- Project dependencies are always built into their specific folders and the main project is the only one that uses the output path and intermediate output path variable. - Publish respects the output path for publish only, not compile as part of publish. This means that publishing multiple runtimes will stomp on each other. So don't do that. We can throw if you specify and output location and you haven't specified a specific combination of RID and framework. Alternatively it should probably just pick the first TFM/RID pair from the lock file. This is similar to how `dotnet run` works. - Cleaned up the incremental build output formatting - Use a single stream (output stream) since interleaving them was causing formatting issues (like losing random characters in the middle of outputting things). - Didn't change how pack works, it still preserves the output structure when passing `--output`, this one is worth discussing. We could leave the build output inplace and only move the package to the output location. That's more consistent with how everything else works and can be a follow up PR.
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using NuGet.Frameworks;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.DotNet.ProjectModel;
using Microsoft.DotNet.ProjectModel.Graph;
using NuGet.Packaging;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils
internal static class CommandResolver
public static CommandSpec TryResolveCommandSpec(string commandName, IEnumerable<string> args, NuGetFramework framework = null, bool useComSpec = false)
return ResolveFromRootedCommand(commandName, args, useComSpec) ??
ResolveFromProjectDependencies(commandName, args, framework, useComSpec) ??
ResolveFromProjectTools(commandName, args, useComSpec) ??
ResolveFromAppBase(commandName, args, useComSpec) ??
ResolveFromPath(commandName, args, useComSpec);
private static CommandSpec ResolveFromPath(string commandName, IEnumerable<string> args, bool useComSpec = false)
var commandPath = Env.GetCommandPath(commandName);
return commandPath == null
? null
: CreateCommandSpecPreferringExe(commandName, args, commandPath, CommandResolutionStrategy.Path, useComSpec);
private static CommandSpec ResolveFromAppBase(string commandName, IEnumerable<string> args, bool useComSpec = false)
var commandPath = Env.GetCommandPathFromAppBase(AppContext.BaseDirectory, commandName);
return commandPath == null
? null
: CreateCommandSpecPreferringExe(commandName, args, commandPath, CommandResolutionStrategy.BaseDirectory, useComSpec);
private static CommandSpec ResolveFromRootedCommand(string commandName, IEnumerable<string> args, bool useComSpec = false)
if (Path.IsPathRooted(commandName))
if (useComSpec)
return CreateComSpecCommandSpec(commandName, args, CommandResolutionStrategy.Path);
var escapedArgs = ArgumentEscaper.EscapeAndConcatenateArgArrayForProcessStart(args);
return new CommandSpec(commandName, escapedArgs, CommandResolutionStrategy.Path);
return null;
public static CommandSpec ResolveFromProjectDependencies(string commandName, IEnumerable<string> args,
NuGetFramework framework, bool useComSpec = false)
if (framework == null) return null;
var projectContext = GetProjectContext(framework);
if (projectContext == null) return null;
var commandPackage = GetCommandPackage(projectContext, commandName);
if (commandPackage == null) return null;
var depsPath = GetDepsPath(projectContext, Constants.DefaultConfiguration);
return ConfigureCommandFromPackage(commandName, args, commandPackage, projectContext, depsPath, useComSpec);
private static ProjectContext GetProjectContext(NuGetFramework framework)
var projectRootPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(projectRootPath, Project.FileName)))
return null;
var projectContext = ProjectContext.Create(projectRootPath, framework);
return projectContext;
private static PackageDescription GetCommandPackage(ProjectContext projectContext, string commandName)
return projectContext.LibraryManager.GetLibraries()
.Where(l => l.GetType() == typeof (PackageDescription))
.Select(l => l as PackageDescription)
.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Library.Files
.Where(f => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f) == commandName)
.Any(e => Env.ExecutableExtensions.Contains(e) ||
e == FileNameSuffixes.DotNet.DynamicLib));
public static CommandSpec ResolveFromProjectTools(string commandName, IEnumerable<string> args, bool useComSpec = false)
var context = GetProjectContext(FrameworkConstants.CommonFrameworks.DnxCore50);
if (context == null)
return null;
var commandLibrary = context.ProjectFile.Tools
.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == commandName);
if (commandLibrary == default(LibraryRange))
return null;
var lockPath = Path.Combine(context.ProjectDirectory, "artifacts", "Tools", commandName,
if (!File.Exists(lockPath))
return null;
var lockFile = LockFileReader.Read(lockPath);
var lib = lockFile.PackageLibraries.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == commandName);
var packageDir = new VersionFolderPathResolver(context.PackagesDirectory)
.GetInstallPath(lib.Name, lib.Version);
return Directory.Exists(packageDir)
? ConfigureCommandFromPackage(commandName, args, lib.Files, packageDir)
: null;
private static CommandSpec ConfigureCommandFromPackage(string commandName, IEnumerable<string> args, string packageDir)
var commandPackage = new PackageFolderReader(packageDir);
var files = commandPackage.GetFiles();
return ConfigureCommandFromPackage(commandName, args, files, packageDir);
private static CommandSpec ConfigureCommandFromPackage(string commandName, IEnumerable<string> args,
PackageDescription commandPackage, ProjectContext projectContext, string depsPath = null, bool useComSpec = false)
var files = commandPackage.Library.Files;
var packageRoot = projectContext.PackagesDirectory;
var packagePath = commandPackage.Path;
var packageDir = Path.Combine(packageRoot, packagePath);
return ConfigureCommandFromPackage(commandName, args, files, packageDir, depsPath, useComSpec);
private static CommandSpec ConfigureCommandFromPackage(string commandName, IEnumerable<string> args,
IEnumerable<string> files, string packageDir, string depsPath = null, bool useComSpec = false)
var fileName = string.Empty;
var commandPath = files
.FirstOrDefault(f => Env.ExecutableExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(f)));
if (commandPath == null)
var dllPath = files
.Where(f => Path.GetFileName(f) == commandName + FileNameSuffixes.DotNet.DynamicLib)
.Select(f => Path.Combine(packageDir, f))
fileName = CoreHost.HostExePath;
var additionalArgs = new List<string>();
if (depsPath != null)
args = additionalArgs.Concat(args);
fileName = Path.Combine(packageDir, commandPath);
if (useComSpec)
return CreateComSpecCommandSpec(fileName, args, CommandResolutionStrategy.NugetPackage);
var escapedArgs = ArgumentEscaper.EscapeAndConcatenateArgArrayForProcessStart(args);
return new CommandSpec(fileName, escapedArgs, CommandResolutionStrategy.NugetPackage);
private static string GetDepsPath(ProjectContext context, string buildConfiguration)
return Path.Combine(context.GetOutputPathCalculator().GetOutputDirectoryPath(buildConfiguration),
context.ProjectFile.Name + FileNameSuffixes.Deps);
private static CommandSpec CreateCommandSpecPreferringExe(
string commandName,
IEnumerable<string> args,
string commandPath,
CommandResolutionStrategy resolutionStrategy,
bool useComSpec = false)
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) &&
Path.GetExtension(commandPath).Equals(".cmd", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
var preferredCommandPath = Env.GetCommandPath(commandName, ".exe");
// Use cmd if we can't find an exe
if (preferredCommandPath == null)
useComSpec = true;
commandPath = preferredCommandPath;
if (useComSpec)
return CreateComSpecCommandSpec(commandPath, args, resolutionStrategy);
var escapedArgs = ArgumentEscaper.EscapeAndConcatenateArgArrayForProcessStart(args);
return new CommandSpec(commandPath, escapedArgs, resolutionStrategy);
private static CommandSpec CreateComSpecCommandSpec(
string command,
IEnumerable<string> args,
CommandResolutionStrategy resolutionStrategy)
// To prevent Command Not Found, comspec gets passed in as
// the command already in some cases
var comSpec = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ComSpec");
if (command.Equals(comSpec, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
command = args.FirstOrDefault();
args = args.Skip(1);
var cmdEscapedArgs = ArgumentEscaper.EscapeAndConcatenateArgArrayForCmdProcessStart(args);
if (ArgumentEscaper.ShouldSurroundWithQuotes(command))
command = $"\"{command}\"";
var escapedArgString = $"/s /c \"{command} {cmdEscapedArgs}\"";
return new CommandSpec(comSpec, escapedArgString, resolutionStrategy);