<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <optionSet id="LSOptions">
    <optionSet id="Defaults" displayName="Options Defaults">
      <optionSet id="Espresso" displayName="Espresso"/>
      <optionSet id="Parsers" displayName="Parsers"/>
    <optionSet id="User" displayName="User Overrides">
      <optionSet id="Espresso" displayName="Espresso"/>
      <optionSet id="Parsers" displayName="Parsers"/>
    <optionSet id="Project" displayName="Project Overrides">
      <optionSet id="Espresso" displayName="Espresso"/>
      <optionSet id="Parsers" displayName="Parsers">
        <optionSet id="Parser 22" displayName="POMHTML Parser options" helpText="POMHTML Parser options for Localization Studio.">
          <option id="SetCharsetInfo" displayName="Set or add Charset information when Generating" helpText="Add Charset information to the Generated file. This is in the format &lt;META HTTP-EQUIV=&quot;Content-Type&quot; CONTENT=&quot;text/html; charset=windows-1252&quot;&gt;. This is based on the Project Target Langauge. If the dir attribute value in the HTML tag i.e. &lt;HTML dir=&quot;ltr&quot;&gt; is not localizable or is missing, its value will be set automatically on Generate if the reading order of the target language is different from the source language.">
            <boolean defaultValue="1" currentValue="0"/>
          <option id="IncTermNoResId" displayName="Include Terms which have no Resource Identifier" helpText="Include Terms which have no Resource Identifier. Terms without Resource Identifiers cannot be Updated or Uploaded if they change.">
            <boolean defaultValue="0" currentValue="1"/>