* Bug fixes * Nitpick * -Fixed failed tests -Added test to cover trx logger scenario. * Fix for issue https://github.com/Microsoft/vstest/issues/241 * Fix for failed test. We have taken fix where dotnet test will return nonzero if test fails. In multi TFM scenario if test fails it termates the whole process as dotnet test is returning 1. As a fix of this we should continue if some test fails for next TFM * Bump Microsoft.Testplatform.CLI and Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk version
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// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.Utilities;
using FluentAssertions;
using Microsoft.DotNet.TestFramework;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils;
using System.IO;
using System;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Test.Tests
public class GivenDotnetTestBuildsAndRunsTestFromCsprojForMultipleTFM : TestBase
public void MStestMultiTFM()
var testProjectDirectory = TestAssets.Get("VSTestDesktopAndNetCore")
.WithNuGetConfig(new RepoDirectoriesProvider().TestPackages)
var runtime = DotnetLegacyRuntimeIdentifiers.InferLegacyRestoreRuntimeIdentifier();
new RestoreCommand()
var result = new DotnetTestCommand()
.Should().Contain("Total tests: 3. Passed: 2. Failed: 1. Skipped: 0.", "because .NET 4.6 tests will pass")
.And.Contain("Passed TestNamespace.VSTestTests.VSTestPassTestDesktop", "because .NET 4.6 tests will pass")
.And.Contain("Total tests: 3. Passed: 1. Failed: 2. Skipped: 0.", "because netcoreapp1.0 tests will fail")
.And.Contain("Failed TestNamespace.VSTestTests.VSTestFailTestNetCoreApp", "because netcoreapp1.0 tests will fail");
public void XunitMultiTFM()
// Copy VSTestXunitDesktopAndNetCore project in output directory of project dotnet-test.Tests
string testAppName = "VSTestXunitDesktopAndNetCore";
TestInstance testInstance = TestAssetsManager.CreateTestInstance(testAppName);
string testProjectDirectory = testInstance.TestRoot;
// Restore project VSTestXunitDesktopAndNetCore
new RestoreCommand()
// Call test
CommandResult result = new DotnetTestCommand()
// Verify
// for target framework net46
result.StdOut.Should().Contain("Total tests: 3. Passed: 2. Failed: 1. Skipped: 0.");
result.StdOut.Should().Contain("Passed TestNamespace.VSTestXunitTests.VSTestXunitPassTestDesktop");
// for target framework netcoreapp1.0
result.StdOut.Should().Contain("Total tests: 3. Passed: 1. Failed: 2. Skipped: 0.");
result.StdOut.Should().Contain("Failed TestNamespace.VSTestXunitTests.VSTestXunitFailTestNetCoreApp");