To avoid sign check whitelist apphost.exe name changes very build. Sign check uses File Id in MSI as whitelist name. Template apphost.exe get a new "File Id" in msi different every time (since File Id is generated according to file path, and file path has version number). Use XSLT tranform to match the file path contains "AppHostTemplate\apphost.exe" and give it the same ID all the time.
153 lines
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153 lines
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# Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
. "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\scripts\common\_common.ps1"
$RepoRoot = Convert-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\.."
$InstallFileswsx = "install-files.wxs"
$InstallFilesWixobj = "install-files.wixobj"
function RunHeat
$result = $true
pushd "$WixRoot"
Write-Output Running heat..
# -t $StableFileIdForApphostTransform to avoid sign check baseline apphost.exe name changes every build. Sign check uses File Id in MSI as whitelist name.
# Template apphost.exe get a new "File Id" in msi different every time (since File Id is generated according to file
# path, and file path has version number)
# use XSLT tranform to match the file path contains "AppHostTemplate\apphost.exe" and give it the same ID all the time.
.\heat.exe dir `"$inputDir`" -template fragment `
-sreg -gg `
-var var.DotnetSrc `
-cg InstallFiles `
-srd `
-t $StableFileIdForApphostTransform `
-out $InstallFileswsx | Out-Host
if($LastExitCode -ne 0)
$result = $false
Write-Output "Heat failed with exit code $LastExitCode."
return $result
function RunCandle
$result = $true
pushd "$WixRoot"
Write-Output Running candle..
$AuthWsxRoot = Join-Path $RepoRoot "packaging\windows\clisdk"
.\candle.exe -nologo `
-dDotnetSrc="$inputDir" `
-dMicrosoftEula="$RepoRoot\packaging\windows\clisdk\dummyeula.rtf" `
-dProductMoniker="$ProductMoniker" `
-dBuildVersion="$DotnetMSIVersion" `
-dDisplayVersion="$DotnetCLIDisplayVersion" `
-dNugetVersion="$DotnetCLINugetVersion" `
-dUpgradeCode="$UpgradeCode" `
-arch "$Architecture" `
-ext WixDependencyExtension.dll `
"$AuthWsxRoot\dotnet.wxs" `
"$AuthWsxRoot\provider.wxs" `
"$AuthWsxRoot\registrykeys.wxs" `
$InstallFileswsx | Out-Host
if($LastExitCode -ne 0)
$result = $false
Write-Output "Candle failed with exit code $LastExitCode."
return $result
function RunLight
$result = $true
pushd "$WixRoot"
Write-Output Running light..
$CabCache = Join-Path $WixRoot "cabcache"
$AuthWsxRoot = Join-Path $RepoRoot "packaging\windows\clisdk"
.\light.exe -nologo -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixDependencyExtension -ext WixUtilExtension `
-cultures:en-us `
dotnet.wixobj `
provider.wixobj `
registrykeys.wixobj `
$InstallFilesWixobj `
-b "$inputDir" `
-b "$AuthWsxRoot" `
-reusecab `
-cc "$CabCache" `
-out $DotnetMSIOutput | Out-Host
if($LastExitCode -ne 0)
$result = $false
Write-Output "Light failed with exit code $LastExitCode."
return $result
if(!(Test-Path $inputDir))
throw "$inputDir not found"
Write-Output "Creating dotnet MSI at $DotnetMSIOutput"
Exit -1
if(-Not (RunHeat))
Exit -1
if(-Not (RunCandle))
Exit -1
if(-Not (RunLight))
Exit -1
if(!(Test-Path $DotnetMSIOutput))
throw "Unable to create the dotnet msi."
Exit -1
Write-Output -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully created dotnet MSI - $DotnetMSIOutput"
exit $LastExitCode