# dnvm.sh # Source this file from your .bash-profile or script to use # "Constants" _DNVM_BUILDNUMBER="{{BUILD_VERSION}}" _DNVM_AUTHORS="{{AUTHORS}}" _DNVM_RUNTIME_PACKAGE_NAME="dotnet" _DNVM_RUNTIME_FRIENDLY_NAME=".NET CLI" _DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME="dotnet" _DNVM_RUNTIME_FOLDER_NAME=".dotnet" _DNVM_COMMAND_NAME="dnvm" _DNVM_PACKAGE_MANAGER_NAME="dnu" _DNVM_VERSION_MANAGER_NAME=".NET Version Manager" _DNVM_DEFAULT_FEED="https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet" _DNVM_DEFAULT_CHANNEL="dev" _DNVM_DEFAULT_UNSTABLE_CHANNEL="dev" _DNVM_UPDATE_LOCATION="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aspnet/Home/dev/dnvm.sh" _DNVM_INSTALL_SUBFOLDER="sdks" if [ "$NO_COLOR" != "1" ]; then # ANSI Colors RCol='\e[0m' # Text Reset # Regular Bold Underline High Intensity BoldHigh Intens Background High Intensity Backgrounds Bla='\e[0;30m'; BBla='\e[1;30m'; UBla='\e[4;30m'; IBla='\e[0;90m'; BIBla='\e[1;90m'; On_Bla='\e[40m'; On_IBla='\e[0;100m'; Red='\e[0;31m'; BRed='\e[1;31m'; URed='\e[4;31m'; IRed='\e[0;91m'; BIRed='\e[1;91m'; On_Red='\e[41m'; On_IRed='\e[0;101m'; Gre='\e[0;32m'; BGre='\e[1;32m'; UGre='\e[4;32m'; IGre='\e[0;92m'; BIGre='\e[1;92m'; On_Gre='\e[42m'; On_IGre='\e[0;102m'; Yel='\e[0;33m'; BYel='\e[1;33m'; UYel='\e[4;33m'; IYel='\e[0;93m'; BIYel='\e[1;93m'; On_Yel='\e[43m'; On_IYel='\e[0;103m'; Blu='\e[0;34m'; BBlu='\e[1;34m'; UBlu='\e[4;34m'; IBlu='\e[0;94m'; BIBlu='\e[1;94m'; On_Blu='\e[44m'; On_IBlu='\e[0;104m'; Pur='\e[0;35m'; BPur='\e[1;35m'; UPur='\e[4;35m'; IPur='\e[0;95m'; BIPur='\e[1;95m'; On_Pur='\e[45m'; On_IPur='\e[0;105m'; Cya='\e[0;36m'; BCya='\e[1;36m'; UCya='\e[4;36m'; ICya='\e[0;96m'; BICya='\e[1;96m'; On_Cya='\e[46m'; On_ICya='\e[0;106m'; Whi='\e[0;37m'; BWhi='\e[1;37m'; UWhi='\e[4;37m'; IWhi='\e[0;97m'; BIWhi='\e[1;97m'; On_Whi='\e[47m'; On_IWhi='\e[0;107m'; fi [[ "$_DNVM_BUILDNUMBER" = {{* ]] && _DNVM_BUILDNUMBER="HEAD" __dnvm_has() { type "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 return $? } if __dnvm_has "unsetopt"; then unsetopt nomatch 2>/dev/null fi if [ -z "$DOTNET_USER_HOME" ]; then eval DOTNET_USER_HOME="~/$_DNVM_RUNTIME_FOLDER_NAME" fi if [ -z "$DOTNET_GLOBAL_HOME" ]; then eval DOTNET_GLOBAL_HOME="/usr/local/lib/dotnet" fi if [ -z "$DOTNET_HOME" ]; then # Set to the user home value eval DOTNET_HOME="$DOTNET_USER_HOME:$DOTNET_GLOBAL_HOME" elif [[ $DOTNET_HOME != *"$DOTNET_GLOBAL_HOME"* ]]; then eval DOTNET_HOME="$DOTNET_HOME:$DOTNET_GLOBAL_HOME" fi _DNVM_USER_PACKAGES="$DOTNET_USER_HOME/$_DNVM_INSTALL_SUBFOLDER" _DNVM_GLOBAL_PACKAGES="$DOTNET_GLOBAL_HOME/$_DNVM_INSTALL_SUBFOLDER" _DNVM_ALIAS_DIR="$DOTNET_USER_HOME/alias" _DNVM_DNVM_DIR="$DOTNET_USER_HOME/dnvm" DNX_ACTIVE_FEED="" DNX_ACTIVE_CHANNEL="" __dnvm_current_os() { local uname=$(uname) if [[ $uname == "Darwin" ]]; then echo "osx" else echo "linux" fi } __dnvm_find_latest() { local arch=$1 local os=$2 if ! __dnvm_has "curl"; then printf "%b\n" "${Red}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME needs curl to proceed. ${RCol}" >&2; return 1 fi #dnx-coreclr-linux-x64 local packageId="$_DNVM_RUNTIME_PACKAGE_NAME-$os-$arch" local url="$DNX_ACTIVE_FEED/$DNX_ACTIVE_CHANNEL/dnvm/latest.$os.index" local index="$(curl $url 2>/dev/null)" local version="$(export IFS=; echo $index | sed -n "s/^.*$packageId\.\(.*\)\.tar\.gz$/\1/p")" local downloadUrl="$DNX_ACTIVE_FEED/$DNX_ACTIVE_CHANNEL/$index" echo $version $downloadUrl } __dnvm_find_package() { local arch=$1 local os=$2 local version=$3 #dnx-coreclr-linux-x64 local packageId="$_DNVM_RUNTIME_PACKAGE_NAME-$os-$arch" local url="$DNX_ACTIVE_FEED/$DNX_ACTIVE_CHANNEL/dnvm/index" local index="$(curl $url 2>/dev/null)" local filename="$(export IFS=; echo $index | sed -n "s/Filename: \(.*$packageId.$version\)/\1/p")" local packageUrl="$DNX_ACTIVE_FEED/$DNX_ACTIVE_CHANNEL/$filename" echo $packageUrl } __dnvm_strip_path() { echo "$1" | sed -e "s#$_DNVM_USER_PACKAGES/[^/]*$2[^:]*:##g" -e "s#:$_DNVM_USER_PACKAGES/[^/]*$2[^:]*##g" -e "s#$_DNVM_USER_PACKAGES/[^/]*$2[^:]*##g" | sed -e "s#$_DNVM_GLOBAL_PACKAGES/[^/]*$2[^:]*:##g" -e "s#:$_DNVM_GLOBAL_PACKAGES/[^/]*$2[^:]*##g" -e "s#$_DNVM_GLOBAL_PACKAGES/[^/]*$2[^:]*##g" } __dnvm_prepend_path() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "$2" else echo "$2:$1" fi } __dnvm_package_version() { local runtimeFullName="$1" echo "$runtimeFullName" | sed "s/[^.]*.\(.*\)/\1/" } __dnvm_package_name() { local runtimeFullName="$1" echo "$runtimeFullName" | sed "s/\([^.]*\).*/\1/" } __dnvm_package_arch() { local runtimeFullName="$1" echo "$runtimeFullName" | sed "s/$_DNVM_RUNTIME_PACKAGE_NAME-[^-.]*-\([^-.]*\)\..*/\1/" } __dnvm_package_os() { local runtimeFullName="$1" echo "$runtimeFullName" | sed "s/$_DNVM_RUNTIME_PACKAGE_NAME-\([^.-]*\).*/\1/" } __dnvm_update_self() { local dnvmFileLocation="$_DNVM_DNVM_DIR/dnvm.sh" if [ ! -e $dnvmFileLocation ]; then local formattedDnvmFileLocation=`(echo $dnvmFileLocation | sed s=$HOME=~=g)` local formattedDnvmHome=`(echo $_DNVM_DNVM_DIR | sed s=$HOME=~=g)` local bashSourceLocation=${BASH_SOURCE} local scriptLocation=$bashSourceLocation if [ -z "${bashSourceLocation}" ]; then local scriptLocation=${(%):-%x} fi printf "%b\n" "${Red}$formattedDnvmFileLocation doesn't exist. This command assumes you have installed dnvm in the usual location and are trying to update it. If you want to use update-self then dnvm.sh should be sourced from $formattedDnvmHome. dnvm is currently sourced from $scriptLocation ${RCol}" return 1 fi printf "%b\n" "${Cya}Downloading dnvm.sh from $_DNVM_UPDATE_LOCATION ${RCol}" local httpResult=$(curl -L -D - "$_DNVM_UPDATE_LOCATION" -o "$dnvmFileLocation" -# | grep "^HTTP/1.1" | head -n 1 | sed "s/HTTP.1.1 \([0-9]*\).*/\1/") [[ $httpResult == "404" ]] &&printf "%b\n" "${Red}404. Unable to download DNVM from $_DNVM_UPDATE_LOCATION ${RCol}" && return 1 [[ $httpResult != "302" && $httpResult != "200" ]] && echo "${Red}HTTP Error $httpResult fetching DNVM from $_DNVM_UPDATE_LOCATION ${RCol}" && return 1 source "$dnvmFileLocation" } __dnvm_promptSudo() { local acceptSudo="$1" local answer= if [ "$acceptSudo" == "0" ]; then echo "In order to install dnx globally, dnvm will have to temporarily run as root." read -p "You may be prompted for your password via 'sudo' during this process. Is this Ok? (y/N) " answer else answer="y" fi if echo $answer | grep -iq "^y" ; then return 1 else return 0 fi } __dnvm_download() { local runtimeFullName="$1" local downloadUrl="$2" local runtimeFolder="$3" local acceptSudo="$4" #todo: This will need to change to be whatever the filename in the index is. local runtimeFile="$runtimeFolder/$runtimeFullName.tar.gz" if [ -e "$runtimeFolder" ]; then printf "%b\n" "${Gre}$runtimeFullName already installed. ${RCol}" return 0 fi if ! __dnvm_has "curl"; then printf "%b\n" "${Red}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME needs curl to proceed. ${RCol}" >&2; return 1 fi local useSudo= mkdir -p "$runtimeFolder" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! -d $runtimeFolder ]; then if ! __dnvm_promptSudo $acceptSudo ; then useSudo=sudo sudo mkdir -p "$runtimeFolder" > /dev/null 2>&1 || return 1 else return 1 fi fi echo "Downloading $runtimeFullName from $DNX_ACTIVE_FEED" echo "Download: $downloadUrl to $runtimeFile" local httpResult=$($useSudo curl -L -D - "$downloadUrl" -o "$runtimeFile" -# | grep "^HTTP/1.1" | head -n 1 | sed "s/HTTP.1.1 \([0-9]*\).*/\1/") if [[ $httpResult == "404" ]]; then printf "%b\n" "${Red}$runtimeFullName was not found in repository $DNX_ACTIVE_FEED ${RCol}" printf "%b\n" "${Cya}This is most likely caused by the feed not having the version that you typed. Check that you typed the right version and try again. Other possible causes are the feed doesn't have a $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME of the right name format or some other error caused a 404 on the server.${RCol}" return 1 fi [[ $httpResult != "302" && $httpResult != "200" ]] && echo "${Red}HTTP Error $httpResult fetching $runtimeFullName from $DNX_ACTIVE_FEED ${RCol}" && return 1 __dnvm_unpack $runtimeFile $runtimeFolder $useSudo return $? } __dnvm_unpack() { local runtimeFile="$1" local runtimeFolder="$2" local useSudo=$3 echo "Installing to $runtimeFolder" if ! __dnvm_has "unzip"; then echo "$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME needs unzip to proceed." >&2; return 1 fi $useSudo tar -xzf $runtimeFile -C $runtimeFolder > /dev/null 2>&1 } __dnvm_requested_version_or_alias() { local versionOrAlias="$1" local arch="$2" local os="$3" local runtimeBin=$(__dnvm_locate_runtime_bin_from_full_name "$versionOrAlias") # If the name specified is an existing package, just use it as is if [ -n "$runtimeBin" ]; then echo "$versionOrAlias" else if [ -e "$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR/$versionOrAlias.alias" ]; then local runtimeFullName=$(cat "$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR/$versionOrAlias.alias") if [[ ! -n "$arch" ]]; then echo "$runtimeFullName" return fi local pkgVersion=$(__dnvm_package_version "$runtimeFullName") fi if [[ ! -n "$pkgVersion" ]]; then local pkgVersion=$versionOrAlias fi local pkgArchitecture="x64" local pkgSystem=$os if [ "$arch" != "" ]; then local pkgArchitecture="$arch" fi if [ "$os" == "" ]; then local pkgSystem=$(__dnvm_current_os) fi echo "$_DNVM_RUNTIME_PACKAGE_NAME-$pkgSystem-$pkgArchitecture.$pkgVersion" fi } # This will be more relevant if we support global installs __dnvm_locate_runtime_bin_from_full_name() { local runtimeFullName=$1 for v in `echo $DOTNET_HOME | tr ":" "\n"`; do if [ -e "$v/$_DNVM_INSTALL_SUBFOLDER/$runtimeFullName" ]; then echo "$v/$_DNVM_INSTALL_SUBFOLDER/$runtimeFullName" && return fi done } __echo_art() { printf "%b" "${Cya}" echo " ___ _ ___ ____ ___" echo " / _ \/ |/ / | / / |/ /" echo " / // / /| |/ / /|_/ / " echo " /____/_/|_/ |___/_/ /_/ " printf "%b" "${RCol}" } __dnvm_description() { __echo_art echo "" echo "$_DNVM_VERSION_MANAGER_NAME - Version 1.0.0-$_DNVM_BUILDNUMBER" [[ "$_DNVM_AUTHORS" != {{* ]] && echo "By $_DNVM_AUTHORS" echo "" echo "DNVM can be used to download versions of the $_DNVM_RUNTIME_FRIENDLY_NAME and manage which version you are using." echo "You can control the URL of the stable and unstable channel by setting the DOTNET_FEED and DNX_UNSTABLE_FEED variables." echo "" printf "%b\n" "${Yel}Current feed settings:${RCol}" printf "%b\n" "${Cya}Feed:${Yel} $_DNVM_DEFAULT_FEED" printf "%b\n" "${Cya}Default Channel:${Yel} $_DNVM_DEFAULT_CHANNEL" printf "%b\n" "${Cya}Unstable Channel:${Yel} $_DNVM_DEFAULT_UNSTABLE_CHANNEL" local dnxStableOverride="" [[ -n $DOTNET_FEED ]] && dnxStableOverride="$DOTNET_FEED" printf "%b\n" "${Cya}Current Override Feed:${Yel} $dnxStableOverride" local dnxUnstableOverride="" [[ -n $DNX_UNSTABLE_FEED ]] && dnxUnstableOverride="$DNX_UNSTABLE_FEED" #printf "%b\n" "${Cya}Current Unstable Override:${Yel} $dnxUnstableOverride${RCol}" echo "" } __dnvm_version() { echo "1.0.0-$_DNVM_BUILDNUMBER" } __dnvm_help() { __dnvm_description printf "%b\n" "${Cya}USAGE:${Yel} $_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME [options] ${RCol}" echo "" printf "%b\n" "${Yel}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME upgrade [-f|-force] [-u|-unstable] [-g|-global] [-y]${RCol}" echo " install latest $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME from feed" echo " adds $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME bin to path of current command line" echo " set installed version as default" echo " -f|forces force upgrade. Overwrite existing version of $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME if already installed" echo " -u|unstable use unstable feed. Installs the $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME from the unstable feed" echo " -g|global Installs the latest $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME in the configured global $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME file location (default: /usr/local/lib/dnx current: $DOTNET_GLOBAL_HOME)" echo " -y Assume Yes to all queries and do not prompt" echo "" printf "%b\n" "${Yel}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME install |||latest [-OS ] [-a|-alias ] [-p|-persistent] [-f|-force] [-u|-unstable] [-g|-global] [-y]${RCol}" echo " | install requested $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME from feed" echo " install requested $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME from local package on filesystem" echo " latest install latest version of $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME from feed" echo " -OS the operating system that the runtime targets (default:$(__dnvm_current_os)" echo " -a|-alias set alias for requested $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME on install" echo " -p|-persistent set installed version as default" echo " -f|force force install. Overwrite existing version of $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME if already installed" echo " -u|unstable use unstable feed. Installs the $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME from the unstable feed" echo " -g|global Installs to the configured global $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME file location (default: /usr/local/lib/dnx current: $DOTNET_GLOBAL_HOME)" echo " -y Assume Yes to all queries and do not prompt" echo "" echo " adds $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME bin to path of current command line" echo "" printf "%b\n" "${Yel}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME use |||none [-p|-persistent] [-a|-arch ] ${RCol}" echo " || add $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME bin to path of current command line " echo " none remove $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME bin from path of current command line" echo " -p|-persistent set selected version as default" echo " -a|-arch architecture to use (x64)" echo "" printf "%b\n" "${Yel}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME run | ${RCol}" echo " | the version or alias to run" echo " arguments to be passed to $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME" echo "" echo " runs the $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME command from the specified version of the runtime without affecting the current PATH" echo "" printf "%b\n" "${Yel}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME exec | ${RCol}" echo " | the version or alias to execute in" echo " the command to run" echo " arguments to be passed to the command" echo "" echo " runs the specified command in the context of the specified version of the runtime without affecting the current PATH" echo " example: $_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME exec 1.0.0-beta4 $_DNVM_PACKAGE_MANAGER_NAME build" echo "" printf "%b\n" "${Yel}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME list [-detailed]${RCol}" echo " -detailed display more detailed information on each runtime" echo "" echo " list $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME versions installed " echo "" printf "%b\n" "${Yel}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME alias ${RCol}" echo " list $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME aliases which have been defined" echo "" printf "%b\n" "${Yel}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME alias ${RCol}" echo " display value of the specified alias" echo "" printf "%b\n" "${Yel}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME alias || ${RCol}" echo " the name of the alias to set" echo " || the $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME version to set the alias to. Alternatively use the version of the specified alias" echo "" printf "%b\n" "${Yel}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME unalias ${RCol}" echo " remove the specified alias" echo "" printf "%b\n" "${Yel}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME [help|-h|-help|--help] ${RCol}" echo " displays this help text." echo "" printf "%b\n" "${Yel}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME [version|-v|-version|--version] ${RCol}" echo " print the dnvm version." echo "" printf "%b\n" "${Yel}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME update-self ${RCol}" echo " updates dnvm itself." } dnvm() { if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then __dnvm_description printf "%b\n" "Use ${Yel}$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME [help|-h|-help|--help] ${RCol} to display help text." echo "" return fi case $1 in "help"|"-h"|"-help"|"--help" ) __dnvm_help ;; "version"|"-v"|"-version"|"--version" ) __dnvm_version ;; "update-self" ) __dnvm_update_self ;; "upgrade" ) shift $_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME install latest -p $@ ;; "install" ) [ $# -lt 2 ] && __dnvm_help && return shift local persistent= local versionOrAlias= local alias= local force= local unstable= local os= local arch= local global=0 local acceptSudo=0 while [ $# -ne 0 ] do if [[ $1 == "-p" || $1 == "-persistent" ]]; then local persistent="-p" elif [[ $1 == "-a" || $1 == "-alias" ]]; then local alias=$2 shift elif [[ $1 == "-f" || $1 == "-force" ]]; then local force="-f" elif [[ $1 == "-u" || $1 == "-unstable" ]]; then local unstable="-u" elif [[ $1 == "-OS" ]]; then local os=$2 shift elif [[ $1 == "-y" ]]; then local acceptSudo=1 elif [[ $1 == "-arch" ]]; then local arch=$2 shift if [[ $arch != "x86" && $arch != "x64" ]]; then printf "%b\n" "${Red}Architecture must be x86 or x64.${RCol}" return 1 fi elif [[ $1 == "-g" || $1 == "-global" ]]; then local global=1 elif [[ -n $1 ]]; then [[ -n $versionOrAlias ]] && echo "Invalid option $1" && __dnvm_help && return 1 local versionOrAlias=$1 fi shift done if [[ $arch == "x86" ]]; then printf "%b\n" "${Red}$_DNVM_RUNTIME_FRIENDLY_NAME doesn't currently have a 32 bit build. You must use x64.${RCol}" return 1 fi #This will be temporary whilst a more first class channels feature is added. There needs to be 3 values. if [ -z $unstable ]; then DNX_ACTIVE_CHANNEL="$_DNVM_DEFAULT_CHANNEL" else DNX_ACTIVE_CHANNEL="$_DNVM_DEFAULT_UNSTABLE_CHANNEL" fi echo "Using Channel: $DNX_ACTIVE_CHANNEL" DNX_ACTIVE_FEED="$DOTNET_FEED" if [ -z "$DNX_ACTIVE_FEED" ]; then DNX_ACTIVE_FEED="$_DNVM_DEFAULT_FEED" else printf "%b\n" "${Yel}Default feed ($_DNVM_DEFAULT_FEED) is being overridden by the value of the DOTNET_FEED variable ($DOTNET_FEED). ${RCol}" fi if [[ -z $os ]]; then os=$(__dnvm_current_os) fi if [[ $os == "darwin" ]]; then os="osx" fi if [[ -z $arch ]]; then arch="x64" fi local runtimeDir=$_DNVM_USER_PACKAGES if [ $global == 1 ]; then runtimeDir=$_DNVM_GLOBAL_PACKAGES fi if [[ "$versionOrAlias" != *.nupkg ]]; then if [[ "$versionOrAlias" == "latest" ]]; then echo "Determining latest version" read versionOrAlias downloadUrl < <(__dnvm_find_latest "$arch" "$os") echo "DownloadURL: $downloadUrl" [[ $? == 1 ]] && echo "Error: Could not find latest version from feed $DNX_ACTIVE_FEED" && return 1 printf "%b\n" "Latest version is ${Cya}$versionOrAlias located at $downloadUrl${RCol}" else local runtimeFullName=$(__dnvm_requested_version_or_alias "$versionOrAlias" "$arch" "$os") local runtimeVersion=$(__dnvm_package_version "$runtimeFullName") local versionOrAlias=$runtimeVersion local downloadUrl=$(__dnvm_find_package "$arch" "$os" "$runtimeVersion") echo "DownloadURL: $downloadUrl" [[ $? == 1 ]] && echo "Error: Could not find version $runtimeVersion in feed $DNX_ACTIVE_FEED" && return 1 fi local runtimeFullName=$(__dnvm_requested_version_or_alias "$versionOrAlias" "$arch" "$os") local runtimeFolder="$runtimeDir/$runtimeFullName" #check all runtime homes for the runtime being installed. #we can force install a DNX if it exists in the user or global folder, but not anywhere else. #The installed dnx could be global, so if we are forcing it here we will remove it since we have the #global path handy. local exist=0 for folder in `echo $DOTNET_HOME | tr ":" "\n"`; do if [ -e "$folder/$_DNVM_INSTALL_SUBFOLDER/$runtimeFullName" ]; then local useSudo= if [[ ("$folder" == "$DOTNET_USER_HOME" || "$folder" == "$DOTNET_GLOBAL_HOME") && -n "$force" ]]; then if [[ "$folder" == "$DOTNET_GLOBAL_HOME" ]]; then useSudo=sudo fi printf "%b\n" "${Yel}Forcing download by deleting $folder/$_DNVM_INSTALL_SUBFOLDER/$runtimeFullName directory ${RCol}" $useSudo rm -rf "$folder/$_DNVM_INSTALL_SUBFOLDER/$runtimeFullName" continue fi echo "$runtimeFullName already installed in $folder $DNVM_USER_HOME" exist=1 fi done if [[ $exist != 1 ]]; then __dnvm_download "$runtimeFullName" "$downloadUrl" "$runtimeFolder" "$acceptSudo" fi [[ $? == 1 ]] && return 1 if [[ "$os" == $(__dnvm_current_os) ]]; then $_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME use "$versionOrAlias" "$persistent" "-arch" "$arch" [[ -n $alias ]] && $_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME alias "$alias" "$versionOrAlias" fi else local runtimeFullName=$(basename $versionOrAlias | sed "s/\(.*\)\.nupkg/\1/") local runtimeVersion=$(__dnvm_package_version "$runtimeFullName") local runtimeFolder="$runtimeDir/$runtimeFullName" local runtimeFile="$runtimeFolder/$runtimeFullName.nupkg" local runtimeClr=$(__dnvm_package_runtime "$runtimeFullName") if [ -n "$force" ]; then printf "%b\n" "${Yel}Forcing download by deleting $runtimeFolder directory ${RCol}" rm -rf "$runtimeFolder" fi if [ -e "$runtimeFolder" ]; then echo "$runtimeFullName already installed" else local useSudo= mkdir -p "$runtimeFolder" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! -d $runtimeFolder ]; then if ! __dnvm_promptSudo $acceptSudo ; then useSudo=sudo sudo mkdir -p "$runtimeFolder" > /dev/null 2>&1 || return 1 else return 1 fi fi cp -a "$versionOrAlias" "$runtimeFile" __dnvm_unpack "$runtimeFile" "$runtimeFolder" $useSudo [[ $? == 1 ]] && return 1 fi $_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME use "$runtimeVersion" "$persistent" [[ -n $alias ]] && $_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME alias "$alias" "$runtimeVersion" fi ;; "use"|"run"|"exec" ) [[ $1 == "use" && $# -lt 2 ]] && __dnvm_help && return local cmd=$1 local persistent= local arch= local versionOrAlias= shift if [ $cmd == "use" ]; then while [ $# -ne 0 ] do if [[ $1 == "-p" || $1 == "-persistent" ]]; then local persistent="true" elif [[ $1 == "-a" || $1 == "-arch" ]]; then local arch=$2 shift elif [[ $1 == -* ]]; then echo "Invalid option $1" && __dnvm_help && return 1 elif [[ -n $1 ]]; then [[ -n $versionOrAlias ]] && echo "Invalid option $1" && __dnvm_help && return 1 local versionOrAlias=$1 fi shift done else while [ $# -ne 0 ] do if [[ $1 == "-a" || $1 == "-arch" ]]; then local arch=$2 shift elif [[ -n $1 ]]; then [[ -n $versionOrAlias ]] && break local versionOrAlias=$1 fi shift done fi if [[ $cmd == "use" && $versionOrAlias == "none" ]]; then echo "Removing $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME from process PATH" # Strip other version from PATH PATH=$(__dnvm_strip_path "$PATH") if [[ -n $persistent && -e "$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR/default.alias" ]]; then echo "Setting default $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME to none" rm "$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR/default.alias" fi return 0 fi local runtimeFullName=$(__dnvm_requested_version_or_alias "$versionOrAlias" "$arch" "$(__dnvm_current_os)") local runtimeBin=$(__dnvm_locate_runtime_bin_from_full_name "$runtimeFullName") if [[ -z $runtimeBin ]]; then echo "Cannot find $runtimeFullName, do you need to run '$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME install $versionOrAlias'?" return 1 fi case $cmd in "run") local hostpath="$runtimeBin/dotnet" if [[ -e $hostpath ]]; then $hostpath $@ return $? else echo "Cannot find $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME in $runtimeBin. It may have been corrupted. Use '$_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME install $versionOrAlias -f' to attempt to reinstall it" fi ;; "exec") ( PATH=$(__dnvm_strip_path "$PATH") PATH=$(__dnvm_prepend_path "$PATH" "$runtimeBin") $@ ) return $? ;; "use") echo "Adding" $runtimeBin "to process PATH" PATH=$(__dnvm_strip_path "$PATH") PATH=$(__dnvm_prepend_path "$PATH" "$runtimeBin") if [[ -n $persistent ]]; then local runtimeVersion=$(__dnvm_package_version "$runtimeFullName") $_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME alias default "$runtimeVersion" fi ;; esac ;; "alias" ) [[ $# -gt 7 ]] && __dnvm_help && return [[ ! -e "$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR/" ]] && mkdir "$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR/" > /dev/null if [[ $# == 1 ]]; then echo "" local format="%-25s %s\n" printf "$format" "Alias" "Name" printf "$format" "-----" "----" if [ -d "$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR" ]; then for __dnvm_file in $(find "$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR" -name *.alias); do local alias="$(basename $__dnvm_file | sed 's/\.alias//')" local name="$(cat $__dnvm_file)" printf "$format" "$alias" "$name" done fi echo "" return fi shift local name="$1" if [[ $# == 1 ]]; then [[ ! -e "$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR/$name.alias" ]] && echo "There is no alias called '$name'" && return 1 cat "$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR/$name.alias" echo "" return fi shift local versionOrAlias="$1" shift while [ $# -ne 0 ] do if [[ $1 == "-a" || $1 == "-arch" ]]; then local arch=$2 shift elif [[ $1 == "-OS" ]]; then local os=$2 shift fi shift done local runtimeFullName=$(__dnvm_requested_version_or_alias "$versionOrAlias" "$arch" "$os") ([[ ! -d "$_DNVM_USER_PACKAGES/$runtimeFullName" ]] && [[ ! -d "$_DNVM_GLOBAL_PACKAGES/$runtimeFullName" ]]) && echo "$runtimeFullName is not an installed $_DNVM_RUNTIME_SHORT_NAME version" && return 1 local action="Setting" [[ -e "$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR/$name.alias" ]] && action="Updating" echo "$action alias '$name' to '$runtimeFullName'" echo "$runtimeFullName" >| "$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR/$name.alias" ;; "unalias" ) [[ $# -ne 2 ]] && __dnvm_help && return local name=$2 local aliasPath="$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR/$name.alias" [[ ! -e "$aliasPath" ]] && echo "Cannot remove alias, '$name' is not a valid alias name" && return 1 echo "Removing alias $name" rm "$aliasPath" >> /dev/null 2>&1 ;; "list" ) [[ $# -gt 2 ]] && __dnvm_help && return [[ ! -d $_DNVM_USER_PACKAGES ]] && echo "$_DNVM_RUNTIME_FRIENDLY_NAME is not installed." && return 1 local searchGlob="$_DNVM_RUNTIME_PACKAGE_NAME-*" local runtimes="" for location in `echo $DOTNET_HOME | tr ":" "\n"`; do location+="/$_DNVM_INSTALL_SUBFOLDER" if [ -d "$location" ]; then local oruntimes="$(find $location -name "$searchGlob" \( -type d -or -type l \) -prune -exec basename {} \;)" for v in `echo $oruntimes | tr "\n" " "`; do runtimes+="$v:$location"$'\n' done fi done [[ -z $runtimes ]] && echo 'No runtimes installed. You can run `dnvm install latest` or `dnvm upgrade` to install a runtime.' && return echo "" # Separate empty array declaration from initialization # to avoid potential ZSH error: local:217: maximum nested function level reached local arr arr=() # Z shell array-index starts at one. local i=1 local format="%-20s %s\n" if [ -d "$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR" ]; then for __dnvm_file in $(find "$_DNVM_ALIAS_DIR" -name *.alias); do if [ ! -d "$_DNVM_USER_PACKAGES/$(cat $__dnvm_file)" ] && [ ! -d "$_DNVM_GLOBAL_PACKAGES/$(cat $__dnvm_file)" ]; then arr[$i]="$(basename $__dnvm_file | sed 's/\.alias//')/missing/$(cat $__dnvm_file)" runtimes="$runtimes $(cat $__dnvm_file)" else arr[$i]="$(basename $__dnvm_file | sed 's/\.alias//')/$(cat $__dnvm_file)" fi let i+=1 done fi if [[ $2 == "-detailed" ]]; then # Calculate widest alias local widestAlias=5 for f in `echo $runtimes`; do local pkgName=$(__dnvm_package_name "$f") local pkgVersion=$(__dnvm_package_version "$f") local alias="" local delim="" for i in "${arr[@]}"; do if [[ ${i##*/} == "$pkgName.$pkgVersion" ]]; then alias+="$delim${i%%/*}" delim=", " if [[ "${i%/*}" =~ \/missing$ ]]; then alias+=" (missing)" fi fi done if [ "${#alias}" -gt "$widestAlias" ]; then widestAlias=${#alias} fi done local formatString="%-6s %-20s %-7s %-12s %-15s %-${widestAlias}s %s\n" printf "$formatString" "Active" "Version" "Alias" "Location" printf "$formatString" "------" "-------" "-----" "--------" else local formatString="%-6s %-20s %-7s %-12s %-15s %s\n" printf "$formatString" "Active" "Version" "Alias" printf "$formatString" "------" "-------" "-----" fi for f in `echo -e "$runtimes" | sort -t. -k2 -k3 -k4 -k1`; do local location=`echo $f | sed 's/.*\([:]\)//'` f=`echo $f | sed 's/\([:]\).*//'` local formattedHome=`(echo $location | sed s=$HOME=~=g)` local active="" [[ $PATH == *"$location/$f"* ]] && local active=" *" local pkgName=$(__dnvm_package_name "$f") local pkgVersion=$(__dnvm_package_version "$f") local alias="" local delim="" for i in "${arr[@]}"; do if [[ ${i##*/} == "$pkgName.$pkgVersion" ]]; then alias+="$delim${i%%/*}" delim=", " if [[ "${i%/*}" =~ \/missing$ ]]; then alias+=" (missing)" formattedHome="" fi fi done if [[ $2 == "-detailed" ]]; then printf "$formatString" "$active" "$pkgVersion" "$alias" "$formattedHome" else printf "$formatString" "$active" "$pkgVersion" "$alias" fi done echo "" ;; *) echo "Unknown command $1" return 1 esac return 0 } # Add the home location's bin directory to the path if it doesn't exist [[ ":$PATH:" != *":$DOTNET_USER_HOME:"* ]] && export PATH="$DOTNET_USER_HOME:$PATH" # Generate the command function using the constant defined above. $_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME alias default >/dev/null && $_DNVM_COMMAND_NAME use default >/dev/null || true