New file name structure for the runtime and the CLI per: https://github.com/dotnet/designs/issues/2 The renaming of assets, therefore the dotnet installation scripts must change to accommodate. Trivial: "Write-Host" should be "Write-Output"
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# Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
function header([string]$message)
Write-Output -ForegroundColor Green "*** $message ***"
function info([string]$message)
Write-Output -ForegroundColor Yellow "*** $message ***"
function error([string]$message)
Write-Output -ForegroundColor Red "$message"
function setEnvIfDefault([string]$envVarName, [string]$value)
If ([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($envVarName) -eq $null)
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($envVarName, $value)
function setVarIfDefault([string]$varName, [string]$value)
If (-not (Get-Variable -name $varName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
Set-Variable -name $varName -value $value -scope 1
function setPathAndHomeIfDefault([string]$rootPath)
If ($env:DOTNET_ON_PATH -eq $null)
setPathAndHome $rootPath
function setPathAndHome([string]$rootPath)
function _([string]$command)
& "$command"
if (!$?) {
error "Command Failed: '& $command'"
Exit 1
function _([string]$command, $arguments)
& "$command" @arguments
if (!$?) {
error "Command Failed: '& $command'"
Exit 1
function _cmd([string]$command)
cmd /c "$command"
if (!$?) {
error "Command Failed: 'cmd /c $command'"
Exit 1