* 'master' of /Users/livarcocc/Documents/git/cli: (1063 commits) Updating signing project to use new intermediate directory (int). Update runtimeconfig.json doc for 2.1 (#9382) Shortening the path to the intermediate folder by renaming it to int. fix typo (#9364) Updating asp.net to 2.2.0 as well. Updating the build and tests to work with the 2.2.0 runtime. Simplified combining dictionaries in Telemetry Fixing 'Channel' and 'BranchName': "release/2.1.4xx" to "master" (#9362) Fix extraction of folders (#9335) Update Sha256Hasher.cs Fix relative path tool path (#9330) Insert updated SDK from 2.1.4xx branch MSBuild 15.8.60 Fix crash when user home directory cannot be determined. Make `CliFolderPathCalculator` a static class. Don't add the ReleaseSuffix to the branding on the CLI when DropSuffix is set to true. Add retry when Directory.Move (#9313) Override new SdkResult public properties Add reference to Microsoft.Build.NuGetSdkResolver Disable crossgen for MSBuild inline-task refs ...
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<Target Name="GenerateMSBuildExtensions"
DependsOnTargets="GenerateBundledVersionsProps;GenerateBundledCliToolsProps" />
<Target Name="GenerateBundledVersionsProps" DependsOnTargets="RunResolvePackageDependencies">
The bundled version of Microsoft.NETCore.App is determined statically from DependencyVersions.props whereas the bundled version
of NETStandard.Library is defined by what Microsoft.NETCore.App pulls in. This digs in to the package resolution items of
of our build against Microsoft.NETCore.App to find the correct NETStandard.Library version
<_NETStandardLibraryPackageVersions Include="@(PackageDefinitions->'%(Version)')"
Condition="%(PackageDefinitions.Name) == 'NetStandard.Library'" />
<_NETCorePlatformsPackageVersions Include="@(PackageDefinitions->'%(Version)')"
Condition="%(PackageDefinitions.Name) == 'Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms'" />
<Error Condition="@(_NETStandardLibraryPackageVersions->Distinct()->Count()) != 1"
Text="Failed to determine the NETStandard.Library version pulled in Microsoft.NETCore.App" />
<Error Condition="@(_NETCorePlatformsPackageVersions->Distinct()->Count()) != 1"
Text="Failed to determine the Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms version pulled in Microsoft.NETCore.App" />
<!-- Use only major and minor in target framework version -->
<_NETCoreSdkIsPreview Condition=" '$(DropSuffix)' != 'true' ">true</_NETCoreSdkIsPreview>
<BundledVersionsVariable Include="BundledAspNetCoreAllTargetFrameworkVersion" Value="$(_AspNetCoreAllTargetFrameworkVersion)" />
<BundledVersionsVariable Include="BundledAspNetCoreAllPackageVersion" Value="$(_AspNetCoreAllPackageVersion)" />
<BundledVersionsVariable Include="BundledAspNetCoreAppTargetFrameworkVersion" Value="$(_AspNetCoreAppTargetFrameworkVersion)" />
<BundledVersionsVariable Include="BundledAspNetCoreAppPackageVersion" Value="$(_AspNetCoreAppPackageVersion)" />
<ItemGroup Condition=" '$(IncludeAspNetCoreRuntime)' == 'false' ">
These properties indicate that the ASP.NET Core shared runtime is not bundled on this platform, so the SDK should not
treat these packages as the 'platform' base.
The bundled aspnet packages versions should still be set, however, so the default, version-less PackageReference
still works.
See also https://github.com/aspnet/Universe/pull/1130.
<BundledVersionsVariable Include="_AspNetCoreAppSharedFxIsEnabled" Value="false" />
<BundledVersionsVariable Include="_AspNetCoreAllSharedFxIsEnabled" Value="false" />
WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY this file unless you are knowledgeable about MSBuild and have
created a backup copy. Incorrect changes to this file will make it
impossible to load or build your projects from the command-line or the IDE.
Copyright (c) .NET Foundation. All rights reserved.
@(BundledVersionsVariable->'<%(Identity)>%(Value)</%(Identity)>', '%0A ')
<!-- Latest patch versions for each minor version of .NET Core -->
<LatestPatchVersionForNetCore1_0 Condition="'$(LatestPatchVersionForNetCore1_0)' == ''">1.0.11</LatestPatchVersionForNetCore1_0>
<LatestPatchVersionForNetCore1_1 Condition="'$(LatestPatchVersionForNetCore1_1)' == ''">1.1.8</LatestPatchVersionForNetCore1_1>
<LatestPatchVersionForNetCore2_0 Condition="'$(LatestPatchVersionForNetCore2_0)' == ''">2.0.7</LatestPatchVersionForNetCore2_0>
<WriteLinesToFile File="$(SdkOutputDirectory)/$(BundledVersionsPropsFileName)"
Overwrite="true" />
<Target Name="GenerateBundledCliToolsProps">
WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY this file unless you are knowledgeable about MSBuild and have
created a backup copy. Incorrect changes to this file will make it
impossible to load or build your projects from the command-line or the IDE.
Copyright (c) .NET Foundation. All rights reserved.
@(BundledDotnetTools->HasMetadata('ObsoletesCliTool')->' %3CBundledDotNetCliToolReference Include="%(ObsoletesCliTool)" /%3E','%0A')
<WriteLinesToFile File="$(SdkOutputDirectory)/$(BundledBundledCliToolsPropsFileName)"
Overwrite="true" />