#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. # # This script is used to test the debian package after it's creation. # The package tool will drop it next to the .deb file it creates. # Environment Variables: # LAST_VERSION_URL: Url for last version .deb (to test upgrades) [required for upgrade test] #Ensure running with superuser privileges current_user=$(whoami) if [ $current_user != "root" ]; then echo "WARNING: test_package.bats requires superuser privileges to run, trying sudo..." SUDO_PREFIX="sudo" fi setup(){ DIR="$BATS_TEST_DIRNAME" PACKAGE_FILENAME="$(ls $DIR | grep .deb -m 1)" PACKAGE_PATH="$DIR/*.deb" # Get Package name from package path, PACKAGE_NAME=${PACKAGE_FILENAME%%_*} } install_package(){ $SUDO_PREFIX dpkg -i $PACKAGE_PATH } remove_package(){ $SUDO_PREFIX dpkg -r $PACKAGE_NAME } purge_package(){ $SUDO_PREFIX dpkg -P $PACKAGE_NAME } install_last_version(){ $SUDO_PREFIX dpkg -i "$DIR/last_version.deb" } download_and_install_last_version(){ curl "$LAST_VERSION_URL" -o "$DIR/last_version.deb" install_last_version } delete_last_version(){ rm -f "$DIR/last_version.deb" } teardown(){ delete_last_version } @test "package install + removal test" { install_package remove_package } @test "package install + purge test" { install_package purge_package } # Ultimate Package Test # https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/checkit.en.html#pmaintscripts @test "package install + upgrade + purge + install + remove + install + purge test" { if [ ! -z "$LAST_VERSION_URL" ]; then download_and_install_last_version install_package purge_package install_package remove_package install_package purge_package fi }