Ajay Bhargav Baaskaran 44fd8bc2de Updated ProjectModel
- Added PackOptions, RuntimeOptions, PublishOptions and updated CompilationOptions
 - Added IncludeFilesResolver to parse include, exclude patterns
 - Added compile, embed and copyToOutput to compilationOptions
 - Renamed compilationOptions to buildOptions
 - Moved compilerName into buildOptions
 - This change is backwards compatible
 - Added warnings to be shown when the old schema is used
 - Handled diagnostic messages in ProjectReader
 - Added unit and end to end tests
2016-04-27 11:49:44 -07:00

12 lines
356 B

// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.ProjectModel
public class RuntimeOptions
public bool GcServer { get; set; }
public bool GcConcurrent { get; set; }