// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using FluentAssertions; using Microsoft.DotNet.Cli; using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.Utilities; using Xunit; namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Tests.Commands { public class CompleteCommandTests : TestBase { [Fact] public void GivenOnlyDotnetItSuggestsTopLevelCommandsAndOptions() { var expected = new string[] { "--diagnostics", "--help", "--info", "--list-runtimes", "--list-sdks", "--version", "-d", "-h", "add", "build", "build-server", "clean", "help", "list", "migrate", "msbuild", "new", "nuget", "pack", "publish", "remove", "restore", "run", "sln", "store", "test", "tool", "vstest" }; var reporter = new BufferedReporter(); CompleteCommand.RunWithReporter(new[] { "dotnet " }, reporter).Should().Be(0); reporter.Lines.Should().Equal(expected.OrderBy(c => c)); } [Fact] public void GivenASlashItSuggestsTopLevelOptions() { var expected = new string[] { "--diagnostics", "--help", "--info", "--list-runtimes", "--list-sdks", "--version", "-d", "-h", "build-server" // This should be removed when completion is based on "starts with" rather than "contains". // See https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/8958. }; var reporter = new BufferedReporter(); CompleteCommand.RunWithReporter(new[] { "dotnet -" }, reporter).Should().Be(0); reporter.Lines.Should().Equal(expected.OrderBy(c => c)); } [Fact] public void GivenNewCommandItDisplaysCompletions() { var expected = new string[] { "--force", "--help", "--install", "--language", "--list", "--name", "--nuget-source", "--output", "--type", "--uninstall", "-h", "-i", "-l", "-lang", "-n", "-o", "-u" }; var reporter = new BufferedReporter(); CompleteCommand.RunWithReporter(new[] { "dotnet new " }, reporter).Should().Be(0); reporter.Lines.Should().Equal(expected.OrderBy(c => c)); } [Fact] public void GivenNuGetCommandItDisplaysCompletions() { var expected = new string[] { "--help", "--verbosity", "--version", "-h", "-v", "delete", "locals", "push", }; var reporter = new BufferedReporter(); CompleteCommand.RunWithReporter(new[] { "dotnet nuget " }, reporter).Should().Be(0); reporter.Lines.Should().Equal(expected.OrderBy(c => c)); } [Fact] public void GivenNuGetDeleteCommandItDisplaysCompletions() { var expected = new string[] { "--api-key", "--force-english-output", "--help", "--no-service-endpoint", "--non-interactive", "--source", "-h", "-k", "-s" }; var reporter = new BufferedReporter(); CompleteCommand.RunWithReporter(new[] { "dotnet nuget delete " }, reporter).Should().Be(0); reporter.Lines.Should().Equal(expected.OrderBy(c => c)); } [Fact] public void GivenNuGetLocalsCommandItDisplaysCompletions() { var expected = new string[] { "--clear", "--force-english-output", "--help", "--list", "-c", "-h", "-l", "all", "global-packages", "http-cache", "temp" }; var reporter = new BufferedReporter(); CompleteCommand.RunWithReporter(new[] { "dotnet nuget locals " }, reporter).Should().Be(0); reporter.Lines.Should().Equal(expected.OrderBy(c => c)); } [Fact] public void GivenNuGetPushCommandItDisplaysCompletions() { var expected = new string[] { "--api-key", "--disable-buffering", "--force-english-output", "--help", "--no-service-endpoint", "--no-symbols", "--source", "--symbol-api-key", "--symbol-source", "--timeout", "-d", "-h", "-k", "-n", "-s", "-sk", "-ss", "-t" }; var reporter = new BufferedReporter(); CompleteCommand.RunWithReporter(new[] { "dotnet nuget push " }, reporter).Should().Be(0); reporter.Lines.Should().Equal(expected.OrderBy(c => c)); } } }