Build becomes the new compile. It decides which project to compile and how. It checks for incremental preconditions Compile's resonsibility is trimmed down to only knowing how to invoke the compiler on a project
260 lines
8 KiB
260 lines
8 KiB
// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using Xunit;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils;
using Microsoft.DotNet.ProjectModel;
namespace ConsoleApplication
public class E2ETest
private static readonly string EXPECTED_OUTPUT = "Hello World!" + Environment.NewLine;
private static readonly string TESTDIR_NAME = "hellotest";
private static readonly string OUTPUTDIR_NAME = "testbin";
private static string RootPath { get; set; }
private string TestDirectory { get; set; }
private string OutputDirectory { get; set; }
private string Rid { get; set; }
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Dummy Entrypoint.");
public E2ETest()
if (RootPath == null)
RootPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
TestDirectory = Path.Combine(RootPath, TESTDIR_NAME);
OutputDirectory = Path.Combine(RootPath, OUTPUTDIR_NAME);
Rid = RuntimeIdentifier.Current;
public void TestDotnetCompile()
TestRunCommand("dotnet", $"build -o {OutputDirectory}");
public void TestDotnetCompileNativeRyuJit()
if(SkipForOS(OSPlatform.Linux, "https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/527"))
TestRunCommand("dotnet", $"build --native -o {OutputDirectory}");
var nativeOut = Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "native");
public void TestDotnetCompileNativeCpp()
TestRunCommand("dotnet", $"build --native --cpp -o {OutputDirectory}");
var nativeOut = Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "native");
public void TestDotnetRun()
TestRunCommand("dotnet", $"run");
public void TestDotnetPack()
TestRunCommand("dotnet", $"pack");
public void TestDotnetPublish()
TestRunCommand("dotnet", $"publish --framework dnxcore50 --runtime {Rid} -o {OutputDirectory}");
private void TestSetup()
TestRunCommand("dotnet", "new");
TestRunCommand("dotnet", "restore --quiet");
private bool SkipForOS(OSPlatform os, string reason)
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(os))
Console.WriteLine("Skipping Test for reason: " + reason);
return true;
return false;
private void TestRunCommand(string command, string args)
var result = Command.Create(command, args)
Assert.Equal(0, result.ExitCode);
private void TestOutputExecutable(string outputDir)
var executableName = TESTDIR_NAME + Constants.ExeSuffix;
var executablePath = Path.Combine(outputDir, executableName);
var result = Command.Create(executablePath, "")
var outText = result.StdOut;
Assert.Equal(EXPECTED_OUTPUT, outText);
private void CleanOrCreateDirectory(string path)
if (Directory.Exists(path))
Directory.Delete(path, true);
public class StreamForwarderTests
public void Unbuffered()
Forward(4, true, "");
Forward(4, true, "123", "123");
Forward(4, true, "1234", "1234");
Forward(3, true, "123456789", "123", "456", "789");
Forward(4, true, "\r\n", "\n");
Forward(4, true, "\r\n34", "\n", "34");
Forward(4, true, "1\r\n4", "1\n", "4");
Forward(4, true, "12\r\n", "12\n");
Forward(4, true, "123\r\n", "123\n");
Forward(4, true, "1234\r\n", "1234", "\n");
Forward(3, true, "\r\n3456\r\n9", "\n", "3456", "\n", "9");
Forward(4, true, "\n", "\n");
Forward(4, true, "\n234", "\n", "234");
Forward(4, true, "1\n34", "1\n", "34");
Forward(4, true, "12\n4", "12\n", "4");
Forward(4, true, "123\n", "123\n");
Forward(4, true, "1234\n", "1234", "\n");
Forward(3, true, "\n23456\n89", "\n", "23456", "\n", "89");
public void LineBuffered()
Forward(4, false, "");
Forward(4, false, "123", "123\n");
Forward(4, false, "1234", "1234\n");
Forward(3, false, "123456789", "123456789\n");
Forward(4, false, "\r\n", "\n");
Forward(4, false, "\r\n34", "\n", "34\n");
Forward(4, false, "1\r\n4", "1\n", "4\n");
Forward(4, false, "12\r\n", "12\n");
Forward(4, false, "123\r\n", "123\n");
Forward(4, false, "1234\r\n", "1234\n");
Forward(3, false, "\r\n3456\r\n9", "\n", "3456\n", "9\n");
Forward(4, false, "\n", "\n");
Forward(4, false, "\n234", "\n", "234\n");
Forward(4, false, "1\n34", "1\n", "34\n");
Forward(4, false, "12\n4", "12\n", "4\n");
Forward(4, false, "123\n", "123\n");
Forward(4, false, "1234\n", "1234\n");
Forward(3, false, "\n23456\n89", "\n", "23456\n", "89\n");
private static void Forward(int bufferSize, bool unbuffered, string str, params string[] expectedWrites)
var expectedCaptured = str.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine);
// No forwarding.
Forward(bufferSize, ForwardOptions.None, str, null, new string[0]);
// Capture only.
Forward(bufferSize, ForwardOptions.Capture, str, expectedCaptured, new string[0]);
var writeOptions = unbuffered ?
ForwardOptions.Write | ForwardOptions.WriteLine :
// Forward.
Forward(bufferSize, writeOptions, str, null, expectedWrites);
// Forward and capture.
Forward(bufferSize, writeOptions | ForwardOptions.Capture, str, expectedCaptured, expectedWrites);
private enum ForwardOptions
None = 0x0,
Capture = 0x1,
Write = 0x02,
WriteLine = 0x04,
private static void Forward(int bufferSize, ForwardOptions options, string str, string expectedCaptured, string[] expectedWrites)
var forwarder = new StreamForwarder(bufferSize);
var writes = new List<string>();
if ((options & ForwardOptions.WriteLine) != 0)
write: (options & ForwardOptions.Write) == 0 ? (Action<string>)null : writes.Add,
writeLine: s => writes.Add(s + "\n"));
if ((options & ForwardOptions.Capture) != 0)
forwarder.Read(new StringReader(str));
Assert.Equal(expectedWrites, writes);
var captured = forwarder.GetCapturedOutput();
Assert.Equal(expectedCaptured, captured);