- Needs a clean machine without dotnet MSI installed for the tests to run. - Needs admin privileges to run. Else test script exits silently. - These xunit based tests run on Netfx46. For now these tests are disabled until I figure out the right way to run them in the CI machines.
164 lines
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164 lines
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# Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
[string]$inputDir = $(throw "Specify the full path to the directory which needs to be harvested")
. "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\scripts\_common.ps1"
$DotnetMSIOutput = ""
$WixRoot = ""
$InstallFileswsx = "install-files.wxs"
$InstallFilesWixobj = "install-files.wixobj"
function AcquireWixTools
pushd "$Stage2Dir\bin"
Write-Host Restoring Wixtools..
$result = $env:TEMP
.\dotnet restore $RepoRoot\packaging\windows\WiXTools --packages $result | Out-Null
if($LastExitCode -ne 0)
$result = ""
Write-Host "dotnet restore failed with exit code $LastExitCode."
$result = Join-Path $result WiX\\tools
return $result
function RunHeat
$result = $true
pushd "$WixRoot"
Write-Host Running heat..
.\heat.exe dir `"$inputDir`" -template fragment -sreg -gg -var var.DotnetSrc -cg InstallFiles -srd -dr DOTNETHOME -out $InstallFileswsx | Out-Host
if($LastExitCode -ne 0)
$result = $false
Write-Host "Heat failed with exit code $LastExitCode."
return $result
function RunCandle
$result = $true
pushd "$WixRoot"
Write-Host Running candle..
$AuthWsxRoot = Join-Path $RepoRoot "packaging\windows"
.\candle.exe -dDotnetSrc="$inputDir" -dMicrosoftEula="$RepoRoot\packaging\osx\resources\en.lproj\eula.rtf" -dBuildVersion="$env:DOTNET_BUILD_VERSION" -arch x64 `
-ext WixDependencyExtension.dll `
"$AuthWsxRoot\dotnet.wxs" `
"$AuthWsxRoot\provider.wxs" `
"$AuthWsxRoot\registrykeys.wxs" `
$InstallFileswsx | Out-Host
if($LastExitCode -ne 0)
$result = $false
Write-Host "Candle failed with exit code $LastExitCode."
return $result
function RunLight
$result = $true
pushd "$WixRoot"
Write-Host Running light..
.\light -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixDependencyExtension -ext WixUtilExtension `
-cultures:en-us `
dotnet.wixobj `
provider.wixobj `
registrykeys.wixobj `
$InstallFilesWixobj `
-out $DotnetMSIOutput | Out-Host
if($LastExitCode -ne 0)
$result = $false
Write-Host "Light failed with exit code $LastExitCode."
return $result
if(!(Test-Path $inputDir))
throw "$inputDir not found"
if(!(Test-Path $PackageDir))
mkdir $PackageDir | Out-Null
$DotnetMSIOutput = Join-Path $PackageDir "dotnet-win-x64.$env:DOTNET_BUILD_VERSION.msi"
Write-Host "Creating dotnet MSI at $DotnetMSIOutput"
$WixRoot = AcquireWixTools
return -1
if(-Not (RunHeat))
return -1
if(-Not (RunCandle))
return -1
if(-Not (RunLight))
return -1
if(!(Test-Path $DotnetMSIOutput))
throw "Unable to create the dotnet msi."
return -1
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully created dotnet MSI - $DotnetMSIOutput"
& $PSScriptRoot\testmsi.ps1 -inputMsi $DotnetMSIOutput
if($LastExitCode -ne 0)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Msi testing failed."
Exit 1
$PublishScript = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\..\scripts\publish\publish.ps1"
& $PublishScript -file $DotnetMSIOutput
exit $LastExitCode