2017-01-05 17:25:46 -08:00

189 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Tools
internal class CommonLocalizableStrings
public const string UnsupportedProjectType = "Unsupported project type. Please check with your sdk provider.";
public const string ProjectAlreadyHasAreference = "Project already has a reference to `{0}`.";
public const string ProjectReferenceCouldNotBeFound = "Project reference `{0}` could not be found.";
public const string ProjectReferenceRemoved = "Project reference `{0}` removed.";
// Project related
public const string Project = "Project";
public const string ProjectFile = "Project file";
public const string Reference = "Reference";
public const string ProjectReference = "Project reference";
public const string ProjectReferenceOneOrMore = "Project reference(s)";
public const string PackageReference = "Package reference";
public const string P2P = "Project to Project";
public const string P2PReference = "Project to Project reference";
public const string Package = "Package";
public const string Solution = "Solution";
public const string SolutionFile = "Solution file";
public const string Executable = "Executable";
public const string Library = "Library";
public const string Program = "Program";
public const string Application = "Application";
public const string ReferenceAddedToTheProject = "Reference `{0}` added to the project.";
// Verbs
public const string Add = "Add";
public const string Remove = "Remove";
public const string Delete = "Delete";
public const string Update = "Update";
public const string New = "New";
public const string List = "List";
public const string Load = "Load";
public const string Save = "Save";
public const string Find = "Find";
// Other
public const string Error = "Error";
public const string Warning = "Warning";
public const string File = "File";
public const string Directory = "Directory";
public const string Type = "Type";
public const string Value = "Value";
public const string Group = "Group";
// General sentences";
public const string XAddedToY = "{0} added to {1}.";
public const string XRemovedFromY = "{0} removed from {1}.";
public const string XDeletedFromY = "{0} deleted from {1}.";
public const string XSuccessfullyUpdated = "{0} successfully updated.";
// General errors
/// Invalid
public const string XIsInvalid = "{0} is invalid.";
public const string XYFoundButInvalid = "{0} `{1}` found but is invalid.";
public const string XFoundButInvalid = "`{0}` found but is invalid.";
public const string OperationInvalid = "Operation is invalid.";
public const string OperationXInvalid = "Operation {0} is invalid.";
/// Not Found
public const string XNotFound = "{0} not found.";
public const string XOrYNotFound = "{0} or {1} not found.";
public const string XOrYNotFoundInZ = "{0} or {1} not found in `{2}`.";
public const string FileNotFound = "File `{0}` not found.";
/// Does not exist
public const string XDoesNotExist = "{0} does not exist.";
public const string XYDoesNotExist = "{0} `{1}` does not exist.";
/// Duplicate
public const string MoreThanOneXFound = "More than one {0} found.";
public const string XAlreadyContainsY = "{0} already contains {1}.";
public const string XAlreadyContainsYZ = "{0} already contains {1} `{2}`.";
public const string XAlreadyHasY = "{0} already has {1}.";
public const string XAlreadyHasYZ = "{0} already has {1} `{2}`.";
/// Other
public const string XWasNotExpected = "{0} was not expected.";
public const string XNotProvided = "{0} not provided.";
public const string SpecifyAtLeastOne = "Please specify at least one {0}.";
public const string CouldNotConnectWithTheServer = "Could not connect with the server.";
// Command Line Parsing
public const string RequiredArgumentIsInvalid = "Required argument {0} is invalid.";
public const string OptionIsInvalid = "Option {0} is invalid.";
public const string ArgumentIsInvalid = "Argument {0} is invalid.";
public const string RequiredArgumentNotPassed = "Required argument {0} was not provided.";
public const string RequiredCommandNotPassed = "Required command was not provided.";
// dotnet <verb>
/// Project
public const string CouldNotFindAnyProjectInDirectory = "Could not find any project in `{0}`.";
public const string CouldNotFindProjectOrDirectory = "Could not find project or directory `{0}`.";
public const string MoreThanOneProjectInDirectory = "Found more than one project in `{0}`. Please specify which one to use.";
public const string FoundInvalidProject = "Found a project `{0}` but it is invalid.";
public const string InvalidProject = "Invalid project `{0}`.";
/// Solution
public const string CouldNotFindSolutionIn = "Specified solution file {0} does not exist, or there is no solution file in the directory.";
public const string CouldNotFindSolutionOrDirectory = "Could not find solution or directory `{0}`.";
public const string MoreThanOneSolutionInDirectory = "Found more than one solution file in {0}. Please specify which one to use.";
public const string InvalidSolutionFormatString = "Invalid solution `{0}`. {1}"; // {0} is the solution path, {1} is already localized details on the failure
public const string SolutionDoesNotExist = "Specified solution file {0} does not exist, or there is no solution file in the directory.";
/// add p2p
public const string ReferenceDoesNotExist = "Reference {0} does not exist.";
public const string ReferenceIsInvalid = "Reference `{0}` is invalid.";
public const string SpecifyAtLeastOneReferenceToAdd = "You must specify at least one reference to add.";
public const string ProjectAlreadyHasAReference = "Project {0} already has a reference `{1}`.";
/// add package
public const string PackageReferenceDoesNotExist = "Package reference `{0}` does not exist.";
public const string PackageReferenceIsInvalid = "Package reference `{0}` is invalid.";
public const string SpecifyAtLeastOnePackageReferenceToAdd = "You must specify at least one package to add.";
public const string PackageReferenceAddedToTheProject = "Package reference `{0}` added to the project.";
public const string ProjectAlreadyHasAPackageReference = "Project {0} already has a reference `{1}`.";
public const string PleaseSpecifyVersion = "Please specify a version of the package.";
/// add sln
public const string ProjectDoesNotExist = "Project `{0}` does not exist.";
public const string ProjectIsInvalid = "Project `{0}` is invalid.";
public const string SpecifyAtLeastOneProjectToAdd = "You must specify at least one project to add.";
public const string ProjectAddedToTheSolution = "Project `{0}` added to the solution.";
public const string SolutionAlreadyContainsProject = "Solution {0} already contains project {1}.";
/// del p2p
public const string ReferenceNotFoundInTheProject = "Specified reference {0} does not exist in project {1}.";
public const string ReferenceRemoved = "Reference `{0}` deleted from the project.";
public const string SpecifyAtLeastOneReferenceToRemove = "You must specify at least one reference to remove.";
public const string ReferenceDeleted = "Reference `{0}` deleted.";
/// del pkg
public const string PackageReferenceNotFoundInTheProject = "Package reference `{0}` could not be found in the project.";
public const string PackageReferenceRemoved = "Reference `{0}` deleted from the project.";
public const string SpecifyAtLeastOnePackageReferenceToRemove = "You must specify at least one package reference to remove.";
public const string PackageReferenceDeleted = "Package reference `{0}` deleted.";
/// del sln
public const string ProjectNotFoundInTheSolution = "Project `{0}` could not be found in the solution.";
public const string ProjectRemoved = "Project `{0}` removed from solution.";
public const string SpecifyAtLeastOneProjectToRemove = "You must specify at least one project to remove.";
public const string ProjectDeleted = "Project `{0}` deleted from solution.";
/// list
public const string NoReferencesFound = "There are no {0} references in project {1}. ;; {0} is the type of the item being requested (project, package, p2p) and {1} is the object operated on (a project file or a solution file). ";
public const string NoProjectsFound = "No projects found in the solution.";
/// arguments
public const string ArgumentsProjectOrSolutionDescription = "The project or solution to operation on. If a file is not specified, the current directory is searched.";
/// sln
public const string ArgumentsProjectDescription = "The project file to operate on. If a file is not specified, the command will search the current directory for one.";
public const string ArgumentsSolutionDescription = "Solution file to operate on. If not specified, the command will search the current directory for one.";
public const string CmdSlnFile = "<SLN_FILE>";
public const string CmdProjectFile = "<PROJECT>";
/// commands
public const string CmdFramework = "FRAMEWORK";
/// update pkg
public const string PleaseSpecifyNewVersion = "Please specify new version of the package.";
public const string PleaseSpecifyWhichPackageToUpdate = "Please specify which package to update.";
public const string NothingToUpdate = "Nothing to update.";
public const string EverythingUpToDate = "Everything is already up-to-date.";
public const string PackageVersionUpdatedTo = "Version of package `{0}` updated to `{1}`.";
public const string PackageVersionUpdated = "Version of package `{0}` updated.";
public const string CouldNotUpdateTheVersion = "Could not update the version of the package `{0}`.";
/// new
public const string TemplateCreatedSuccessfully = "The template {0} created successfully. Please run \"dotnet restore\" to get started!";
public const string TemplateInstalledSuccesfully = "The template {0} installed successfully. You can use \"dotnet new {0}\" to get started with the new template.";
public const string TemplateCreateError = "Template {0} could not be created. Error returned was: {1}.";
public const string TemplateInstallError = "Template {0} could not be installed. Error returned was: {1}.";
public const string SpecifiedNameExists = "Specified name {0} already exists. Please specify a different name.";
public const string SpecifiedAliasExists = "Specified alias {0} already exists. Please specify a different alias.";
public const string MandatoryParameterMissing = "Mandatory parameter {0} missing for template {1}. ";
public const string ProjectNotCompatibleWithFrameworks = "Project `{0}` cannot be added due to incompatible targeted frameworks between the two projects. Please review the project you are trying to add and verify that is compatible with the following targets:";
public const string ProjectDoesNotTargetFramework = "Project `{0}` does not target framework `{1}`.";
public const string ProjectCouldNotBeEvaluated = "Project `{0}` could not be evaluated. Evaluation failed with following error:\n{1}";