When run “dotnet run -- foo”, foo should be the argument passed to the subject app. After replacing the original parser, dotnet-run did not utilize the “unparsedtoken” of the parsed result. To append unparsedtoken to RunCommand’s argument is not straight forward. RunCommand has an “immutable constructor”, which is a good thing, so I made update RunCommand’s argument following the immutable pattern -- create a new object with the original field but only change the arguments. I also made these filed private set.
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// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Run.Tests
public class GivenDotnetRunBuildsCsproj : TestBase
public void ItCanRunAMSBuildProject()
var testAppName = "MSBuildTestApp";
var testInstance = TestAssets.Get(testAppName)
var testProjectDirectory = testInstance.Root.FullName;
new RestoreCommand()
new BuildCommand()
new RunCommand()
.And.HaveStdOutContaining("Hello World!");
public void ItBuildsTheProjectBeforeRunning()
var testAppName = "MSBuildTestApp";
var testInstance = TestAssets.Get(testAppName)
var testProjectDirectory = testInstance.Root.FullName;
new RestoreCommand()
new RunCommand()
.And.HaveStdOutContaining("Hello World!");
public void ItCanRunAMSBuildProjectWhenSpecifyingAFramework()
var testAppName = "MSBuildTestApp";
var testInstance = TestAssets.Get(testAppName)
var testProjectDirectory = testInstance.Root.FullName;
new RestoreCommand()
new RunCommand()
.ExecuteWithCapturedOutput("--framework netcoreapp2.0")
.And.HaveStdOutContaining("Hello World!");
public void ItRunsPortableAppsFromADifferentPathAfterBuilding()
var testInstance = TestAssets.Get("MSBuildTestApp")
new BuildCommand()
new RunCommand()
.And.HaveStdOutContaining("Hello World!");
public void ItRunsPortableAppsFromADifferentPathWithoutBuilding()
var testAppName = "MSBuildTestApp";
var testInstance = TestAssets.Get(testAppName)
var projectFile = testInstance.Root.GetFile(testAppName + ".csproj");
new RunCommand()
.ExecuteWithCapturedOutput($"--project {projectFile.FullName}")
.And.HaveStdOutContaining("Hello World!");
public void ItRunsPortableAppsFromADifferentPathSpecifyingOnlyTheDirectoryWithoutBuilding()
var testAppName = "MSBuildTestApp";
var testInstance = TestAssets.Get(testAppName)
var testProjectDirectory = testInstance.Root.FullName;
new RunCommand()
.ExecuteWithCapturedOutput($"--project {testProjectDirectory}")
.And.HaveStdOutContaining("Hello World!");
public void ItRunsAppWhenRestoringToSpecificPackageDirectory()
var rootPath = TestAssets.CreateTestDirectory().FullName;
string dir = "pkgs";
string args = $"--packages {dir}";
string newArgs = $"console -o \"{rootPath}\" --no-restore";
new NewCommandShim()
new RestoreCommand()
new RunCommand()
.And.HaveStdOutContaining("Hello World");
public void ItReportsAGoodErrorWhenProjectHasMultipleFrameworks()
var testAppName = "MSBuildAppWithMultipleFrameworks";
var testInstance = TestAssets.Get(testAppName)
// use --no-build so this test can run on all platforms.
// the test app targets net451, which can't be built on non-Windows
new RunCommand()
public void ItCanPassArgumentsToSubjectAppByDoubleDash()
const string testAppName = "MSBuildTestApp";
var testInstance = TestAssets.Get(testAppName)
var testProjectDirectory = testInstance.Root.FullName;
new RunCommand()
.ExecuteWithCapturedOutput("-- foo bar baz")
.And.HaveStdOutContaining("echo args:foo;bar;baz");