# Pipeline documentation at https://github.com/dotnet/dotnet/blob/main/docs/license-scanning.md schedules: - cron: "0 7 * * 1" displayName: Run on Mondays at 7am UTC branches: include: - main - release/*.0.1xx* - internal/release/*.0.1xx* pr: none trigger: none parameters: # Provides a way to scan a specific repo. If not provided, all repos of the VMR will be scanned. - name: specificRepoName type: string displayName: "Specific repo name to scan (e.g. runtime, sdk). If empty, scans all repos of the VMR." default: " " # Set it to an empty string to allow it be an optional parameter variables: installerRoot: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/installer' jobs: - job: Setup pool: name: NetCore1ESPool-Svc-Internal demands: ImageOverride -equals 1es-ubuntu-2004 steps: - script: | vmrSrcDir="$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src" # Builds an Azure DevOps matrix definition. Each entry in the matrix is a path, # allowing a job to be run for each src repo. matrix="" # Trim leading/trailing spaces from the repo name specificRepoName=$(echo "${{ parameters.specificRepoName }}" | awk '{$1=$1};1') # If the repo name is provided, only scan that repo. if [ ! -z "$specificRepoName" ]; then matrix="\"$specificRepoName\": { \"repoPath\": \"$vmrSrcDir/$specificRepoName\" }" else for dir in $vmrSrcDir/*/ do if [ ! -z "$matrix" ]; then matrix="$matrix," fi repoName=$(basename $dir) matrix="$matrix \"$repoName\": { \"repoPath\": \"$dir\" }" done fi matrix="{ $matrix }" echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=matrix;isOutput=true]$matrix" name: GetMatrix displayName: Get Matrix - job: LicenseScan dependsOn: Setup pool: name: NetCore1ESPool-Svc-Internal demands: ImageOverride -equals 1es-ubuntu-2004 timeoutInMinutes: 420 strategy: matrix: $[ dependencies.Setup.outputs['GetMatrix.matrix'] ] steps: - script: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/prep-source-build.sh --no-artifacts --no-bootstrap --no-prebuilts displayName: 'Install .NET SDK' - task: PipAuthenticate@1 displayName: 'Pip Authenticate' inputs: artifactFeeds: public/dotnet-public-pypi onlyAddExtraIndex: false - script: $(installerRoot)/eng/install-scancode.sh displayName: Install Scancode - script: > $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/.dotnet/dotnet test $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/test/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.SmokeTests/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.SmokeTests.csproj --filter "FullyQualifiedName=Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.SmokeTests.LicenseScanTests.ScanForLicenses" --logger:'trx;LogFileName=$(Agent.JobName)_LicenseScan.trx' --logger:'console;verbosity=detailed' -c Release -bl:$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/artifacts/log/Debug/BuildTests_$(date +"%m%d%H%M%S").binlog -flp:LogFile=$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/artifacts/logs/BuildTests_$(date +"%m%d%H%M%S").log -clp:v=m -e SMOKE_TESTS_LICENSE_SCAN_PATH=$(repoPath) -e SMOKE_TESTS_RUNNING_IN_CI=true -e SMOKE_TESTS_WARN_LICENSE_SCAN_DIFFS=false -e SMOKE_TESTS_TARGET_RID=linux-x64 -e SMOKE_TESTS_PORTABLE_RID=linux-x64 displayName: Run Tests workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory) - script: | set -x targetFolder=$(Build.StagingDirectory)/BuildLogs/ mkdir -p ${targetFolder} cd "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)" find artifacts/ -type f -name "BuildTests*.binlog" -exec cp {} --parents -t ${targetFolder} \; find artifacts/ -type f -name "BuildTests*.log" -exec cp {} --parents -t ${targetFolder} \; echo "Updated:" find test/ -type f -name "Updated*.json" find test/ -type f -name "Updated*.json" -exec cp {} --parents -t ${targetFolder} \; echo "Results:" find test/ -type f -name "scancode-results*.json" find test/ -type f -name "scancode-results*.json" -exec cp {} --parents -t ${targetFolder} \; echo "All:" ls -R test/ echo "BuildLogs:" ls -R ${targetFolder} displayName: Prepare BuildLogs staging directory continueOnError: true condition: succeededOrFailed() - publish: '$(Build.StagingDirectory)/BuildLogs' artifact: $(Agent.JobName)_BuildLogs_Attempt$(System.JobAttempt) displayName: Publish BuildLogs continueOnError: true condition: succeededOrFailed() - task: PublishTestResults@2 displayName: Publish Test Results condition: succeededOrFailed() continueOnError: true inputs: testRunner: vSTest testResultsFiles: '*.trx' searchFolder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/test/Microsoft.DotNet.SourceBuild.SmokeTests/TestResults mergeTestResults: true publishRunAttachments: true testRunTitle: $(Agent.JobName)