Sridhar Periyasamy b35ba10ec3 Change the host MSI dependency key for correct reference counting.
Earlier the host MSI dependency key changed for every version. Therefore
the following stesp uninstalled host aggresively.
- Install a older dotnet CLI bundle (say v1)
- Install a newer dotnet CLI bundle (say v2)
- Uninstall the newer CLI bundle. This removes the host completely and
  leaves the older version v1 unusable.

With this fix all the versions of the CLI in the machine will reference
count the host correctly.

Fixes - #2713
2016-05-02 12:13:26 -07:00

109 lines
3.2 KiB

# Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
. "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\scripts\common\_common.ps1"
$RepoRoot = Convert-Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\.."
function RunCandleForBundle
$result = $true
pushd "$WixRoot"
Write-Host Running candle for bundle..
$AuthWsxRoot = Join-Path $RepoRoot "packaging\windows\sharedframework"
$SharedFrameworkComponentVersion = $SharedFrameworkNugetVersion.Replace('-', '_');
.\candle.exe -nologo `
-dMicrosoftEula="$RepoRoot\packaging\osx\sharedframework\resources\en.lproj\eula.rtf" `
-dProductMoniker="$ProductMoniker" `
-dBuildVersion="$DotnetMSIVersion" `
-dDisplayVersion="$DotnetCLIVersion" `
-dSharedFXMsiSourcePath="$SharedFxMSIFile" `
-dSharedHostMsiSourcePath="$SharedHostMSIFile" `
-dFrameworkName="$SharedFrameworkNugetName" `
-dFrameworkDisplayVersion="$SharedFrameworkNugetVersion" `
-dFrameworkComponentVersion="$SharedFrameworkComponentVersion" `
-dFrameworkUpgradeCode="$SharedFrameworkUpgradeCode" `
-arch "$Architecture" `
-ext WixBalExtension.dll `
-ext WixUtilExtension.dll `
-ext WixTagExtension.dll `
"$AuthWsxRoot\bundle.wxs" | Out-Host
if($LastExitCode -ne 0)
$result = $false
Write-Host "Candle failed with exit code $LastExitCode."
return $result
function RunLightForBundle
$result = $true
pushd "$WixRoot"
Write-Host Running light for bundle..
$AuthWsxRoot = Join-Path $RepoRoot "packaging\windows\sharedframework"
.\light.exe -nologo `
-cultures:en-us `
bundle.wixobj `
-ext WixBalExtension.dll `
-ext WixUtilExtension.dll `
-ext WixTagExtension.dll `
-b "$AuthWsxRoot" `
-out $DotnetBundleOutput | Out-Host
if($LastExitCode -ne 0)
$result = $false
Write-Host "Light failed with exit code $LastExitCode."
return $result
Write-Host "Creating shared framework bundle at $DotnetBundleOutput"
Exit -1
if(-Not (RunCandleForBundle))
Exit -1
if(-Not (RunLightForBundle))
Exit -1
if(!(Test-Path $DotnetBundleOutput))
throw "Unable to create the dotnet bundle."
Exit -1
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully created shared framework bundle - $DotnetBundleOutput"
exit $LastExitCode