@echo off setlocal REM Build 'dotnet' using a version of itself hosted on the DNX REM The output of this is independent of DNX REM This trick gets the absolute path from a relative path pushd %~dp0.. set REPOROOT=%CD% popd set STAGE0_DIR=%REPOROOT%\artifacts\stage0 set STAGE1_DIR=%REPOROOT%\artifacts\stage1 set STAGE2_DIR=%REPOROOT%\artifacts\stage2 set RID=win7-x64 set OUTPUT_ROOT=%REPOROOT%\artifacts\%RID% set DOTNET_CLR_HOSTS_PATH=%REPOROOT%\ext\CLRHost\%RID% where dnvm >nul 2>nul if %errorlevel% == 0 goto have_dnvm REM download dnvm echo Installing dnvm (DNU is needed to bootstrap currently for package restore) ... powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "&{$Branch='dev';$wc=New-Object System.Net.WebClient;$wc.Proxy=[System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy;$wc.Proxy.Credentials=[System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials;Invoke-Expression ($wc.DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aspnet/Home/dev/dnvminstall.ps1'))}" :have_dnvm echo Installing and use-ing the latest CoreCLR x64 DNX ... call dnvm install -u latest -r coreclr -arch x64 -alias dotnet_bootstrap if errorlevel 1 goto fail call dnvm use dotnet_bootstrap -r coreclr -arch x64 if errorlevel 1 goto fail if exist %STAGE1_DIR% rd /s /q %STAGE1_DIR% echo Running 'dnu restore' to restore packages for DNX-hosted projects call dnu restore "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Cli" if errorlevel 1 goto fail call dnu restore "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Compiler" if errorlevel 1 goto fail call dnu restore "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Publish" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building basic dotnet tools using older dotnet SDK version set DOTNET_HOME=%STAGE0_DIR% call %~dp0dnvm2 upgrade if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage1 dotnet.exe ... dotnet --framework dnxcore50 --runtime %RID% --output "%STAGE1_DIR%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Cli" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage1 dotnet-compile.exe ... dotnet --framework dnxcore50 --runtime %RID% --output "%STAGE1_DIR%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Compiler" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage1 dotnet-publish.exe ... dotnet --framework dnxcore50 --runtime %RID% --output "%STAGE1_DIR%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Publish" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Re-building dotnet tools with the bootstrapped version REM This should move into a proper build script of some kind once we are bootstrapped set PATH=%STAGE1_DIR%;%PATH% if exist %STAGE2_DIR% rd /s /q %STAGE2_DIR% REM No longer need our special CoreConsole set DOTNET_CLR_HOSTS_PATH= echo Building stage2 dotnet.exe ... dotnet publish --framework dnxcore50 --runtime %RID% --output "%STAGE2_DIR%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Cli" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage2 dotnet-compile.exe ... dotnet publish --framework dnxcore50 --runtime %RID% --output "%STAGE2_DIR%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Compiler" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building stage2 dotnet-publish.exe ... dotnet publish --framework dnxcore50 --runtime %RID% --output "%STAGE2_DIR%" "%REPOROOT%\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Publish" if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Bootstrapped dotnet to %STAGE2_DIR% popd goto end :fail echo Bootstrapping failed... exit /B 1 :end