@echo off setlocal REM This trick gets the absolute path from a relative path pushd %~dp0.. set REPOROOT=%CD% popd set RID=win7-x64 set TFM=dnxcore50 set DNX_DIR=%REPOROOT%\artifacts\%RID%\dnx set STAGE1_DIR=%REPOROOT%\artifacts\%RID%\stage1 set STAGE2_DIR=%REPOROOT%\artifacts\%RID%\stage2 set HOST_DIR=%REPOROOT%\artifacts\%RID%\corehost set START_PATH=%PATH% if "%CONFIGURATION%" equ "" set CONFIGURATION=Debug call %~dp0dnvm2.cmd upgrade -a dotnet_stage0 if errorlevel 1 goto fail REM Gross! But CMD has no other way to do this :( where dotnet > "%temp%\dotnet-cli-build-temp.tmp" set /P DOTNET_PATH= < "%temp%\dotnet-cli-build-temp.tmp" pushd "%DOTNET_PATH%\.." set STAGE0_DIR=%CD% set DNX_ROOT=%STAGE0_DIR%\dnx popd echo Building corehost set CMAKE_OUTPUT=%~dp0..\src\corehost\cmake if not exist "%CMAKE_OUTPUT%" mkdir "%CMAKE_OUTPUT%" pushd "%CMAKE_OUTPUT%" cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel% "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /p:Configuration="%CONFIGURATION%" if exist "%HOST_DIR%" rd /s /q "%HOST_DIR%" mkdir "%HOST_DIR%" copy "%CONFIGURATION%\*" "%HOST_DIR%" popd if exist "%STAGE1_DIR%" rd /s /q "%STAGE1_DIR%" echo Running 'dotnet restore' to restore packages call dotnet restore "%REPOROOT%" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building basic dotnet tools using older dotnet SDK version echo Building stage1 dotnet.exe ... dotnet publish --framework "%TFM%" --runtime "%RID%" --output "%STAGE1_DIR%" --configuration "%CONFIGURATION%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Cli" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage1 dotnet-compile.exe ... dotnet publish --framework "%TFM%" --runtime "%RID%" --output "%STAGE1_DIR%" --configuration "%CONFIGURATION%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Compiler" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage1 dotnet-compile-csc.exe ... dotnet publish --framework "%TFM%" --runtime "%RID%" --output "%STAGE1_DIR%" --configuration "%CONFIGURATION%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Compiler.Csc" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage1 dotnet-publish.exe ... dotnet publish --framework "%TFM%" --runtime "%RID%" --output "%STAGE1_DIR%" --configuration "%CONFIGURATION%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Publish" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage1 dotnet-publish.exe ... dotnet publish --framework "%TFM%" --runtime "%RID%" --output "%STAGE1_DIR%" --configuration "%CONFIGURATION%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Resgen" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage1 dotnet-run.exe ... dotnet publish --framework "%TFM%" --runtime "%RID%" --output "%STAGE1_DIR%" --configuration "%CONFIGURATION%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Run" if errorlevel 1 goto fail REM deploy corehost.exe to the output copy "%HOST_DIR%\corehost.exe" "%STAGE1_DIR%" if errorlevel 1 goto fail if exist "%HOST_DIR%\corehost.pdb" copy "%HOST_DIR%\corehost.pdb" "%STAGE1_DIR%" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Re-building dotnet tools with the bootstrapped version REM This should move into a proper build script of some kind once we are bootstrapped set PATH=%STAGE1_DIR%;%START_PATH% if exist %STAGE2_DIR% rd /s /q %STAGE2_DIR% echo Building stage2 dotnet.exe ... dotnet publish --framework "%TFM%" --runtime "%RID%" --output "%STAGE2_DIR%" --configuration "%CONFIGURATION%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Cli" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage2 dotnet-compile.exe ... dotnet publish --framework "%TFM%" --runtime "%RID%" --output "%STAGE2_DIR%" --configuration "%CONFIGURATION%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Compiler" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage2 dotnet-compile-csc.exe ... dotnet publish --framework "%TFM%" --runtime "%RID%" --output "%STAGE2_DIR%" --configuration "%CONFIGURATION%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Compiler.Csc" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage2 dotnet-publish.exe ... dotnet publish --framework "%TFM%" --runtime "%RID%" --output "%STAGE2_DIR%" --configuration "%CONFIGURATION%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Publish" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage2 dotnet-publish.exe ... dotnet publish --framework "%TFM%" --runtime "%RID%" --output "%STAGE2_DIR%" --configuration "%CONFIGURATION%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Resgen" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage2 dotnet-run.exe ... dotnet publish --framework "%TFM%" --runtime "%RID%" --output "%STAGE2_DIR%" --configuration "%CONFIGURATION%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Run" if errorlevel 1 goto fail REM deploy corehost.exe to the output copy "%HOST_DIR%\corehost.exe" "%STAGE2_DIR%" if errorlevel 1 goto fail if exist "%HOST_DIR%\corehost.pdb" copy "%HOST_DIR%\corehost.pdb" "%STAGE2_DIR%" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Crossgening Roslyn compiler ... call "%~dp0crossgen\crossgen_roslyn.cmd" "%STAGE2_DIR%" if errorlevel 1 goto fail REM Copy DNX in to stage2 xcopy /s /q "%DNX_ROOT%" "%STAGE2_DIR%\dnx\" REM Copy the dotnet-restore script copy "%~dp0dotnet-restore.cmd" "%STAGE2_DIR%\dotnet-restore.cmd" REM Smoke-test the output set PATH=%STAGE2_DIR%;%START_PATH% del "%REPOROOT%\test\TestApp\project.lock.json" dotnet restore "%REPOROOT%\test\TestApp" --runtime "%RID%" --quiet dotnet compile "%REPOROOT%\test\TestApp" --output "%REPOROOT%\artifacts\%RID%\smoketest" set CLRHOST_CLR_PATH=%STAGE2_DIR% "%REPOROOT%\artifacts\%RID%\smoketest\TestApp" 2>nul >nul if errorlevel 1 goto fail REM Check that a compiler error is reported dotnet compile "%REPOROOT%\test\compile\failing\SimpleCompilerError" --framework "%TFM%" >nul 2>nul if %errorlevel% == 0 goto fail echo Bootstrapped dotnet to %STAGE2_DIR% goto end :fail echo Bootstrapping failed exit /B 1 :end exit /B 0