Making dotnet-build.tests run with dotnet test Making dotnet-publish.test work with dotnet test
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78 lines
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// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Compiler.Tests
public class CompilerTests : TestBase
private readonly string _testProjectsRoot;
public CompilerTests()
_testProjectsRoot = Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, @"TestProjects");
public void XmlDocumentationFileIsGenerated()
// create unique directories in the 'temp' folder
var root = Temp.CreateDirectory();
root.CopyFile(Path.Combine(_testProjectsRoot, "global.json"));
var testLibDir = root.CreateDirectory("TestLibrary");
var sourceTestLibDir = Path.Combine(_testProjectsRoot, "TestLibrary");
CopyProjectToTempDir(sourceTestLibDir, testLibDir);
// run compile
var outputDir = Path.Combine(testLibDir.Path, "bin");
var testProject = GetProjectPath(testLibDir);
var buildCommand = new BuildCommand(testProject, output: outputDir);
var result = buildCommand.ExecuteWithCapturedOutput();
// verify the output xml file
var outputXml = Path.Combine(outputDir, "Debug", "dnxcore50", "TestLibrary.xml");
Console.WriteLine("OUTPUT XML PATH: " + outputXml);
Assert.Contains("Gets the message from the helper", File.ReadAllText(outputXml));
public void LibraryWithAnalyzer()
var root = Temp.CreateDirectory();
var testLibDir = root.CreateDirectory("TestLibraryWithAnalyzer");
var sourceTestLibDir = Path.Combine(_testProjectsRoot, "TestLibraryWithAnalyzer");
CopyProjectToTempDir(sourceTestLibDir, testLibDir);
// run compile
var outputDir = Path.Combine(testLibDir.Path, "bin");
var testProject = GetProjectPath(testLibDir);
var buildCmd = new BuildCommand(testProject, output: outputDir);
var result = buildCmd.ExecuteWithCapturedOutput();
Assert.Contains("CA1018", result.StdOut);
private void CopyProjectToTempDir(string projectDir, TempDirectory tempDir)
// copy all the files to temp dir
foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(projectDir))
private string GetProjectPath(TempDirectory projectDir)
return Path.Combine(projectDir.Path, "project.json");