@echo off REM This file encapsulates the temporary steps to build the dotnet-compile-native command successfully REM The AppDepSDK package is a temporary artifact until we have CoreRT assemblies published to Nuget set __ScriptDir=%~dp0 set __RepoRoot=%__ScriptDir%\..\.. set __AppDepsProjectDir=%__RepoRoot%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Compiler.Native\appdep REM Get absolute path pushd %1 set __OutputPath=%CD%\bin popd rmdir /S /Q %AppDepsProjectDir%\packages pushd %__AppDepsProjectDir% dotnet restore --packages %AppDepsProjectDir%\packages set __AppDepSDK=%AppDepsProjectDir%\packages\toolchain*\ popd mkdir %__OutputPath%\appdepsdk cd %__AppDepSDK% FOR /D %%a IN (*) DO ( CD %%a GOTO :Copy ) :Copy xcopy /S/E/H/Y * %__OutputPath%\appdepsdk