If there are shims packaged by convention in nupkg. Shim Repository will simply copy it to the right location. The query interface ToolPackageInstance will be in charge of finding the shim folder and filter the right RID. Shim Repository will pick the right file after the folder is located since Shim Repository knows the shim name and it also book keep the files at uninstallation. During development, due to the wrong adapter level. The mock duplicated too much logic. So, I corrected the abstraction level to lower (only create shim). And replaced the existing mock with a much smaller one without any atomic control and file move, copy logic. At the same time. The chmod, which is a IO action, causes problem during tests. So I added adapter layer to it and put it in Util.
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// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Transactions;
using FluentAssertions;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Cli;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Tool.Install;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Tests.ComponentMocks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel.Tests;
using Microsoft.Extensions.EnvironmentAbstractions;
using NuGet.Versioning;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.ToolPackage.Tests
public class ToolPackageInstanceTests : TestBase
public void GivenAnInstalledPackageUninstallRemovesThePackage(bool testMockBehaviorIsInSync)
var source = GetTestLocalFeedPath();
var (store, installer, reporter, fileSystem) = Setup(
useMock: testMockBehaviorIsInSync,
feeds: GetMockFeedsForSource(source));
var package = installer.InstallPackage(
packageId: TestPackageId,
versionRange: VersionRange.Parse(TestPackageVersion),
targetFramework: _testTargetframework,
additionalFeeds: new[] {source});
package.PackagedShims.Should().ContainSingle(f => f.Value.Contains("demo.exe") || f.Value.Contains("demo"));
private static FilePath GetUniqueTempProjectPathEachTest()
var tempProjectDirectory =
new DirectoryPath(Path.GetTempPath()).WithSubDirectories(Path.GetRandomFileName());
var tempProjectPath =
tempProjectDirectory.WithFile(Path.GetRandomFileName() + ".csproj");
return tempProjectPath;
private static IEnumerable<MockFeed> GetMockFeedsForSource(string source)
return new[]
new MockFeed
Type = MockFeedType.ImplicitAdditionalFeed,
Uri = source,
Packages = new List<MockFeedPackage>
new MockFeedPackage
PackageId = TestPackageId.ToString(),
Version = TestPackageVersion
private static (IToolPackageStore, IToolPackageInstaller, BufferedReporter, IFileSystem) Setup(
bool useMock,
IEnumerable<MockFeed> feeds = null,
FilePath? tempProject = null,
DirectoryPath? offlineFeed = null)
var root = new DirectoryPath(Path.Combine(TempRoot.Root, Path.GetRandomFileName()));
var reporter = new BufferedReporter();
IFileSystem fileSystem;
IToolPackageStore store;
IToolPackageInstaller installer;
if (useMock)
var packagedShimsMap = new Dictionary<PackageId, IReadOnlyList<FilePath>>
[TestPackageId] = new FilePath[] {new FilePath("path/demo.exe")}
fileSystem = new FileSystemMockBuilder().Build();
store = new ToolPackageStoreMock(root, fileSystem);
installer = new ToolPackageInstallerMock(
fileSystem: fileSystem,
store: store,
projectRestorer: new ProjectRestorerMock(
fileSystem: fileSystem,
reporter: reporter,
feeds: feeds),
packagedShimsMap: packagedShimsMap);
fileSystem = new FileSystemWrapper();
store = new ToolPackageStore(root);
installer = new ToolPackageInstaller(
store: store,
projectRestorer: new ProjectRestorer(reporter),
tempProject: tempProject ?? GetUniqueTempProjectPathEachTest(),
offlineFeed: offlineFeed ?? new DirectoryPath("does not exist"));
return (store, installer, reporter, fileSystem);
private static string GetTestLocalFeedPath() =>
Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "TestAssetLocalNugetFeed");
private readonly string _testTargetframework = BundledTargetFramework.GetTargetFrameworkMoniker();
private const string TestPackageVersion = "1.0.4";
private static readonly PackageId TestPackageId = new PackageId("global.tool.console.demo.with.shim");