* Updating the preview4 channel to rel-1.0.0-preview4 * Add more xlf files for new strings * bundle fsharp sdk, only Sdk directory is required * align f# console proj * align f# lib template * align f# mstest template * align f# xunit template * align f# web template * fix mstest package version, aligned to c# * remove unused directories from bundled sdks * Adding a SdkNugetVersion property when invoking dotnet pack on test packages so that test packages can reference exact packages. We need that because of https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/4063. Without it, pack creates the nuspec with a version like 1.0.0-version-, instead of 1.0.0-version-<version_used_in_build>, which leads to problems when restoring the tool. Like, it ends up restoring to the closest version of the package (oldest), instead of the latest. * Update web template for Web SDK 154 (#4948) * Update WebSDK version * Update web template to get rid of globs https://github.com/aspnet/Templates/pull/735 * MSBuild to 15.1.458 (#4950) * Adding MigrateWebSdkRule to the DefaultMigrationRuleSet (#4963) * Adding MigrateWebSdkRule to the DefaultMigrationRuleSet and adding a E2E test to cover it. * Do not migrate compile and EmbeddedResources for web application, because those are included in the Web Sdk already. * Addressing code review comments
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<Project ToolsVersion="15.0" DefaultTargets="CopySdkToOutput">
<!-- workaround for https://github.com/Microsoft/msbuild/issues/885 -->
<!-- renaming the property because the original property is a global property and therefore
cannot be redefined at runtime. -->
<UsingTask TaskName="DotNetRestore" AssemblyFile="$(CLIBuildDllPath)" />
<Target Name="CopySdkToOutput"
<Copy SourceFiles="@(SdkContent)"
DestinationFiles="@(SdkContent->'$(SdkLayoutDirectory)/%(RecursiveDir)%(FileName)%(Extension)')" />
<!-- Remove unused directories for FSharp.NET.Sdk, just Sdk directory is needed -->
<RemoveDir Condition=" '$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($(SdkLayoutDirectory)))' == 'FSharp.NET.Sdk' " Directories="$(SdkLayoutDirectory)/build;$(SdkLayoutDirectory)/buildCrossTargeting" />
<Message Text="Copied Sdk $(SdkPackageName) from $(SdkNuPkgPath) to $(SdkLayoutDirectory)."
Importance="High" />
<Target Name="GetSdkItemsToCopy">
<SdkContent Include="$(SdkNuPkgPath)/**/*"
$(SdkNuPkgPath)/$(SdkPackageName).$(SdkPackageVersion).nupkg.sha512" />
<Target Name="EnsureSdkRestored"
<DotNetRestore ToolPath="$(Stage0Directory)"
AdditionalParameters="/p:SdkPackageName=$(SdkPackageName) /p:SdkPackageVersion=$(SdkPackageVersion)" />
<Target Name="PrepareBundledSdksProps">