* Remove argument separator from commands Currently, the argument separator (`--`) is only supported on `dotnet run`. This PR removes it from other commands to make the help and usage of these command clearer. * Adding dotnet run message test * Responding to PR feedback
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// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using FluentAssertions;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Configurer;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.MSBuild;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.Utilities;
using NuGet.Protocol;
using Xunit;
using MSBuildCommand = Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.Utilities.MSBuildCommand;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.MSBuild.Tests
public class GivenDotnetMSBuildBuildsProjects : TestBase
public void ItRunsSpecifiedTargetsWithPropertiesCorrectly()
var testInstance = TestAssetsManager
var testProjectDirectory = testInstance.TestRoot;
new MSBuildCommand()
.HaveStdOutContaining("Hello, from MSBuild!");
new MSBuildCommand()
.HaveStdOutContaining("Goodbye, from MSBuild. :'(");
new MSBuildCommand()
.ExecuteWithCapturedOutput("/t:SayThis /p:This=GreatScott")
.HaveStdOutContaining("You want me to say 'GreatScott'");
[InlineData("build", true)]
[InlineData("clean", true)]
[InlineData("pack", true)]
[InlineData("publish", true)]
[InlineData("restore", true)]
public void When_help_is_invoked_Then_MSBuild_extra_options_text_is_included_in_output(string commandName, bool isMSBuildCommand)
const string MSBuildHelpText = " Any extra options that should be passed to MSBuild. See 'dotnet msbuild -h' for available options.";
var projectDirectory = TestAssetsManager.CreateTestDirectory("ItContainsMSBuildHelpText");
var result = new TestCommand("dotnet")
.ExecuteWithCapturedOutput($"{commandName} --help");
if (isMSBuildCommand)
public void WhenDotnetRunHelpIsInvokedAppArgumentsTextIsIncludedInOutput()
const string AppArgumentsText = "Arguments passed to the application that is being run.";
var projectDirectory = TestAssetsManager.CreateTestDirectory("RunContainsAppArgumentsText");
var result = new TestCommand("dotnet")
.ExecuteWithCapturedOutput("run --help");
public void WhenTelemetryIsEnabledTheLoggerIsAddedToTheCommandLine()
Telemetry telemetry;
string[] allArgs = GetArgsForMSBuild(() => true, out telemetry);
// telemetry will still be disabled if environmental variable is set
if (telemetry.Enabled)
value => value.IndexOf("/Logger", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0,
"The MSBuild logger argument should be specified when telemetry is enabled.");
public void WhenTelemetryIsDisabledTheLoggerIsNotAddedToTheCommandLine()
string[] allArgs = GetArgsForMSBuild(() => false);
value => value.IndexOf("/Logger", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0,
$"The MSBuild logger argument should not be specified when telemetry is disabled.");
private string[] GetArgsForMSBuild(Func<bool> sentinelExists)
Telemetry telemetry;
return GetArgsForMSBuild(sentinelExists, out telemetry);
private string[] GetArgsForMSBuild(Func<bool> sentinelExists, out Telemetry telemetry)
telemetry = new Telemetry(new MockNuGetCacheSentinel(sentinelExists));
MSBuildForwardingApp msBuildForwardingApp = new MSBuildForwardingApp(Enumerable.Empty<string>());
FieldInfo forwardingAppFieldInfo = msBuildForwardingApp
.GetField("_forwardingApp", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
ForwardingApp forwardingApp = forwardingAppFieldInfo?.GetValue(msBuildForwardingApp) as ForwardingApp;
FieldInfo allArgsFieldinfo = forwardingApp?
.GetField("_allArgs", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
return allArgsFieldinfo?.GetValue(forwardingApp) as string[];
public sealed class MockNuGetCacheSentinel : INuGetCacheSentinel
private readonly Func<bool> _exists;
public MockNuGetCacheSentinel(Func<bool> exists = null)
_exists = exists ?? (() => true);
public void Dispose()
public bool InProgressSentinelAlreadyExists() => false;
public bool Exists() => _exists();
public void CreateIfNotExists()