#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e SOURCE="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do # resolve $SOURCE until the file is no longer a symlink DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )" SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")" [[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE" # if $SOURCE was a relative symlink, we need to resolve it relative to the path where the symlink file was located done DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )" REPOROOT="$( cd -P "$DIR/.." && pwd )" source "$DIR/_common.sh" OUTPUT_ROOT=$REPOROOT/artifacts/$RID DNX_DIR=$OUTPUT_ROOT/dnx STAGE1_DIR=$OUTPUT_ROOT/stage1 STAGE2_DIR=$OUTPUT_ROOT/stage2 HOST_DIR=$OUTPUT_ROOT/corehost if ! type -p cmake >/dev/null; then error "cmake is required to build the native host 'corehost'" error "OS X w/Homebrew: 'brew install cmake'" error "Ubuntu: 'sudo apt-get install cmake'" exit 1 fi [ -z "$CONFIGURATION" ] && CONFIGURATION=Debug # TODO: Replace this with a dotnet generation TFM=dnxcore50 REPOROOT="$( cd -P "$DIR/.." && pwd )" START_PATH=$PATH banner "Installing stage0" [ -d "$HOME/.dotnet" ] || mkdir -p "$HOME/.dotnet" source $DIR/dnvm2.sh dnvm upgrade -a dotnet_stage0 DNX_ROOT="$(dirname $(which dotnet))/dnx" banner "Restoring packages" dotnet restore "$REPOROOT" --quiet --runtime "osx.10.10-x64" --runtime "ubuntu.14.04-x64" --runtime "win7-x64" # Clean up stage1 [ -d "$STAGE1_DIR" ] && rm -Rf "$STAGE1_DIR" banner "Building corehost" pushd "$REPOROOT/src/corehost" 2>&1 >/dev/null [ -d "cmake/$RID" ] || mkdir -p "cmake/$RID" cd "cmake/$RID" cmake ../.. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=$CONFIGURATION make # Publish to artifacts [ -d "$HOST_DIR" ] || mkdir -p $HOST_DIR cp "$REPOROOT/src/corehost/cmake/$RID/corehost" $HOST_DIR popd 2>&1 >/dev/null banner "Building stage1 using downloaded stage0" dotnet publish --framework "$TFM" --runtime $RID --output "$STAGE1_DIR" --configuration "$CONFIGURATION" "$REPOROOT/src/Microsoft.DotNet.Cli" dotnet publish --framework "$TFM" --runtime $RID --output "$STAGE1_DIR" --configuration "$CONFIGURATION" "$REPOROOT/src/Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Compiler" dotnet publish --framework "$TFM" --runtime $RID --output "$STAGE1_DIR" --configuration "$CONFIGURATION" "$REPOROOT/src/Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Compiler.Csc" dotnet publish --framework "$TFM" --runtime $RID --output "$STAGE1_DIR" --configuration "$CONFIGURATION" "$REPOROOT/src/Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Publish" dotnet publish --framework "$TFM" --runtime $RID --output "$STAGE1_DIR" --configuration "$CONFIGURATION" "$REPOROOT/src/Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Resgen" dotnet publish --framework "$TFM" --runtime $RID --output "$STAGE1_DIR" --configuration "$CONFIGURATION" "$REPOROOT/src/Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Run" # Deploy CLR host to the output cp "$HOST_DIR/corehost" "$STAGE1_DIR" # Add stage1 to the path and use it to build stage2 export PATH=$STAGE1_DIR:$START_PATH # Clean up stage2 [ -d "$STAGE2_DIR" ] && rm -Rf "$STAGE2_DIR" banner "Building stage2 dotnet using compiled stage1 ..." dotnet publish --framework "$TFM" --runtime $RID --output "$STAGE2_DIR" --configuration "$CONFIGURATION" "$REPOROOT/src/Microsoft.DotNet.Cli" dotnet publish --framework "$TFM" --runtime $RID --output "$STAGE2_DIR" --configuration "$CONFIGURATION" "$REPOROOT/src/Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Compiler" dotnet publish --framework "$TFM" --runtime $RID --output "$STAGE2_DIR" --configuration "$CONFIGURATION" "$REPOROOT/src/Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Compiler.Csc" dotnet publish --framework "$TFM" --runtime $RID --output "$STAGE2_DIR" --configuration "$CONFIGURATION" "$REPOROOT/src/Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Publish" dotnet publish --framework "$TFM" --runtime $RID --output "$STAGE2_DIR" --configuration "$CONFIGURATION" "$REPOROOT/src/Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Resgen" dotnet publish --framework "$TFM" --runtime $RID --output "$STAGE2_DIR" --configuration "$CONFIGURATION" "$REPOROOT/src/Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Run" echo "Crossgenning Roslyn compiler ..." $REPOROOT/scripts/crossgen/crossgen_roslyn.sh "$STAGE2_DIR" # Deploy CLR host to the output cp "$HOST_DIR/corehost" "$STAGE2_DIR" # Make Stage 2 Folder Accessible chmod -R a+r $REPOROOT # Copy DNX in to stage2 cp -R $DNX_ROOT $STAGE2_DIR/dnx # Copy and CHMOD the dotnet-restore script cp $DIR/dotnet-restore.sh $STAGE2_DIR/dotnet-restore chmod a+x $STAGE2_DIR/dotnet-restore # Stamp the output with the commit metadata COMMIT_ID=$(git rev-parse HEAD) echo $COMMIT_ID > $STAGE2_DIR/commit # Smoke-test the output banner "Testing stage2 ..." export PATH=$STAGE2_DIR:$START_PATH rm "$REPOROOT/test/TestApp/project.lock.json" dotnet restore "$REPOROOT/test/TestApp" --runtime "osx.10.10-x64" --runtime "ubuntu.14.04-x64" --runtime "win7-x64" dotnet compile "$REPOROOT/test/TestApp" --output "$REPOROOT/artifacts/$RID/smoketest" export CLRHOST_CLR_PATH=$STAGE2_DIR # set -e will abort if the exit code of this is non-zero $REPOROOT/artifacts/$RID/smoketest/TestApp # Check that a compiler error is reported set +e dotnet compile "$REPOROOT/test/compile/failing/SimpleCompilerError" --framework "$TFM" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null rc=$? if [ $rc == 0 ]; then error "Compiler failure test failed! The compiler did not fail to compile!" exit 1 fi set -e