Helper module to install an archive to a directory

Helper module to download and extract an archive to a specified directory

Uri of artifact to download

.PARAMETER InstallDirectory
Directory to extract artifact contents to

Force download / extraction if file or contents already exist. Default = False

.PARAMETER DownloadRetries
Total number of retry attempts. Default = 5

.PARAMETER RetryWaitTimeInSeconds
Wait time between retry attempts in seconds. Default = 30

Returns False if download or extraction fail, True otherwise
function DownloadAndExtract {
  Param (
    [string] $Uri,
    [string] $InstallDirectory,
    [switch] $Force = $False,
    [int] $DownloadRetries = 5,
    [int] $RetryWaitTimeInSeconds = 30
  # Define verbose switch if undefined
  $Verbose = $VerbosePreference -Eq "Continue"

  $TempToolPath = CommonLibrary\Get-TempPathFilename -Path $Uri

  # Download native tool
  $DownloadStatus = CommonLibrary\Get-File -Uri $Uri `
                                           -Path $TempToolPath `
                                           -DownloadRetries $DownloadRetries `
                                           -RetryWaitTimeInSeconds $RetryWaitTimeInSeconds `
                                           -Force:$Force `

  if ($DownloadStatus -Eq $False) {
    Write-Error "Download failed"
    return $False

  # Extract native tool
  $UnzipStatus = CommonLibrary\Expand-Zip -ZipPath $TempToolPath `
                                          -OutputDirectory $InstallDirectory `
                                          -Force:$Force `

  if ($UnzipStatus -Eq $False) {
    # Retry Download one more time with Force=true
    $DownloadRetryStatus = CommonLibrary\Get-File -Uri $Uri `
                                             -Path $TempToolPath `
                                             -DownloadRetries 1 `
                                             -RetryWaitTimeInSeconds $RetryWaitTimeInSeconds `
                                             -Force:$True `

    if ($DownloadRetryStatus -Eq $False) {
      Write-Error "Last attempt of download failed as well"
      return $False

    # Retry unzip again one more time with Force=true
    $UnzipRetryStatus = CommonLibrary\Expand-Zip -ZipPath $TempToolPath `
                                            -OutputDirectory $InstallDirectory `
                                            -Force:$True `
    if ($UnzipRetryStatus -Eq $False)
      Write-Error "Last attempt of unzip failed as well"
      # Clean up partial zips and extracts
      if (Test-Path $TempToolPath) {
        Remove-Item $TempToolPath -Force
      if (Test-Path $InstallDirectory) {
        Remove-Item $InstallDirectory -Force -Recurse
      return $False

  return $True

Download a file, retry on failure

Download specified file and retry if attempt fails

Uri of file to download. If Uri is a local path, the file will be copied instead of downloaded

Path to download or copy uri file to

Overwrite existing file if present. Default = False

.PARAMETER DownloadRetries
Total number of retry attempts. Default = 5

.PARAMETER RetryWaitTimeInSeconds
Wait time between retry attempts in seconds Default = 30

function Get-File {
  Param (
    [string] $Uri,
    [string] $Path,
    [int] $DownloadRetries = 5,
    [int] $RetryWaitTimeInSeconds = 30,
    [switch] $Force = $False
  $Attempt = 0

  if ($Force) {
    if (Test-Path $Path) {
      Remove-Item $Path -Force
  if (Test-Path $Path) {
    Write-Host "File '$Path' already exists, skipping download"
    return $True

  $DownloadDirectory = Split-Path -ErrorAction Ignore -Path "$Path" -Parent
  if (-Not (Test-Path $DownloadDirectory)) {
    New-Item -path $DownloadDirectory -force -itemType "Directory" | Out-Null

  if (Test-Path -IsValid -Path $Uri) {
    Write-Verbose "'$Uri' is a file path, copying file to '$Path'"
    Copy-Item -Path $Uri -Destination $Path
    return $?
  else {
    Write-Verbose "Downloading $Uri"
    # Don't display the console progress UI - it's a huge perf hit
    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'   
    while($Attempt -Lt $DownloadRetries)
      try {
        Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $Uri -OutFile $Path
        Write-Verbose "Downloaded to '$Path'"
        return $True
      catch {
        if ($Attempt -Lt $DownloadRetries) {
          $AttemptsLeft = $DownloadRetries - $Attempt
          Write-Warning "Download failed, $AttemptsLeft attempts remaining, will retry in $RetryWaitTimeInSeconds seconds"
          Start-Sleep -Seconds $RetryWaitTimeInSeconds
        else {
          Write-Error $_
          Write-Error $_.Exception

  return $False

Generate a shim for a native tool

Creates a wrapper script (shim) that passes arguments forward to native tool assembly

The name of the shim

.PARAMETER ShimDirectory
The directory where shims are stored

Path to file that shim forwards to

Replace shim if already present.  Default = False

Returns $True if generating shim succeeds, $False otherwise
function New-ScriptShim {
  Param (
    [string] $ShimName,
    [string] $ShimDirectory,
    [string] $ToolFilePath,
    [string] $BaseUri,
    [switch] $Force
  try {
    Write-Verbose "Generating '$ShimName' shim"

    if (-Not (Test-Path $ToolFilePath)){
      Write-Error "Specified tool file path '$ToolFilePath' does not exist"
      return $False

    # WinShimmer is a small .NET Framework program that creates .exe shims to bootstrapped programs
    # Many of the checks for installed programs expect a .exe extension for Windows tools, rather
    # than a .bat or .cmd file.
    # Source: https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/tree/master/src/WinShimmer
    if (-Not (Test-Path "$ShimDirectory\WinShimmer\winshimmer.exe")) {
      $InstallStatus = DownloadAndExtract -Uri "$BaseUri/windows/winshimmer/WinShimmer.zip" `
                                          -InstallDirectory $ShimDirectory\WinShimmer `
                                          -Force:$Force `
                                          -DownloadRetries 2 `
                                          -RetryWaitTimeInSeconds 5 `

    if ((Test-Path (Join-Path $ShimDirectory "$ShimName.exe"))) {
      Write-Host "$ShimName.exe already exists; replacing..."
      Remove-Item (Join-Path $ShimDirectory "$ShimName.exe")

    & "$ShimDirectory\WinShimmer\winshimmer.exe" $ShimName $ToolFilePath $ShimDirectory
    return $True
  catch {
    Write-Host $_
    Write-Host $_.Exception
    return $False

Returns the machine architecture of the host machine

Returns 'x64' on 64 bit machines
 Returns 'x86' on 32 bit machines
function Get-MachineArchitecture {
  $ProcessorArchitecture = $Env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE
  $ProcessorArchitectureW6432 = $Env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432
  if($ProcessorArchitecture -Eq "X86")
    if(($ProcessorArchitectureW6432 -Eq "") -Or
       ($ProcessorArchitectureW6432 -Eq "X86")) {
        return "x86"
    $ProcessorArchitecture = $ProcessorArchitectureW6432
  if (($ProcessorArchitecture -Eq "AMD64") -Or
      ($ProcessorArchitecture -Eq "IA64") -Or
      ($ProcessorArchitecture -Eq "ARM64")) {
    return "x64"
  return "x86"

Get the name of a temporary folder under the native install directory
function Get-TempDirectory {
  return Join-Path (Get-NativeInstallDirectory) "temp/"

function Get-TempPathFilename {
  Param (
    [string] $Path
  $TempDir = CommonLibrary\Get-TempDirectory
  $TempFilename = Split-Path $Path -leaf
  $TempPath = Join-Path $TempDir $TempFilename
  return $TempPath

Returns the base directory to use for native tool installation

Returns the value of the NETCOREENG_INSTALL_DIRECTORY if that environment variable
is set, or otherwise returns an install directory under the %USERPROFILE%
function Get-NativeInstallDirectory {
  if (!$InstallDir) {
    $InstallDir = Join-Path $Env:USERPROFILE ".netcoreeng/native/"
  return $InstallDir

Unzip an archive

Powershell module to unzip an archive to a specified directory

.PARAMETER ZipPath (Required)
Path to archive to unzip

.PARAMETER OutputDirectory (Required)
Output directory for archive contents

Overwrite output directory contents if they already exist

- Returns True and does not perform an extraction if output directory already exists but Overwrite is not True.
- Returns True if unzip operation is successful
- Returns False if Overwrite is True and it is unable to remove contents of OutputDirectory
- Returns False if unable to extract zip archive
function Expand-Zip {
  Param (
    [string] $ZipPath,
    [string] $OutputDirectory,
    [switch] $Force

  Write-Verbose "Extracting '$ZipPath' to '$OutputDirectory'"
  try {
    if ((Test-Path $OutputDirectory) -And (-Not $Force)) {
      Write-Host "Directory '$OutputDirectory' already exists, skipping extract"
      return $True
    if (Test-Path $OutputDirectory) {
      Write-Verbose "'Force' is 'True', but '$OutputDirectory' exists, removing directory"
      Remove-Item $OutputDirectory -Force -Recurse
      if ($? -Eq $False) {
        Write-Error "Unable to remove '$OutputDirectory'"
        return $False
    if (-Not (Test-Path $OutputDirectory)) {
      New-Item -path $OutputDirectory -Force -itemType "Directory" | Out-Null

    Add-Type -assembly "system.io.compression.filesystem"
    [io.compression.zipfile]::ExtractToDirectory("$ZipPath", "$OutputDirectory")
    if ($? -Eq $False) {
      Write-Error "Unable to extract '$ZipPath'"
      return $False
  catch {
    Write-Host $_
    Write-Host $_.Exception

    return $False
  return $True

export-modulemember -function DownloadAndExtract
export-modulemember -function Expand-Zip
export-modulemember -function Get-File
export-modulemember -function Get-MachineArchitecture
export-modulemember -function Get-NativeInstallDirectory
export-modulemember -function Get-TempDirectory
export-modulemember -function Get-TempPathFilename
export-modulemember -function New-ScriptShim