This commit attempts to make the command line help user experience for `dotnet` more consistent for all of the built-in SDK commands. The following has been changed: * Organized the top-level help into a section detailing how to run .NET applications and a section on running SDK commands. * Sorted the SDK commands by name (previous ordering was undefined). * Removed `--verbosity` from the "common options section" since it is not a top-level option, nor is it common to all commands. * Added missing parameter names for parameterized options (especially for the `dotnet tool` subcommands). * Fixed the localization of parameter names for parameterized options. * Added missing `PROJECT` parameter to a few commands. * Fixed the localization of the build command's `PROJECT` parameter description. * Fixed the confusing descriptions for the `--framework`, `--configuration`, and `--runtime` options that were being shared between different commands. * Fixed the "unknown command" error for `dotnet help <command>` to show in red. * Deleted .resx for `dotnet msbuild` that is no longer used. * Change the option descriptions to be more consistent in their grammatical structure. * Removed extra blank line from end of help output. Fixes #7431. Fixes #9230. Fixes #9165.
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// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using FluentAssertions;
using Microsoft.Build.Construction;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.Utilities;
using Msbuild.Tests.Utilities;
using System;
using System.IO;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.List.Reference.Tests
public class GivenDotnetListReference : TestBase
private const string HelpText = @"Usage: dotnet list <PROJECT> reference [options]
<PROJECT> The project file to operate on. If a file is not specified, the command will search the current directory for one.
-h, --help Show command line help.";
private const string ListCommandHelpText = @"Usage: dotnet list [options] <PROJECT> [command]
<PROJECT> The project file to operate on. If a file is not specified, the command will search the current directory for one.
-h, --help Show command line help.
reference List all project-to-project references of the project.";
const string FrameworkNet451Arg = "-f net451";
const string ConditionFrameworkNet451 = "== 'net451'";
const string FrameworkNetCoreApp10Arg = "-f netcoreapp1.0";
const string ConditionFrameworkNetCoreApp10 = "== 'netcoreapp1.0'";
public void WhenHelpOptionIsPassedItPrintsUsage(string helpArg)
var cmd = new ListReferenceCommand().Execute(helpArg);
public void WhenNoCommandIsPassedItPrintsError(string commandName)
var cmd = new DotnetCommand()
.ExecuteWithCapturedOutput($"list {commandName}");
public void WhenTooManyArgumentsArePassedItPrintsError()
var cmd = new ListReferenceCommand()
.WithProject("one two three")
cmd.StdErr.Should().BeVisuallyEquivalentTo($@"{string.Format(CommandLine.LocalizableStrings.UnrecognizedCommandOrArgument, "two")}
{string.Format(CommandLine.LocalizableStrings.UnrecognizedCommandOrArgument, "three")}");
public void WhenNonExistingProjectIsPassedItPrintsErrorAndUsage(string projName)
var setup = Setup();
var cmd = new ListReferenceCommand()
cmd.StdErr.Should().Be(string.Format(CommonLocalizableStrings.CouldNotFindProjectOrDirectory, projName));
public void WhenBrokenProjectIsPassedItPrintsErrorAndUsage()
string projName = "Broken/Broken.csproj";
var setup = Setup();
var cmd = new ListReferenceCommand()
cmd.StdErr.Should().Be(string.Format(CommonLocalizableStrings.ProjectIsInvalid, "Broken/Broken.csproj"));
public void WhenMoreThanOneProjectExistsInTheDirectoryItPrintsErrorAndUsage()
var setup = Setup();
var workingDir = Path.Combine(setup.TestRoot, "MoreThanOne");
var cmd = new ListReferenceCommand()
cmd.StdErr.Should().Be(string.Format(CommonLocalizableStrings.MoreThanOneProjectInDirectory, workingDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));
public void WhenNoProjectsExistsInTheDirectoryItPrintsErrorAndUsage()
var setup = Setup();
var cmd = new ListReferenceCommand()
cmd.StdErr.Should().Be(string.Format(CommonLocalizableStrings.CouldNotFindAnyProjectInDirectory, setup.TestRoot + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));
public void WhenNoProjectReferencesArePresentInTheProjectItPrintsError()
var lib = NewLib();
var cmd = new ListReferenceCommand()
cmd.StdOut.Should().Be(string.Format(CommonLocalizableStrings.NoReferencesFound, CommonLocalizableStrings.P2P, lib.CsProjPath));
public void ItPrintsSingleReference()
string OutputText = CommonLocalizableStrings.ProjectReferenceOneOrMore;
OutputText += $@"
{new string('-', OutputText.Length)}
var lib = NewLib("lib");
string ref1 = NewLib("ref").CsProjPath;
AddValidRef(ref1, lib);
var cmd = new ListReferenceCommand()
public void ItPrintsMultipleReferences()
string OutputText = CommonLocalizableStrings.ProjectReferenceOneOrMore;
OutputText += $@"
{new string('-', OutputText.Length)}
var lib = NewLib("lib");
string ref1 = NewLib("ref1").CsProjPath;
string ref2 = NewLib("ref2").CsProjPath;
string ref3 = NewLib("ref3").CsProjPath;
AddValidRef(ref1, lib);
AddValidRef(ref2, lib);
AddValidRef(ref3, lib);
var cmd = new ListReferenceCommand()
private TestSetup Setup([System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string callingMethod = nameof(Setup), string identifier = "")
return new TestSetup(
TestAssets.Get(TestSetup.TestGroup, TestSetup.ProjectName)
.CreateInstance(callingMethod: callingMethod, identifier: identifier)
private ProjDir NewDir(string testProjectName = "temp", [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string callingMethod = nameof(NewDir), string identifier = "")
return new ProjDir(TestAssets.CreateTestDirectory(testProjectName: testProjectName, callingMethod: callingMethod, identifier: identifier).FullName);
private ProjDir NewLib(string testProjectName = "temp", [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberName] string callingMethod = nameof(NewDir), string identifier = "")
var dir = NewDir(testProjectName: testProjectName, callingMethod: callingMethod, identifier: identifier);
string newArgs = $"classlib -o \"{dir.Path}\" --debug:ephemeral-hive --no-restore";
new NewCommandShim()
catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception e)
throw new Exception($"Intermittent error in `dotnet new` occurred when running it in dir `{dir.Path}`\nException:\n{e}");
return dir;
private void AddValidRef(string path, ProjDir proj)
new AddReferenceCommand()