# # Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. # param( [string]$Channel="beta", [string]$version="Latest", [string]$Architecture="x64" ) $ErrorActionPreference="Stop" $ProgressPreference="SilentlyContinue" $fileVersion = $Version if ($fileVersion -eq "Latest") { $fileVersion = "latest" } $Feed="https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet" $DotNetFileName="dotnet-dev-win-$Architecture.$fileVersion.zip" $DotNetUrl="$Feed/$Channel/Binaries/$Version" function say($str) { Write-Host "dotnet_install: $str" } $InstallDir = $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR if (!$InstallDir) { $InstallDir = "$env:LocalAppData\Microsoft\dotnet" } say "Preparing to install .NET Tools to $InstallDir" # Check if we need to bother $LocalFile = "$InstallDir\cli\.version" if (Test-Path $LocalFile) { $LocalData = @(cat $LocalFile) $LocalHash = $LocalData[0].Trim() $LocalVersion = $LocalData[1].Trim() if ($LocalVersion -and $LocalHash) { if ($Version -eq "Latest") { $RemoteResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "$Feed/$Channel/dnvm/latest.win.$Architecture.version" $RemoteData = @([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($RemoteResponse.Content).Split([char[]]@(), [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)); $RemoteHash = $RemoteData[0].Trim() $RemoteVersion = $RemoteData[1].Trim() if (!$RemoteVersion -or !$RemoteHash) { throw "Invalid response from feed" } say "Latest version: $RemoteVersion" say "Local Version: $LocalVersion" if($LocalHash -eq $RemoteHash) { say "You already have the latest version" exit 0 } } elseif ($LocalVersion -eq $Version) { say "$Version is already installed." exit 0 } } } # Set up the install location if (!(Test-Path $InstallDir)) { mkdir $InstallDir | Out-Null } # De-powershell the path before passing to .NET APIs $InstallDir = Convert-Path $InstallDir say "Downloading $DotNetFileName from $DotNetUrl" $resp = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "$DotNetUrl/$DotNetFileName" -OutFile "$InstallDir\$DotNetFileName" say "Extracting zip" # Create the destination if (Test-Path "$InstallDir\cli_new") { del -rec -for "$InstallDir\cli_new" } mkdir "$InstallDir\cli_new" | Out-Null Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem | Out-Null [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory("$InstallDir\$DotNetFileName", "$InstallDir\cli_new") # Replace the old installation (if any) if (Test-Path "$InstallDir\cli") { del -rec -for "$InstallDir\cli" } mv "$InstallDir\cli_new" "$InstallDir\cli" # Clean the zip if (Test-Path "$InstallDir\$DotNetFileName") { del -for "$InstallDir\$DotNetFileName" } say "The .NET Tools have been installed to $InstallDir\cli!" # New layout say "Add '$InstallDir\cli' to your PATH to use dotnet"