param( [string]$file = $(throw "Specify the full path to the file to be uploaded") ) function CheckRequiredVariables { if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:DOTNET_BUILD_VERSION)) { return $false } # this variable is set by the CI system if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:SASTOKEN)) { return $false } # this variable is set by the CI system if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:STORAGE_ACCOUNT)) { return $false } # this variable is set by the CI system if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:STORAGE_CONTAINER)) { return $false } # this variable is set by the CI system if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:CHANNEL)) { return $false } return $true } function UploadFile($Upload_URI, $Uploadfile) { Write-Host "Uploading $Uploadfile to dotnet feed to.." $statusCode = (Invoke-WebRequest -URI "$Upload_URI" -Method PUT -Headers @{"x-ms-blob-type"="BlockBlob"; "x-ms-date"="2015-10-23";"x-ms-version"="2013-08-15"} -InFile $Uploadfile).StatusCode if($statusCode -eq 201) { Write-Host "Successfully uploaded $Uploadfile to dotnet feed." return $true } else { Write-Host "Failed to upload $Uploadfile to dotnet feed." return $false } } function UploadBinaries($zipFile) { $result = -1 $fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($zipFile) $Upload_URI = "https://$$env:STORAGE_CONTAINER/$env:CHANNEL/Binaries/$env:DOTNET_BUILD_VERSION/$fileName$env:SASTOKEN" if(-Not (UploadFile $Upload_URI $zipFile)) { return -1 } Write-Host "Updating the latest dotnet binaries for windows.." $Upload_URI_Latest = "https://$$env:STORAGE_CONTAINER/$env:CHANNEL/Binaries/Latest/$env:SASTOKEN" if(-Not (UploadFile $Upload_URI_Latest $zipFile)) { return -1 } # update the index file too $indexContent = "Binaries/$env:DOTNET_BUILD_VERSION/$fileName" $indexFile = "$env:TEMP\" $indexContent | Out-File -FilePath $indexFile # upload the index file $Upload_URI = "https://$$env:STORAGE_CONTAINER/$env:CHANNEL/dnvm/$env:SASTOKEN" if(-Not (UploadFile $Upload_URI $indexFile)) { return -1 } return 0 } function UploadInstallers($msiFile) { $fileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($msiFile) $Upload_URI = "https://$$env:STORAGE_CONTAINER/$env:CHANNEL/Installers/$env:DOTNET_BUILD_VERSION/$fileName$env:SASTOKEN" if(-Not (UploadFile $Upload_URI $msiFile)) { return -1 } Write-Host "Updating the latest dotnet installer for windows.." $Upload_URI_Latest = "https://$$env:STORAGE_CONTAINER/$env:CHANNEL/Installers/Latest/dotnet-win-x64.latest.msi$env:SASTOKEN" if(-Not (UploadFile $Upload_URI_Latest $msiFile)) { return -1 } return 0 } if(!(CheckRequiredVariables)) { # fail silently if the required variables are not available for publishing the file exit 0 } if(![System.IO.File]::Exists($file)) { throw "$file not found" } $result = $false if([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($file).ToLower() -eq ".zip") { $result = UploadBinaries $file } elseif([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($file).ToLower() -eq ".msi") { $result = UploadInstallers $file } exit $result