
public string PackageVersion { get; set; }
public string ConfigJsonFile { get; set; }
public string FPMParameters { get; set; }
public override bool Execute()
if (!File.Exists(ConfigJsonFile))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Expected file {ConfigJsonFile} was not found.");
// Open the Config Json and read the values into the model
TextReader projectFileReader = File.OpenText(ConfigJsonFile);
string jsonFileText = projectFileReader.ReadToEnd();
ConfigJson configJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ConfigJson>(jsonFileText);
// Update the Changelog and Copyright files by replacing tokens with values from config json
UpdateChangelog(configJson, PackageVersion);
// Build the full list of parameters
FPMParameters = BuildCmdParameters(configJson, PackageVersion);
Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Normal, "Generated RPM paramters: " + FPMParameters);
return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
// Update the tokens in the changelog file from the config Json
private void UpdateChangelog(ConfigJson configJson, string package_version)
string changelogFile = Path.Combine(InputDir, "templates", "changelog");
if (!File.Exists(changelogFile))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Expected file {changelogFile} was not found.");
string str = File.ReadAllText(changelogFile);
str = str.Replace("{PACKAGE_NAME}", configJson.Package_Name);
str = str.Replace("{PACKAGE_VERSION}", package_version);
str = str.Replace("{PACKAGE_REVISION}", configJson.Release.Package_Revision);
str = str.Replace("{CHANGELOG_MESSAGE}", configJson.Release.Changelog_Message);
str = str.Replace("{MAINTAINER_NAME}", configJson.Maintainer_Name);
str = str.Replace("{MAINTAINER_EMAIL}", configJson.Maintainer_Email);
// The date format needs to be like Wed May 17 2017
str = str.Replace("{DATE}", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("ddd MMM dd yyyy"));
File.WriteAllText(changelogFile, str);
public void UpdateCopyright(ConfigJson configJson)
string copyrightFile = Path.Combine(InputDir, "templates", "copyright");
if (!File.Exists(copyrightFile))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Expected file {copyrightFile} was not found.");
string str = File.ReadAllText(copyrightFile);
str = str.Replace("{COPYRIGHT_TEXT}", configJson.CopyRight);
str = str.Replace("{LICENSE_NAME}", configJson.License.Type);
str = str.Replace("{LICENSE_TEXT}", configJson.License.Full_Text);
File.WriteAllText(copyrightFile, str);
private string BuildCmdParameters(ConfigJson configJson, string package_version)
// Parameter list that needs to be passed to FPM tool:
// -s : is the input source type(dir) --Static
// -t : is the type of package(rpm) --Static
// -n : is for the name of the package --JSON
// -v : is the version to give to the package --ARG
// -a : architecture --JSON
// -d : is for all dependent packages. This can be used multiple times to specify the dependencies of the package. --JSON
// --rpm-os : the operating system to target this rpm --Static
// --rpm-changelog : the changelog from FILEPATH contents --ARG
// --rpm-summary : it is the RPM summary that shows in the Title --JSON
// --description : it is the description for the package --JSON
// -p : The actual package name (with path) for your package. --ARG+JSON
// --conflicts : Other packages/versions this package conflicts with provided as CSV --JSON
// --directories : Recursively add directories as being owned by the package. --JSON
// --after-install : FILEPATH to the script to be run after install of the package --JSON
// --after-remove : FILEPATH to the script to be run after package removal --JSON
// --license : the licensing name for the package. This will include the license type in the meta-data for the package, but will not include the associated license file within the package itself. --JSON
// --iteration : the iteration to give to the package. This comes from the package_revision --JSON
// --url : url for this package. --JSON
// --verbose : Set verbose output for FPM tool --Static
// <All folder mappings> : Add all the folder mappings for packge_root, docs, man pages --Static
var parameters = new List<string>();
parameters.Add("-s dir");
parameters.Add("-t rpm");
parameters.Add(string.Concat("-n ", configJson.Package_Name));
parameters.Add(string.Concat("-v ", package_version));
parameters.Add(string.Concat("-a ", configJson.Control.Architecture));
// Build the list of dependencies as -d <dep1> -d <dep2>
if (configJson.Rpm_Dependencies != null)
foreach (RpmDependency rpmdep in configJson.Rpm_Dependencies)
string dependency = "";
if (rpmdep.Package_Name != "")
// If no version is specified then the dependency is just the package without >= check
if (rpmdep.Package_Version == "")
dependency = rpmdep.Package_Name;
dependency = string.Concat(rpmdep.Package_Name, " >= ", rpmdep.Package_Version);
if (dependency != "") parameters.Add(string.Concat("-d ", EscapeArg(dependency)));
// Build the list of owned directories
if (configJson.Directories != null)
foreach (string dir in configJson.Directories)
if (dir != "")
parameters.Add(string.Concat("--directories ", EscapeArg(dir)));
parameters.Add("--rpm-os linux");
parameters.Add(string.Concat("--rpm-changelog ",
EscapeArg(Path.Combine(InputDir, "templates", "changelog")))); // Changelog File
parameters.Add(string.Concat("--rpm-summary ", EscapeArg(configJson.Short_Description)));
parameters.Add(string.Concat("--description ", EscapeArg(configJson.Long_Description)));
parameters.Add(string.Concat("--maintainer ",
EscapeArg(configJson.Maintainer_Name + " <" + configJson.Maintainer_Email + ">")));
parameters.Add(string.Concat("--vendor ", EscapeArg(configJson.Vendor)));
parameters.Add(string.Concat("-p ", Path.Combine(OutputDir, configJson.Package_Name + ".rpm")));
if (configJson.Package_Conflicts != null)
parameters.Add(string.Concat("--conflicts ",
EscapeArg(string.Join(",", configJson.Package_Conflicts))));
if (configJson.After_Install_Source != null)
parameters.Add(string.Concat("--after-install ",
Path.Combine(InputDir, EscapeArg(configJson.After_Install_Source))));
if (configJson.After_Remove_Source != null)
parameters.Add(string.Concat("--after-remove ",
Path.Combine(InputDir, EscapeArg(configJson.After_Remove_Source))));
parameters.Add(string.Concat("--license ", EscapeArg(configJson.License.Type)));
parameters.Add(string.Concat("--iteration ", configJson.Release.Package_Revision));
parameters.Add(string.Concat("--url ", "\"", EscapeArg(configJson.Homepage), "\""));
// Map all the payload directories as they need to install on the system
if (configJson.Install_Root != null)
parameters.Add(string.Concat(Path.Combine(InputDir, "package_root/="),
configJson.Install_Root)); // Package Files
if (configJson.Install_Man != null)
parameters.Add(string.Concat(Path.Combine(InputDir, "docs", "host/="),
configJson.Install_Man)); // Man Pages
if (configJson.Install_Doc != null)
parameters.Add(string.Concat(Path.Combine(InputDir, "templates", "copyright="),
configJson.Install_Doc)); // CopyRight File
return string.Join(" ", parameters);
private string EscapeArg(string arg)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
bool quoted = ShouldSurroundWithQuotes(arg);
if (quoted) sb.Append("\"");
for (int i = 0; i < arg.Length; ++i)
var backslashCount = 0;
// Consume All Backslashes
while (i < arg.Length && arg[i] == '\\')
// Escape any backslashes at the end of the arg
// This ensures the outside quote is interpreted as
// an argument delimiter
if (i == arg.Length)
sb.Append('\\', 2 * backslashCount);
// Escape any preceding backslashes and the quote
else if (arg[i] == '"')
sb.Append('\\', (2 * backslashCount) + 1);
// Output any consumed backslashes and the character
sb.Append('\\', backslashCount);
if (quoted) sb.Append("\"");
return sb.ToString();
private bool ShouldSurroundWithQuotes(string argument)
// Don't quote already quoted strings
if (argument.StartsWith("\"", StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
argument.EndsWith("\"", StringComparison.Ordinal))
return false;
// Only quote if whitespace exists in the string
if (argument.Contains(" ") || argument.Contains("\t") || argument.Contains("\n"))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Model classes for reading and storing the JSON.
/// </summary>
public class ConfigJson
public string Maintainer_Name { get; set; }
public string Maintainer_Email { get; set; }
public string Vendor { get; set; }
public string Package_Name { get; set; }
public string Install_Root { get; set; }
public string Install_Doc { get; set; }
public string Install_Man { get; set; }
public string Short_Description { get; set; }
public string Long_Description { get; set; }
public string Homepage { get; set; }
public string CopyRight { get; set; }
public Release Release { get; set; }
public Control Control { get; set; }
public License License { get; set; }
public List<RpmDependency> Rpm_Dependencies { get; set; }
public List<string> Package_Conflicts { get; set; }
public List<string> Directories { get; set; }
public string After_Install_Source { get; set; }
public string After_Remove_Source { get; set; }
public class Release
public string Package_Version { get; set; }
public string Package_Revision { get; set; }
public string Changelog_Message { get; set; }
public class Control
public string Architecture { get; set; }
public class License
public string Type { get; set; }
public string Full_Text { get; set; }
public class RpmDependency
public string Package_Name { get; set; }
public string Package_Version { get; set; }
} |