# # Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. # param( [string]$Configuration="Debug", [switch]$Offline, [switch]$NoCache, [switch]$NoPackage) $ErrorActionPreference="Stop" . "$PSScriptRoot\..\common\_common.ps1" . "$RepoRoot\scripts\build\generate-version.ps1" header "Building dotnet tools version $($env:DOTNET_CLI_VERSION) - $Configuration" header "Checking Pre-Reqs" _ "$RepoRoot\scripts\test\check-prereqs.ps1" header "Restoring Tools and Packages" if ($Offline){ info "Skipping Tools and Packages dowlnoad: Offline build" } else { _ "$RepoRoot\scripts\obtain\install-tools.ps1" _ "$RepoRoot\scripts\build\restore-packages.ps1" @("$NoCache") } header "Compiling" _ "$RepoRoot\scripts\compile\compile.ps1" @("$Configuration") header "Setting Stage2 as PATH and DOTNET_TOOLS" setPathAndHome "$Stage2Dir" header "Running Tests" _ "$RepoRoot\scripts\test\runtests.ps1" header "Validating Dependencies" _ "$RepoRoot\scripts\test\validate-dependencies.ps1" if ($NoPackage){ info "Skipping Packaging" exit 0 } else { _ "$RepoRoot\scripts\package\package.ps1" }