Set the correct channel so that the stage0 binaries are downloaded correctly. ** This commit cannot be directly merged from the release branch to the master branch **
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# Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
. "$PSScriptRoot\..\common\_common.ps1"
# MSI versioning
# Encode the CLI version to fit into the MSI versioning scheme - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa370859(v=vs.85).aspx
# MSI versions are 3 part
# major.minor.build
# Size(bits) of each part 8 8 16
# So we have 32 bits to encode the CLI version
# Starting with most significant bit this how the CLI version is going to be encoded as MSI Version
# CLI major -> 6 bits
# CLI minor -> 6 bits
# CLI patch -> 6 bits
# CLI commitcount -> 14 bits
function GetMSIVersionFromCLIVersion([uint32]$Major, [uint32]$Minor, [uint32]$Patch, [uint32]$CommitCount)
if($Major -ge 0x40)
throw [System.NotSupportedException] "Invalid Major version - $Major. Major version must be less than 64."
if($Minor -ge 0x40)
throw [System.NotSupportedException] "Invalid Minor version - $Minor. Minor version must be less than 64."
if($Patch -ge 0x40)
throw [System.NotSupportedException] "Invalid Patch version - $Patch. Patch version must be less than 64."
if($CommitCount -ge 0x4000)
throw [System.NotSupportedException] "Invalid CommitCount version - $CommitCount. CommitCount version must be less than 16384."
$Major = ($Major -shl 26)
$Minor = ($Minor -shl 20)
$Patch = ($Patch -shl 14)
[System.UInt32]$MSIVersionNumber = ($Major -bor $Minor -bor $Patch -bor $CommitCount)
$MSIMajor = ($MSIVersionNumber -shr 24) -band 0xFF
$MSIMinor = ($MSIVersionNumber -shr 16) -band 0xFF
$MSIBuild = $MSIVersionNumber -band 0xFFFF
$MSIVersion = "$MSIMajor.$MSIMinor.$MSIBuild"
return $MSIVersion
$env:MajorVersion = 1
$env:MinorVersion = 0
$env:PatchVersion = 0
$CommitCount = [int32](git rev-list --count HEAD)
$env:CommitCountVersion = ([string]$CommitCount).PadLeft(6, "0")
# Zero Padded Suffix for use with Nuget
$env:VersionSuffix = "$env:ReleaseSuffix-$env:CommitCountVersion"
$env:DOTNET_CLI_VERSION = "$env:MajorVersion.$env:MinorVersion.$env:PatchVersion.$env:CommitCountVersion"
$env:DOTNET_MSI_VERSION = GetMSIVersionFromCLIVersion $env:MajorVersion $env:MinorVersion $env:PatchVersion $CommitCount