Extend CLI dependency updating Extend CLI's dependency updating to include all repos. At this time, only ASPNet won't work with this, as in prodcon it isn't specifying a branch in the manifest, which means no Latest_Packages.txt gets set. Once this is fixed all upstream repos in CLI should be handled. This will be combined with changes to the versions repo to update the subscriptions for 2.1.3xx CLI.
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119 lines
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// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Scripts
/// <summary>
/// Holds the configuration information for the update-dependencies script.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The following Environment Variables are required by this script:
/// GITHUB_USER - The user to commit the changes as.
/// GITHUB_EMAIL - The user's email to commit the changes as.
/// GITHUB_PASSWORD - The password/personal access token of the GitHub user.
/// The following Environment Variables can optionally be specified:
/// DOTNET_VERSION_URL - The Url to the root of the version information (this is combined with the fragments below) (ex. "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dotnet/versions/master/build-info")
/// ROSLYN_VERSION_FRAGMENT - The fragment to combine with DOTNET_VERSION_URL to get the current dotnet/roslyn package versions. (ex. "dotnet/roslyn/netcore1.0")
/// CORESETUP_VERSION_FRAGMENT - The fragment to combine with DOTNET_VERSION_URL to get the current dotnet/core-setup package versions. (ex. "dotnet/core-setup/master")
/// GITHUB_ORIGIN_OWNER - The owner of the GitHub fork to push the commit and create the PR from. (ex. "dotnet-bot")
/// GITHUB_UPSTREAM_OWNER - The owner of the GitHub base repo to create the PR to. (ex. "dotnet")
/// GITHUB_PROJECT - The repo name under the ORIGIN and UPSTREAM owners. (ex. "cli")
/// GITHUB_UPSTREAM_BRANCH - The branch in the GitHub base repo to create the PR to. (ex. "master");
/// GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST_NOTIFICATIONS - A semi-colon ';' separated list of GitHub users to notify on the PR.
/// </remarks>
public class Config
public static Config Instance { get; } = new Config();
private Lazy<string> _userName = new Lazy<string>(() => GetEnvironmentVariable("GITHUB_USER"));
private Lazy<string> _email = new Lazy<string>(() => GetEnvironmentVariable("GITHUB_EMAIL"));
private Lazy<string> _password = new Lazy<string>(() => GetEnvironmentVariable("GITHUB_PASSWORD"));
private Lazy<string> _dotNetVersionUrl = new Lazy<string>(() => GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_VERSION_URL", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dotnet/versions/master/build-info"));
private Lazy<string> _gitHubUpstreamOwner = new Lazy<string>(() => GetEnvironmentVariable("GITHUB_UPSTREAM_OWNER", "dotnet"));
private Lazy<string> _gitHubProject = new Lazy<string>(() => GetEnvironmentVariable("GITHUB_PROJECT", "cli"));
private Lazy<string> _gitHubUpstreamBranch = new Lazy<string>(() => GetEnvironmentVariable("GITHUB_UPSTREAM_BRANCH", GetDefaultUpstreamBranch()));
private Lazy<string[]> _gitHubPullRequestNotifications = new Lazy<string[]>(() =>
.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
Lazy<Dictionary<string, string>> _versionFragments = new Lazy<Dictionary<string, string>>(() =>
System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables().Cast<DictionaryEntry>().Where(entry => ((string)entry.Key).EndsWith("_VERSION_FRAGMENT")).ToDictionary<DictionaryEntry, string, string>(entry =>
((string)entry.Key).Replace("_VERSION_FRAGMENT","").ToLowerInvariant(), entry => (string)entry.Value, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
private Config()
public string UserName => _userName.Value;
public string Email => _email.Value;
public string Password => _password.Value;
public string DotNetVersionUrl => _dotNetVersionUrl.Value;
public Dictionary<string, string> VersionFragments => _versionFragments.Value;
public bool HasVersionFragment(string repoName) => _versionFragments.Value.ContainsKey(repoName);
public string GitHubUpstreamOwner => _gitHubUpstreamOwner.Value;
public string GitHubProject => _gitHubProject.Value;
public string GitHubUpstreamBranch => _gitHubUpstreamBranch.Value;
public string[] GitHubPullRequestNotifications => _gitHubPullRequestNotifications.Value;
private static string GetEnvironmentVariable(string name, string defaultValue = null)
string value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(name);
if (value == null)
value = defaultValue;
if (value == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Can't find environment variable '{name}'.");
return value;
private static string GetDefaultUpstreamBranch()
return GetRepoMSBuildPropValue("BranchInfo.props", "BranchName") ?? "master";
private static string GetDefaultCoreSetupVersionFragment()
// by default, the current core-setup branch should match the current cli branch name
string coreSetupChannel = Instance.GitHubUpstreamBranch;
return $"dotnet/core-setup/{coreSetupChannel}";
private static string GetRepoMSBuildPropValue(string propsFileName, string propertyName)
var propsFilePath = Path.Combine(Dirs.RepoRoot, "build", propsFileName);
var root = XDocument.Load(propsFilePath).Root;
var ns = root.Name.Namespace;
var value = root
.Elements(ns + "PropertyGroup")
.Elements(ns + propertyName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
Console.WriteLine($"Could not find a property named '{propertyName}' in {propsFilePath}");
return null;
return value;