# # Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. # param([string]$Configuration = "Debug", [switch]$Offline) $ErrorActionPreference="Stop" . $PSScriptRoot\_common.ps1 # Capture PATH for later $StartPath = $env:PATH $StartDotNetHome = $env:DOTNET_HOME try { # Check prereqs if (!(Get-Command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue cmake)) { throw @" cmake is required to build the native host 'corehost'" Download it from https://www.cmake.org "@ } if($Offline){ Write-Host "Skipping Stage 0, Dnx, and Packages dowlnoad: Offline build" } else { # Install a stage 0 header "Installing dotnet stage 0" & "$PSScriptRoot\install.ps1" if (!$?) { Write-Host "Command failed: $PSScriptRoot\install.ps1" Exit 1 } # Put stage 0 on the path $DotNetTools = $env:DOTNET_INSTALL_DIR if (!$DotNetTools) { $DotNetTools = "$($env:LOCALAPPDATA)\Microsoft\dotnet" } # Download dnx to copy to stage2 if ((Test-Path "$DnxDir")) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $DnxDir } mkdir "$DnxDir" | Out-Null $DnxUrl="https://api.nuget.org/packages/dnx-coreclr-win-x64.$DnxVersion.nupkg" Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "$DnxUrl" -OutFile "$DnxDir\dnx.zip" Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem | Out-Null [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory("$DnxDir\dnx.zip", "$DnxDir") $DnxRoot = "$DnxDir/bin" # Restore packages header "Restoring packages" & "$DnxRoot\dnu" restore "$RepoRoot" --quiet --runtime "osx.10.10-x64" --runtime "ubuntu.14.04-x64" --runtime "win7-x64" --no-cache if (!$?) { Write-Host "Command failed: " dotnet restore "$RepoRoot" --quiet --runtime "osx.10.10-x64" --runtime "ubuntu.14.04-x64" --runtime "win7-x64" --no-cache Exit 1 } } header "Building corehost" pushd "$RepoRoot\src\corehost" try { if (!(Test-Path "cmake\$Rid")) { mkdir "cmake\$Rid" | Out-Null } cd "cmake\$Rid" cmake ..\.. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" $pf = $env:ProgramFiles if (Test-Path "env:\ProgramFiles(x86)") { $pf = (cat "env:\ProgramFiles(x86)") } & "$pf\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /p:Configuration="$Configuration" if (!$?) { Write-Host "Command failed: $pf\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /p:Configuration="$Configuration" Exit 1 } if (!(Test-Path $HostDir)) { mkdir $HostDir | Out-Null } cp "$RepoRoot\src\corehost\cmake\$Rid\$Configuration\corehost.exe" $HostDir if (Test-Path "$RepoRoot\src\corehost\cmake\$Rid\$Configuration\corehost.pdb") { cp "$RepoRoot\src\corehost\cmake\$Rid\$Configuration\corehost.pdb" $HostDir } } finally { popd } # Build Stage 1 header "Building stage1 dotnet using downloaded stage0 ..." & "$PSScriptRoot\build\build-stage.ps1" -Tfm:$Tfm -Rid:$Rid -Configuration:$Configuration -OutputDir:$Stage1Dir -RepoRoot:$RepoRoot -HostDir:$HostDir if (!$?) { Write-Host "Command failed: $PSScriptRoot\build\build-stage.ps1" -Tfm:$Tfm -Rid:$Rid -Configuration:$Configuration -OutputDir:$Stage1Dir -RepoRoot:$RepoRoot -HostDir:$HostDir Exit 1 } # Build Stage 2 using Stage 1 $env:PATH = "$Stage1Dir\bin;$StartPath" header "Building stage2 dotnet using just-built stage1 ..." & "$PSScriptRoot\build\build-stage.ps1" -Tfm:$Tfm -Rid:$Rid -Configuration:$Configuration -OutputDir:$Stage2Dir -RepoRoot:$RepoRoot -HostDir:$HostDir if (!$?) { Write-Host "Command failed: $PSScriptRoot\build\build-stage.ps1" -Tfm:$Tfm -Rid:$Rid -Configuration:$Configuration -OutputDir:$Stage2Dir -RepoRoot:$RepoRoot -HostDir:$HostDir Exit 1 } # Crossgen Roslyn header "Crossgening Roslyn compiler ..." cmd /c "$PSScriptRoot\crossgen\crossgen_roslyn.cmd" "$Stage2Dir" if (!$?) { Write-Host "Command failed: " cmd /c "$PSScriptRoot\crossgen\crossgen_roslyn.cmd" "$Stage2Dir" Exit 1 } # Copy dnx into stage 2 cp -rec "$DnxRoot\" "$Stage2Dir\bin\dnx\" # Copy in the dotnet-restore script cp "$PSScriptRoot\dotnet-restore.cmd" "$Stage2Dir\bin\dotnet-restore.cmd" # Copy in AppDeps $env:PATH = "$Stage2Dir\bin;$StartPath" header "Acquiring Native App Dependencies" cmd /c "$PSScriptRoot\build\build_appdeps.cmd" "$Stage2Dir" if (!$?) { Write-Host "Command failed: " cmd /c "$PSScriptRoot\build\build_appdeps.cmd" "$Stage2Dir" Exit 1 } $env:DOTNET_HOME = "$Stage2Dir" # Run tests on stage2 dotnet tools & "$PSScriptRoot\test\runtests.ps1" if (!$?) { Write-Host "Command failed: $PSScriptRoot\test\runtests.ps1" Exit 1 } # Run Validation for Project.json dependencies dotnet publish $RepoRoot\tools\MultiProjectValidator -o $Stage2Dir\..\tools & "$Stage2Dir\..\tools\pjvalidate" "$RepoRoot\src" # TODO For release builds, this should be uncommented and fail. # if (!$?) { # Write-Host "Project Validation Failed" # Exit 1 # } } finally { $env:PATH = $StartPath $env:DOTNET_HOME = $StartDotNetHome }