// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. using System; using Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils; namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.Utilities { public sealed class PackCommand : TestCommand { private string _projectPath; private string _outputDirectory; private string _buildBasePath; private string _tempOutputDirectory; private string _configuration; private string _versionSuffix; private bool _serviceable; private string OutputOption { get { return _outputDirectory == string.Empty ? "" : $"-o \"{_outputDirectory}\""; } } private string BuildBasePathOption { get { return _buildBasePath == string.Empty ? "" : $"-b \"{_buildBasePath}\""; } } private string TempOutputOption { get { return _tempOutputDirectory == string.Empty ? "" : $"-t {_tempOutputDirectory}"; } } private string ConfigurationOption { get { return _configuration == string.Empty ? "" : $"-c {_configuration}"; } } private string VersionSuffixOption { get { return _versionSuffix == string.Empty ? "" : $"--version-suffix {_versionSuffix}"; } } private string ServiceableOption { get { return _serviceable ? $"--serviceable" : ""; } } public PackCommand( string projectPath, string output = "", string buildBasePath = "", string tempOutput="", string configuration="", string versionSuffix="", bool serviceable = false) : base("dotnet") { _projectPath = projectPath; _outputDirectory = output; _buildBasePath = buildBasePath; _tempOutputDirectory = tempOutput; _configuration = configuration; _versionSuffix = versionSuffix; _serviceable = serviceable; } public override CommandResult Execute(string args = "") { args = $"pack {BuildArgs()} {args}"; return base.Execute(args); } private string BuildArgs() { return $"{_projectPath} {OutputOption} {BuildBasePathOption} {TempOutputOption} {ConfigurationOption} {VersionSuffixOption} {ServiceableOption}"; } } }