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21 lines
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# Dockerfile that creates a container suitable to build dotnet-cli
FROM debian:jessie
# This could become a "microsoft/coreclr" image, since it just installs the dependencies for CoreCLR (and stdlib)
# Install CoreCLR dependencies
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get -qqy install unzip curl libicu-dev libunwind8 gettext libssl-dev libcurl3-gnutls zlib1g
# No longer need to install DNX since it is embedded (and soon will be gone!)
# Install Build Prereqs
RUN echo "deb http://llvm.org/apt/trusty/ llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.6 main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.list && \
curl http://llvm.org/apt/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key | apt-key add - && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y debhelper build-essential devscripts git liblttng-ust-dev lldb-3.6-dev lldb-3.6 clang cmake
# Use clang as c++ compiler
RUN update-alternatives --set c++ /usr/bin/clang++
# Set working directory
WORKDIR /opt/code