namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Pack { internal class LocalizableStrings { public const string AppFullName = "pack"; public const string AppDescription = "pack for msbuild"; public const string CmdOutputDir = "OUTPUT_DIR"; public const string CmdOutputDirDescription = "Directory in which to place outputs"; public const string CmdNoBuildOptionDescription = "Do not build project before packing"; public const string CmdIncludeSymbolsDescription = "Include PDBs along with the DLLs in the output folder"; public const string CmdIncludeSourceDescription = "Include PDBs and source files. Source files go into the src folder in the resulting nuget package"; public const string CmdConfig = "CONFIGURATION"; public const string CmdConfigDescription = "Configuration under which to build"; public const string CmdVersionSuffix = "VERSION_SUFFIX"; public const string CmdVersionSuffixDescription = "Defines what `*` should be replaced with in version field in project.json"; public const string CmdServiceableDescription = "Set the serviceable flag in the package"; public const string CmdArgumentProject = "PROJECT"; public const string CmdArgumentDescription = "The project to pack, defaults to the project file in the current directory. Can be a path to any project file"; } }