using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Xml.Linq; using FluentAssertions; using Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions; using Microsoft.DotNet.TestFramework; using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.Utilities; using NuGet.ProjectModel; using NuGet.Versioning; using Xunit; namespace EndToEnd { public class GivenFrameworkDependentApps : TestBase { [Theory] [ClassData(typeof(SupportedNetCoreAppVersions))] public void ItDoesNotRollForwardToTheLatestVersion(string minorVersion) { var _testInstance = TestAssets.Get("TestAppSimple") .CreateInstance(identifier: minorVersion) // scope the feed to only dotnet-core feed to avoid flaky when different feed has a newer / lower version .WithNuGetConfig(new RepoDirectoriesProvider().TestPackages) .WithSourceFiles(); string projectDirectory = _testInstance.Root.FullName; string projectPath = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "TestAppSimple.csproj"); var project = XDocument.Load(projectPath); var ns = project.Root.Name.Namespace; // Update TargetFramework to the right version of .NET Core project.Root.Element(ns + "PropertyGroup") .Element(ns + "TargetFramework") .Value = "netcoreapp" + minorVersion; project.Save(projectPath); // Get the resolved version of .NET Core new RestoreCommand() .WithWorkingDirectory(projectDirectory) .Execute() .Should().Pass(); string assetsFilePath = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "obj", "project.assets.json"); var assetsFile = new LockFileFormat().Read(assetsFilePath); var versionInAssertsJson = GetNetCoreAppVersion(assetsFile); versionInAssertsJson.Should().NotBeNull(); if (versionInAssertsJson.IsPrerelease && versionInAssertsJson.Patch == 0) { // if the bundled version is, for example, a prerelease of // .NET Core 2.1.1, that we don't roll forward to that prerelease // version for framework-dependent deployments. return; } versionInAssertsJson.ToNormalizedString().Should().BeEquivalentTo(GetExpectedVersion(minorVersion)); } private NuGetVersion GetNetCoreAppVersion(LockFile lockFile) { return lockFile?.Targets?.SingleOrDefault(t => t.RuntimeIdentifier == null) ?.Libraries?.SingleOrDefault(l => string.Compare(l.Name, "Microsoft.NETCore.App", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) ?.Version; } public string GetExpectedVersion(string minorVersion) { if (minorVersion.StartsWith("1.0")) { return "1.0.5"; // special case for 1.0 } else if (minorVersion.StartsWith("1.1")) { return "1.1.2"; // special case for 1.1 } else { var parsed = NuGetVersion.Parse(minorVersion); return new NuGetVersion(parsed.Major, parsed.Minor, 0).ToNormalizedString(); } } } }