# # Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. # . "$PSScriptRoot\..\common\_common.ps1" $TestPackagesPath = "$RepoRoot\tests\packages" $ArgTestRoot = "$RepoRoot\test\ArgumentForwardingTests" $ArgTestBinRoot = "$RepoRoot\artifacts\tests\arg-forwarding" dotnet publish --framework "dnxcore50" --runtime "$Rid" --output "$ArgTestBinRoot" --configuration "$Configuration" "$ArgTestRoot\Reflector" if (!$?) { Write-Host Command failed: dotnet publish --framework "dnxcore50" --runtime "$Rid" --output "$ArgTestBinRoot" --configuration "$Configuration" "$ArgTestRoot\Reflector" Exit 1 } dotnet publish --framework "dnxcore50" --runtime "$Rid" --output "$ArgTestBinRoot" --configuration "$Configuration" "$ArgTestRoot\ArgumentForwardingTests" if (!$?) { Write-Host Command failed: dotnet publish --framework "dnxcore50" --runtime "$Rid" --output "$ArgTestBinRoot" --configuration "$Configuration" "$ArgTestRoot\ArgumentForwardingTests" Exit 1 } cp "$ArgTestRoot\Reflector\reflector_cmd.cmd" "$ArgTestBinRoot" pushd $ArgTestBinRoot & ".\corerun" "xunit.console.netcore.exe" "ArgumentForwardingTests.dll" -xml "$_-testResults.xml" -notrait category=failing $exitCode = $LastExitCode popd # No need to output here, we'll get test results if ($exitCode -ne 0) { Exit 1 }