parameters: # See schema documentation in /Documentation/AzureDevOps/ continueOnError: false # Optional: Include PublishBuildArtifacts task enablePublishBuildArtifacts: false # Optional: Enable publishing using release pipelines enablePublishUsingPipelines: false # Optional: Disable component governance detection. In general, component governance # should be on for all jobs. Use only in the event of issues. disableComponentGovernance: false # Optional: Enable running the source-build jobs to build repo from source enableSourceBuild: false # Optional: Parameters for source-build template. # See /eng/common/templates/jobs/source-build.yml for options sourceBuildParameters: [] graphFileGeneration: # Optional: Enable generating the graph files at the end of the build enabled: false # Optional: Include toolset dependencies in the generated graph files includeToolset: false # Required: A collection of jobs to run - jobs: [] # Optional: Override automatically derived dependsOn value for "publish build assets" job publishBuildAssetsDependsOn: '' # Optional: should run as a public build even in the internal project # if 'true', the build won't run any of the internal only steps, even if it is running in non-public projects. runAsPublic: false enableSourceIndex: false sourceIndexParams: {} # Internal resources (telemetry, microbuild) can only be accessed from non-public projects, # and some (Microbuild) should only be applied to non-PR cases for internal builds. jobs: - ${{ each job in }}: - template: ../job/job.yml parameters: # pass along parameters ${{ each parameter in parameters }}: ${{ if ne(parameter.key, 'jobs') }}: ${{ parameter.key }}: ${{ parameter.value }} # pass along job properties ${{ each property in job }}: ${{ if ne(property.key, 'job') }}: ${{ property.key }}: ${{ property.value }} name: ${{ job.job }} - ${{ if eq(parameters.enableSourceBuild, true) }}: - template: /eng/common/templates/jobs/source-build.yml parameters: allCompletedJobId: Source_Build_Complete ${{ each parameter in parameters.sourceBuildParameters }}: ${{ parameter.key }}: ${{ parameter.value }} - ${{ if eq(parameters.enableSourceIndex, 'true') }}: - template: ../job/source-index-stage1.yml parameters: runAsPublic: ${{ parameters.runAsPublic }} ${{ each parameter in parameters.sourceIndexParams }}: ${{ parameter.key }}: ${{ parameter.value }} - ${{ if and(eq(parameters.runAsPublic, 'false'), ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}: - ${{ if or(eq(parameters.enablePublishBuildAssets, true), eq(parameters.artifacts.publish.manifests, 'true'), ne(parameters.artifacts.publish.manifests, '')) }}: - template: ../job/publish-build-assets.yml parameters: continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }} dependsOn: - ${{ if ne(parameters.publishBuildAssetsDependsOn, '') }}: - ${{ each job in parameters.publishBuildAssetsDependsOn }}: - ${{ job.job }} - ${{ if eq(parameters.publishBuildAssetsDependsOn, '') }}: - ${{ each job in }}: - ${{ job.job }} - ${{ if eq(parameters.enableSourceBuild, true) }}: - Source_Build_Complete pool: # We don't use the collection uri here because it might vary ( vs. ${{ if eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'DevDiv') }}: name: VSEngSS-MicroBuild2022-1ES demands: Cmd # If it's not devdiv, it's dnceng ${{ if ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'DevDiv') }}: name: NetCore1ESPool-Internal demands: ImageOverride -equals Build.Server.Amd64.VS2019 runAsPublic: ${{ parameters.runAsPublic }} publishUsingPipelines: ${{ parameters.enablePublishUsingPipelines }} enablePublishBuildArtifacts: ${{ parameters.enablePublishBuildArtifacts }}